
Emperor arrived in his loyal Paris today (please subscribe)_3


"Just a cone, I'm not picky about the flavor, you choose."

Huang Kaiwen said with a smile.


The boss, intent on showing off in front of a first-team star, put on quite a performance.

His hands were a blur of motion.

Not just the two kids, even Huang Kaiwen found the display fascinating.

Indeed, mastery in any field has its own set of tricks.

Watching the boss constantly scoop ice cream onto the plate, a pattern began to take shape.

The Young Master was so eager, he wished he could dive into the display case and start eating straight away.

The second son's expression was similar, swallowing hard as he watched.

What child can resist ice cream?

Especially beautiful, delicious handcrafted ice cream!

It didn't take long.

The boss soon brought over the ice cream.

Huang Kaiwen's cone was also quite pretty.

The Young Master's was an extra-large banana split, with details so well crafted, it looked like something out of an animated dream.