
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
180 Chs

Chapter 63 (Part 1)

That night, Zhong Youyou was in a good mood. She went home to read a book on the bed and listened to music with headphones. The corners of her mouth rose to the sky. Although the rookie Qin Yao didn't prepare a diamond ring, Zhong Youyou felt that given his long-standing loyalty, she could still reluctantly consider his proposal.

Early the next morning, the alarm clock went off.

Zhong Youyou jumped out of bed to pack her luggage. She had to take a big suitcase for the bulky headgear so that there was not much room for clothes in the suitcase. But fortunately, the weather is still in April. You don't need to change too often, just bring two sets of spring clothes.

After Zhong Youyou cleaned up very quickly, the doorbell rang.

She trots over to open the door, Qin Yao came in, and the two look at each other. Zhong Youyou was about to laugh at the blackness of Qin Yao's eyes. It was obvious that he had tossed and turned all night and was ecstatic and not able to sleep, but then Xiao Zhao came in.

Qin Yao coughed, took Zhong Youyou's hand and stood aside, and said, "This is Xiao Zhao, a department employee."

Zhong Youyou stuck out her tongue, turned to Xiao Zhao, and stretched out her hand: "Hello."

It was the first time that Xiao Zhao saw the legendary "General Qin's girlfriend". He glanced at Zhong Youyou dumbfoundedly, then at the decoration of the apartment, with a line written on his face: "One person lives in such an expensive apartment with such a large area?!"

He also hurriedly reached out to shake Zhong Youyou's hand, and said diligently: "Yes, my name is Xiao Zhao, and the lady boss, please look for me for everything."

Qin Yao glanced at Xiao Zhao happily, this kid was very good.

"Xiao Zhao's project this time has been completed, and it just happened to be fine. I will let him go with you. Over there, you can find him if you need to run errands. Otherwise, I will worry."

Zhong Youyou smiled and said, "Xiao Zhao, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble." Xiao Zhao couldn't help but take a few more glances at Zhong Youyou. In the company, President Qin's love history is naturally one of the gossip hotspots. He has listened to that group of office women countless times. He said that Mr. Qin often left work early and went to Mingde School to pick up people.

Everyone guesses how beautiful Mr. Qin's little girlfriend is. It must be a schoolgirl. She is charming and can act like a coquettish. Only then can a dedicated and diligent man like Mr. Qin put down his work and leave work happily every day.

Seeing her today, she really deserves her reputation.

However, it wasn't the beauty of Jiao Didi, but the brave and heroic appearance. Compared with other girls, there is a kind of sharp beauty, which is a kind of vitality that puts confidence and vigor on the face.

Qin Yao glanced at him and suddenly frowned: "Xiao Zhao, go drive."

Xiao Zhao shivered and then retracted his hand that was still clutching Zhong Youyou's tightly.

In order to show loyalty, he took a step back. President Qin's possessiveness is amazing, and he doesn't want to be transferred to Africa.

Zhong Youyou couldn't help laughing.

Qin Yao sent Zhong Youyou to the airport and she arrived in the capital soon after a two-hour flight. Zhong Youyou and Xiao Zhao took a taxi to the large recording venue rented by the program group, found a hotel nearby, and stayed there first.

The next day, Zhong Youyou asked Xiao Zhao to wait in the Starbucks outside the competition area, and she first entered the competition area with her things and found the person in charge.

The entire recording competition area is very large, and the program group spent a lot of money, divided into several buildings, and even setting up a canteen area to provide catering services for some players.

In this rematch, a total of 500 players from all over the country were divided into five regions.

Zhong Youyou checked her own zone information on the Internet and found that she was assigned to zone B, while Shi Zhitang and Meng Shixuan were in zone C and zone D, respectively. It should be based on the principle of separating people from each province as much as possible.

This is fine, lest she has to face Shi Zhitang and Meng Shixuan again.

However, in the same district as Zhong Youyou, there is an acquaintance, and that is Zheng Ziyi, the third place in the province.

Entering zone B, there is a recording studio in front and a large waiting room in the back. Contestants are waiting in it, gathered in twos and threes, most of them are standing with people from their provinces and cities.

Before Zhong Youyou entered, she felt her eyelids hurt, and the players were all dressed in strange outfits.

The show is diversified and inclusive, and there is no uniform clothing for the players. Everyone naturally wears their own clothes. Come to participate in this competition program, except for a small number of people who really want to participate in the knowledge competition, most of them are exposed.

Once it became popular, fame and fortune would be gained after.

Therefore, it is not always necessary to wear them well and attract people's attention.

After Zhong Youyou's mosaic went on fire, many contestants naturally followed the pattern and put on the headgear, which caused the whole waiting room to be filled with ghosts and monsters.

The makeup artists all laughed and said, it's saving a lot of effort.

But that's good, so Zhong Youyou doesn't look so unusual among this group of people wearing raccoon headgear.

She walked in wearing headgear and saw a few girls gathered on the right side. The one in the middle was very beautiful, dressed in a hanfu, with a graceful figure, and was lecturing some other girls.

Zhong Youyou glanced at the name tag on her chest, Na Qiaolan.

Na Qiaolan should be a key player, because, at the moment, the cameraman is shooting at her, seeming to be preparing to edit some highlights.

Zhong Youyou didn't pay much attention. She took the mineral water and schoolbag and planned to find a secluded corner to review for a while.

But as soon as she came in, it was inevitable that many people would notice. After all, mosaics are not only used in Zhong Youyou's fire-saving outfit but are also very popular on the Internet. Nowadays, many people wear hoods and fancy clothes. It's not because Zhong Youyou developed this precedent? For this kind of character who is the originator of the mountain, everyone's mood is always a little more complicated.

What's more, the No. 1 boss in Z Province is an absolute rival no matter what.

Many people have secretly prayed in their hearts not to be assigned to fight Zhong Youyou in the first round of the arena.

The props teacher said to Zhong Youyou who walked to the corner: "It's still mobile time now. Someone will announce the rules later, and some students don't have makeup. Those of you who don't need makeup go there and wait."

Zhong Youyou nodded and was about to walk towards the side he was pointing at.

Suddenly he was stopped by the prop's teacher: "Wait."

"Where is your name tag?"

Zhong Youyou froze for a moment, and touched her pocket, only to realize that her name tag was not there. Before she came, she clearly put the name tag in her pocket. Could it be that Qin Yao distracted her last night, causing her to pack things wrong?

Zhong Youyou held her forehead secretly, love makes a person's wits lower. It all depends on Qin Yao! Wait for him to kneel on the washboard!

But it shouldn't be a big problem, Zhong Youyou asked: "I lost it, can I get one again?"

The props teacher immediately became a little impatient, staring at the raccoon headgear in front of him, and said, "Didn't you see that I am very busy here? If everyone removes the name tag like you, the show will not be recorded? See that over there. There is no material area, there is a blank name tag, you can get it yourself."

Zhong Youyou nodded and walked over there.

This props teacher's unrequited attitude is excusable, so many people are clamoring, and her temper can't get better after changing her job here. Besides, she got rid of the famous brand first.

But before Youyou took two steps, she heard a joking laugh behind me: "Wow, this is so creative. She took a headgear and turned it into a mosaic to attract the attention of people on the Internet. At this time, she lost the name tag. Everyone pays attention. When it comes to you, this is actually a kind of eye-catching ability."

Zhong Youyou wanted to roll her eyes as she listened.

A joke is a joke if it makes people think it is funny, otherwise, it is a cheap joke.

She turned her head: "Who are you?"