
After Transmigrating into a Cannon Fodder Character in the 1980s, I Trash Them All

Su Hanyan transmigrates into a novel set in the industrialization period. She becomes a cannon fodder side character - one with a weak personality, who is always being bullied by others and often used as an unlucky sacrificial lamb by the novel's main characters! In the novel, her 'fantastic' mother favors boys over girls. Carrying the mindset of 'sacrificing her daughter's life for the happiness of the family, she is made to give up her job for the female lead and that marks the start of her tragic life. Her family bleeds her dry, just like the female lead. She goes after the same guy as the female lead despite being abused by her husband. It can't be any worse. After recapping the entire story, Su Hanyan tears the script into shreds. There's no way she's going to be cannon fodder! She was never a coward! To deal with these heartless people, she has only one thought. She cannot let them have their way! In two words, f*ck them! Enter the young and talented surgeon, Jin Chen. His looks, capabilities, and family background are top class. He's cold and proud. Many women have tried to woo him but no one has caught his eye. This continues until one day—the usually indifferent Dr. Jin directs his warm and adoring gaze towards a young lady and says, "Anything Yanyan says goes!" Everyone is stunned. How did this random stray from the Su family get you into her hands? "Woo her!" Jin Chen smiles brightly. "I was the one who wooed her. The secret is to be shameless!"

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916 Chs

A Drama Queen

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"Oh, Yanyan has really grown up! She's more sensible now! Dajiang and Guiqin are so lucky!"

"That's right, that's right. This child was ruined by Wei Guiqin. She really didn't get any good treatment from her own mother. Now that Su Dajiang is back, her hard life should come to an end, right?"


Wei Guiqin was preparing vegetables in the kitchen when she heard the whispers in the courtyard about their mother-daughter relationship and felt incredibly annoyed.

She ruthlessly plucked a bunch of celery leaves and threw them into the basin. She uttered fiercely, "How is that little ingrate treating me well? Does she even see me as her mother? They're really blind—all of them are blind!"

Su Hanyan carried lots of delicious food into the house. Today, the house was unusually quiet. Apart from her father who was lying in bed, there was no one else.

"Dad, are you feeling better?" She walked over and asked.

"Much better, much better!" Seeing that his youngest daughter had returned, Su Dajiang struggled to push himself up.

Su Hanyan hurriedly put down the things in her hands and stepped forward to help him up. She placed a pillow behind his waist and asked, "Where's everyone else? Why are you alone?"

"Your eldest brother brought your sister-in-law and Tongtong to his father-in-law's house. It's his father-in-law's birthday today, so it's not good if they don't go. Your third brother is working overtime at the factory and will be back for lunch. Your mother is in the kitchen; I asked her to whip up something delicious. Let's all chat at the table later," said her father.

"Sure." She nodded and stood up to get the netted bag she had brought. She took out a box of tea leaves and said, "Dad, this is for you. I know that you like to drink tea. When you recover, you can brew and drink it."

"Yanyan is still the filial one, remembering what I like." Su Dajiang seemed to have received a treasure and looked like he could not bear to put the gift down.

"I also bought three catties of pork ribs. I'll make nourishing pork ribs soup for you to eat at lunch."

As she was speaking, Wei Guiqin walked in. When she saw that Su Hanyan had bought pork ribs, her face immediately fell. "You don't know how to live a life. Other people buy pork belly because it tastes good, but you bought a bunch of bones back! You're really dumb!"

With that said, she took the meat and saw that it was all lean parts. Her heart ached so much it felt like it was being pricked by needles.

"It's all lean meat. How can this be delicious? Tsk… What a pity!"

"What's there to pity?" Su Hanyan thought that she had made a pretty good purchase. "The rib is the most fragrant part of a pig. After eating the meat, you can use the bones to make broth. It's best to nourish dad's body. I bought it for him, not you!"

"You ingrate, why did I suffer so much to give birth to you back then? I should've strangled you to death and thrown you into a smelly ditch to feed the mice!" said Wei Guiqin through gritted teeth.

Su Dajiang did not like what he heard. He frowned and criticized his wife. "Is she not your biological daughter? Why do you always talk to her as if she's your enemy?"

Su Hanyan took the opportunity to complain to her father. "Dad, do you know what kind of life I've been living all these years? You're finally back. If you hadn't come back, they would've already sold me!"

Wei Guiqin wanted to retch. She pointed at her daughter's nose and scolded, "Where did you learn to do this? You've become a drama queen! Speak properly. Your skin seems to be itchy. Does it want to have a taste of the feather duster?!"

"Dad, you saw it for yourself…" Su Hanyan pursed her lips, wishing that she could squeeze out two drops of tears.

Unfortunately, these tears were too difficult for her to shed.

"Guiqin, you…"

Seeing that her husband was about to reprimand her again, the woman hurriedly interrupted him. She turned to her daughter and said, "Alright, that's enough! Let's get down to business. Bring your dad to the hospital so the stitches can be removed and the doctor can see if there are any more problems!"