
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Thành thị
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180 Chs

Chapter 75 (Part 2)

But while everyone was making up classes vigorously, Sun Man felt a little depressed.

She corrected her previous wrong questions over and over again and had long memorized the error-prone knowledge points, but when she really closed her notebook and took the test, it was still difficult to get a high score. Especially in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, she looked at her embarrassing results, which were always no more than ninety, and she wanted to tear the papers crazy.

She thought she might be that kind of elm head.

From a young age, she had to spend two days learning what others could learn in a day.

When she was young, she could comfort herself. It didn't matter. The tortoise and the hare is a good example of her struggle, it was always the tortoise who won. A flock of birds flies together. The stupid bird always flies first. All she needs to do is to work hard enough. Therefore, she has surpassed many people with diligence since she was a child, but now, she really feels that she is not able to do it...

And this sense of frustration and powerlessness from the bottom of her heart, especially when she saw Zhong Youyou and Ren Zian taking the whole class together to teach in her cousin's shop, it instantly reached its peak.

Like Xu Xiaoyue, she did not attend make-up classes.

Xu Xiaoyue was arrogant, swollen face and filled with fat, and didn't even bother to participate, but for her, she was embarrassed because of her identity.

She is in the top ten in the class every time she takes an exam. Anyway, she was also a person who competed with Ren Zian before. How can she participate in a tutoring with a group of poor students now? It is still tutoring organized by two students in the class.

In the impression of her classmates, her grades are always good, but if you look closely at her grades in various subjects, you will find that she is really biased. Chinese and English scores are indeed very, very high, yes, but mathematics, physics, and chemistry are really a mess.

Moreover, she was a bit confident and capitalized in language and English. After all, she was the first in the class in these two subjects. However, after Zhong Youyou came, she saw Zhong Youyou's language, English, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. All subjects are so good, even breaking everyone's imagination time and time again.

The city's first place in the science competition has reached the level of being invited by the scientific research institute to enter the national finals!

The little sense of self-confidence that she had produced because of her language and English suddenly disappeared.

And what followed was a growing sense of fall and inferiority...

Naturally, Sun Man cannot tell others about these emotions. She has no friends in the class. When she comes home, she will only be filled with milk by her parents, urging her to finish drinking early and continue to study hard.

The schoolbag is getting heavier and heavier, she feels that she is more and more like a learning machine, she doesn't know what the use of learning is...

Several times after school, Sun Man did not leave the classroom, saying that she was the last to stay and close the door of the classroom, but only she knew that it was too stressful to hide in the classroom and cry, and could not go home to cry, so she could only bury it. She lay her head on the seat and sobbed for a while.

When school is about to end on this day, Sun Man is doing a set of papers.

Sun Man's notes are always the neatest and best done among my classmates. Everyone borrowed her notes, but what's the use? She copied so many notes, but she still worked in vain and raised her grades.

She was brushing the 54 sets of Tian bao rolls, and she heard Xu Xiaoyue, who was talking to the same table while packing her schoolbags, said: "What are you reading over, Tian bao fifty-four sets, oh, this kind of most basic question is closed. There is nothing to do with the paper that can know the answer with your eyes. How many days are left, you must focus on the most difficult questions." (TN: tián bǎo. to feed to the full to cram.)

Xu Xiaoyue was talking at the same table with her, but Sun Man subconsciously thought that she was talking about herself, after all, Xu Xiaoyue was not too frustrated.

Basic simple test papers that can be met with closed eyes, but she can only get no more than 90 points...

Her face was hot, and she immediately covered the fifty-four sets of Tian bao under her hand, especially when she was wrong with a large piece of red cross.

Only then did Sun Man realize that even if she didn't compare with Zhong Youyou, Ren Zian, and others, she was far behind.

Xu Xiaoyue's physical and chemical skills are much better than hers. The 54 sets of Tian bao were finished long ago, and she is still doing this. Why is she so slow?

Anxious and angry in her heart, Sun Man quickly put the fifty-four sets of Tian bao into the desk pocket which turned out a competition problem.

Xu Xiaoyue just finished packing her school bag and passed by her. She glanced at her, but there was a difference, and said, "Sun Man, what do you think of the competition? Not me, just your ordinary results in physiology, chemistry, and chemistry. It's better to lay the foundation first and follow Yuan Yuan and the others to find Zhong Youyou to review."

Xu Xiaoyue has always been so outspoken, and her tone of voice is still sullen, but she doesn't know at all, how much hurt she gave to Sun Man.

Sun Man lowered her head and smiled reluctantly: "Okay, I see, don't worry, you can go first."

However, the hand on her side couldn't help but clench into a fist, squeezing it tightly... She hates herself now, why is her brain so stupid that she can't do difficult problems, that is, she is not good at mathematics, physics, and chemistry. ...

Why can't even compare to Xu Xiaoyue...

She knew how everyone commented on her and Xu Xiaoyue. She is good in Chinese and English, but not many people envy her. Everyone speaks good Chinese and English. They just rely on rote memorization. They all say: "As long as I take the time to memorize, I might be able to get better than Sun Man."

Everyone also said that a good student of mathematics, physics, and chemistry is really smart, because this is something you can't memorize, and you have to be particularly strong in logical thinking to learn well.

Everyone looks down on Chinese and English, not just in the class, but in the grade level. In fact, parents think so.

If you go out to show off with your neighbors, children with good physics, chemistry, and biology scores are likely to be praised for being smart.

And like her, she can only be praised for "diligence" forever.


Xu Xiaoyue is the kind of person who is always proud of her poor Chinese and English because of her good science. Before Zhong Youyou came, Xu Xiaoyue still called herself the "Science King."

And Sun Man more than once heard Xu Xiaoyue taunting herself with other girls behind her back, saying that she has a good memory but is not smart, otherwise, how could you still not learn physics and chemistry with such great effort?

In the past, Sun Man listened to these words silently, and silently endured them all...

However, in recent days, the black mist suppressed in her heart has become duller and duller and strangled her to make her breathless. Finally, at this moment, unable to control her emotions exploded, and her nasal cavity was sour that she shed tears. The body was trembling slightly.

Yes, she has a stupid mind, but what can she do, she just can't learn science subjects well, and now only half a month is left before the college entrance examination, and she can't turn the tide. That kind of shine would never happen to an ordinary person like her!

Therefore, she worked hard for the last half of the month to have any use by her side, it is better to break the jar.
