
After reborn, I became the Butler of the Count’s tsundere daughter

After I died, the woman who called herself a goddess summoned me to her side and sent me to isekai to be reincarnated. She said that earth is her world and my existence here makes her sick. So far everything was normal, according to our agreement I would even have a system after I was reincarnated. But why is my system named the butler system? Anyway, I'll forgive the goddess for choosing such a beautiful mother for me. Ehehehehe ------- one year later Well, it was obvious this was going to be like this. If you ignore something as important as cleaning a wound before bandaging it, of course the wound will infect. What can a simple village pharmacist do with a huge wound this close to the heart? It's too late ... What the fuck is that light coming out of the old woman's hand? ------- four years later "I want you to be my personal butler, Yuto" Isn't that supposed to be a choice, you little bitch? How can you say it's a free choice when there's a man behind me waiting to kill me the moment I refuse? Should I use my teleport ability to get out of here? [ Your five-year time limit has expired, if you want to continue using the system, please become a real butler as soon as possible ] There's a lot of pressure on me... Anyway, I'll just be a bit of a butler, what's the most that can happen? ------- main tag- comedy-isekai warning - even if the tags say harem, the harem is something that will be revealed later in the story. ( not the brainless harem ) ------ Arc I- reincarnation / 1~12 Arc II- Being a Butler / 13~35 Arc III- Blessing / 36~41 Arc IV- a noble... / 42~54 Arc V- An ordinary? day for the Ironblood family / 55~71 Arc VI- Puclic auction and banquet night / 72~116 Arc VII- The Emperor level training battle / 117~130 Arc VIII- Separation / 131~150 Arc IX- The ruthless hunter of the dark seas / 151~??? ------ Total words 190k The gramer quality of the first 45 chapters is dropping in some parts. I am working on it. (17/45 complate) New chapters will arrive in September.

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153 Chs

Shizune Vi Ironblood

When I listened to the conversation between these five bandits from behind a wall that stood alone and was probably part of what used to be a building, I was sure that they were only a group of five. Now that I didn't have to calculate the behavior of other bandits who might suddenly appear, I prepared to start the attack, or rather the rescue operation.

I was perhaps a bit reckless in wanting to attack them directly, after all, they were a group of bandits who were not afraid to kidnap people. Maybe it was stupid to look at the swords hanging from their waists and think that I could easily crush them with magic, but that's just me, that's who I am, I'm confident in fighting and I have the teleportation skills to do it.

Just in case, I waited until the bandits gathered together and shared the gold in a gold bag. The little girl with pink hair was left, bound hand and foot, in the corner of a wall in the ruins. When I saw the bandits all gathered in a small area, I knew it was my turn to play

I was about to use a powerful high level magic to kill 5 bandits together and I remembered that I was only 4 years old and I had a secret that no one knew.

Of course, the secret was that I was a powerful sorcerer at the age of four.

Even though I think I could kill 5 bandits with one magic spell, I didn't want the little girl in the corner, who was trying to sneak away with her hands untied, to see that I was using magic, so I stood there for a while waiting for the bandits to notice her behavior and knock her out again, but my expectation didn't bear any fruit.

As time passed, I got tired of waiting and tried to come up with an alternative plan because there were still things I had to do, however trivial they might be...

In the end, the only alternative solution I could think of was to use the six-star sword technique I had acquired in the past to defeat the bandits.

A few days after I had first acquired this sword technique, I practiced it a bit, thinking that it would give me some exercise, or rather, I practiced the basic sword swings written on the first few pages.

To attack the bandits relying only on my swordsmanship is probably a suicidal act. So I secretly activated a high-level cursed field magic to weaken them.

The black magic circle, reinforced by the magic circle concealment magic, was positioned to cover the entire ruins, centered under my feet.

Using the only cloth I could find from my storage space, I covered my face, leaving my eyes uncovered, and with slow steps I emerged from behind the wall that, despite having lost all its friends, stood alone, a universal symbol of loneliness.

It was not possible for a little girl who had been kidnapped by a group of bandits to remember in detail the eyes of a masked boy while she was terrified. Probably...

[ Congratulations you have a new side mission

Mission content : defeat the human traffickers

Mission reward : 20 types of mid level holy magic

Mission penalty : falling into the hands of bandits and being sold as a slave after being tortured for a while (system recommendation, perfect for a fun time)

Note: even if the bandits are strong compared to you, you can easily defeat them in your current state. Probably... ]

Heh, fucking system, are you kidding your master?

[Sir, I don't write the missions and I don't write the notes. I'm just someone who wants to help you]

I'm kidding, kidding.

After taunting the system, I felt my nerves relax and without further ado I began the operation.

"Yare yare, how unbelievable that a few pieces of garbage dare to kidnap children. Ahh ahh it wasn't like this in my time, the youth is gone!"

I was thinking how embarrassing the exaggerated expressions I was using to hide my identity were, but when I heard the words of the man who seemed to be the leader of the bandits, I realized what the real embarrassment was.

"Hoy boy, I know you want to play the hero, but we are royal agents and this girl is the princess of the enemy country. We had to kidnap this girl to prevent war, so go back and pretend you didn't see anything. And if you have to face a real band of bandits, you should at least pick up a sword."

Seeing the bandit leader's demeanor as he lied so blatantly made me remember how big the world was.

Probably being the most shameless man in the world was a position I would never reach, but he was right about one thing, I really hadn't taken a sword from my storage space because I only had a wooden sword I had made myself.

Not that it really mattered, I had already experienced many street fights in my previous life, I had even learned the techniques of stealing an opponent's blade from watching TV. My confidence in my ability to defeat them was based on the speed at which the bandits ran through the city.

"You bandits seem to have enough swords already. Why should I bother carrying unnecessary weight with me?"

"Apparently you still think we are a bunch of bandits. Hufff , I never thought that one day I would have to get my hands dirty in the blood of innocents for the honor of this kingdom. There is nothing we can do..."

When I saw the bandit leader, who thought he was Napoleon, with the sun on his back and his sword on the ground, looking sadly up at the treetops, I started to grit my teeth in annoyance.

Just as I was about to curse the bandit leader, luckily the pink-haired little girl got rid of the magic cloth in her mouth and shouted at me

"My name is Shizune Vi Ironblood! I'm the youngest daughter of the Ironblood family. They're lying to you! My father will reward you if you save me, peasant boy. Go and find Alberto and tell him where I am!"

The girl had said so much in just a few seconds that I was momentarily confused and tried to process the information I had gathered. As I continued to watch her in confusion, I felt a bandit sneak up on me, but I pretended not to notice.

A person reveals his greatest weakness when he thinks he is successful.

When the bandit was close enough, I did the knife-stealing move that I had tried many times on the streets in my previous life.

Suddenly, I leaned on my left foot and kicked the bandit's feet with the heel of my right foot while turning around. The bandit could not react to my sudden movement, lost his balance and fell to the ground.

I quickly got on top of the bandit and hit him hard in the face with my fist and when he fainted, I took the sword from his hand. The full version of the street style sword stealing technique was thus complete.

As soon as I picked up the sword, a sensation I hadn't felt before spread through my whole body, and I realized in a split second that the basic sword swings written in that book were not basic at all.

The other thugs started to take me more seriously when they saw me take down their friends with one blow.

When the next bandit, on the order of the bandit leader, started walking towards me holding a sword, hundreds of weak points on the body of the bandit who was walking towards me as if he was an experienced swordsman caught my eyes.

------- a few seconds ago

A mysterious book, lying forgotten in the grass in Yuto's spatial storage space, rose into the air the moment Yuto picked up a sword, and the first few pages turned into molecules of light that flew to the center of Yuto's storage space and disappeared into thin air.

As the floating book fell to the ground, the writing on its cover glowed for a brief moment



Outside the space, Yuto had also undergone a change that he was not aware of at the time. Yuto unwittingly shifted his position involuntarily as he looked at his opponent with a sharper and colder gaze, the sun directly behind him.

Thinking he was going to beat up a small child, the thug attacked without realizing the change in Yuto. Yuto, enjoying the calmness that filled him, slowly took a step forward and swung his sword lightly but swiftly.

Yuto's swing met the sunlight at such an angle that in the bandit's eyes, the sword that Yuto held seemed to have only a handle and no body.

The bandit's plan was to use his physical superiority in the first clash of swords with the boy in front of him to knock the boy back and quickly recover to decapitate the disarmed boy.

The bandit looked like a fool, but he had made a precise and logical plan to make the best possible move, and he had not underestimated his opponent, but fate is a merciless enemy.

As the bandit's vision was being gravitated with the upper half of his own sword, the bandit realized a truth: this was not the story of 12 friends who risked their lives to fulfill their dream of getting rich...

Check out the illustrations for Shizune's looks

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