
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
180 Chs

Chapter 36 (Part 1)

When Meng Shixuan went to school again, it was already four or five days later.

In the past four or five days, the school has had a lot of stories about the true and false daughters, but all gossip will calm down a little bit, at least not in the corridors, classrooms, playgrounds, and other places where you can hear the students talking excitedly. This is too big to stop the gossip. Meng Shixuan's serious illness though, they didn't know whether it was deliberate or unintentional, just avoiding the peak of the whirlpool of public opinion.

Early in the morning, Yu Ma and the other two servants saw Meng Shixuan timidly coming down the stairs. They glanced at her without saying hello and continued to lower their heads to wipe the table with cold faces.

Meng Shixuan yelled, "Yu Ma, good morning."

Yu Ma didn't pay any attention. The other people looked at each other, and they all avoided Meng Shixuan. The living room was suddenly empty, and only Meng Shixuan was left.

Now Meng Shixuan's identity in this family is extremely embarrassing. Her identity was revealed in such a way, and it was returned to Zhong Youyou. It was said that she would continue to live here in this home, but what her mother had done made all these servants feel a little bit obnoxious, and their hearts were all turned to Zhong Youyou's side. She didn't want to have too much communication with them at all.

Her current situation is completely reversed, not much better than Zhong Youyou in the past.

Meng Shixuan's face became stiff, and she tried to pretend to be nonchalant, and silently went to the dining room for breakfast.

But when she saw the simple green vegetable porridge in front of her, and it had already gotten cold. She would always manage to maintain a perfect expression but seeing this, it still cracked for a moment.

This group of subordinates is too much. In the past two days, Mr. Zhong and Zhong Xiyou didn't spend time with the family, Mrs. Zhong even deliberately avoided her, and left home early in the morning to make appointments with other wealthy wives to go shopping. She was the only one left in the villa, and this group of servants sent her away with such sloppy meals.

... It's almost a radical change from the treatment of the former eldest lady.

Meng Shixuan gritted her teeth, tried her best to pretend not to care, and swallowed the cold porridge in front of her spoon after spoon. Every time she swallowed a twisted haze appeared in her heart.

She could not finish eating after all.

Even after recovering from a serious illness, she is still accustomed to eating delicacies and exquisite desserts. She is not accustomed to eating these cold things at all.

After barely finishing half of the meal, she silently lowered her head and walked to the door of the villa. Zhong's family had at least two cars out in the yard, always waiting in case either of them was going out, so there would be a spare car at any time. She habitually walked to the car and opened the door: "Old Zhao, send me to school."

But Lao Zhao, who was napping in the driver's seat, was still sleeping with his eyes closed as if he hadn't heard.

Meng Shixuan's face became stiff, and she knocked on the car window in front of him: "Old Zhao."

Lao Zhao is a more loyal and honest servant of the Zhong family, why is he like this? But Old Zhao seemed to wake up, opened his eyes to see her in front of him, and quickly lowered the window: "Miss, where are you going?"

Meng Shixuan tried her best to soften her tone and said, "First open the door and let me get in."

"This..." Old Zhao scratched his head, embarrassed, and smiled embarrassedly: "Miss, the public station is not far from here. You should take the bus. The boss learned that the second lady was participating in the competition in the next city, being afraid she wouldn't eat well, he had the chef make her lunch, in half an hour I'm to send it over. I'm afraid it's too late to send you off..."

Meng Shixuan's anger suddenly rose. There's half an hour! It's more than enough to send her back in half an hour. Old Zhao clearly embarrassed her on purpose! In order to send Zhong Youyou lunch for the competition, they are making her take the bus?

For a while, Meng Shixuan only felt as if she had been splashed with cold water, from her scalp to her heart oozing cold.

In the past, Zhong Youyou did not go to school in the same car as her and Zhong Xiyou. She always took the bus. For this reason, she had to get up half an hour earlier every day.

And now, is her treatment and Zhong Youyou's treatment completely reversed?

No, she used to go to the next city to participate in the competition and didn't see Zhong's father caring so far. She also specially asked the family to make lunch and sent a driver to drive two hours away... She is in this home now, and the treatment is far less than before compared to Zhong Youyou.

Meng Shixuan clenched her fingers into her palms, calming down for a while, then bit her lip and smiled, her smile a bit bitterly soft: "Okay, old Zhao, then I'll take the bus."

After Meng Shixuan left, Yu Ma stabbed the knife on the cutting board, and the two servants washed the vegetables together. They chatted with Yu Ma in the kitchen one after another: "Have you seen what the lady is wearing today? She is not in the right mood. Did you see it? She used to dress up exquisitely and wear the latest styles when she went out, but today she went out with only an old sweater and school uniform. It looks disgraced, not like the previous person anymore."

"What's not in the mood to match outfits? I think she is selling misery!" Yu Ma, a master who knows her bitterly, said: "The more she shows weakness and sells misery, won't our Madam feel heartache? Her closet is full of clothes. Ha! Still didn't stop her, why did she deliberately dress like this?"

The people at that time thought so: "Yesterday she actually went downstairs to help me sweep the floor. I was so scared to death. When did she ever help us with housework before?"

Yu Ma was irritated when she heard this: "Oh, that is to say, what is the use of doing this after your identity is revealed?"

Madam is soft-hearted, but she is not soft-hearted! The most annoying is to pretend to be weak and kind. She waited for the day when his wife discovered the true face of Meng Shixuan's white lotus and completely drove her out!

Meng Shixuan came to school, and there was another uproar in the school.

If Zhong Youyou had not gone to participate in the competition these two days, everyone at the school would really liked to see what it would be like to see her and Zhong Youyou collide. I heard that she was ill a few days ago, and now seeing her here, she has lost a lot of weight.

On the way from the school gate to the class, Meng Shixuan hung her head in silence, holding the schoolbag in both hands, and walked hurriedly.

"Isn't that Zhong Shixuan? Oh, no, she was originally named Meng after reading the news."

"What does the Zhong family think, after recognizing Zhong Youyou, will you continue to raise Meng Shixuan?"

"It should be. It makes no difference to the Zhong family, the richest man in the city, to raise one more and one less. But Meng Shixuan's life with the Zhong family is probably not as good as before. Now the Zhong family should not hold her like a princess, right? Hey, someone said that he saw Meng Shixuan just got off the bus, and now she doesn't even have the private car to pick her up? It's too pitiful..."

The sight that fell on her was extremely complex from the one that fell on Zhong Youyou a few days ago, but it was completely different. There are ridicules, downfalls, gloating, sympathy, and pity, and most of them sit on the sidelines to watch a good show. All in all, the matter of true and false daughters finally stopped a little bit, but as Meng Shixuan came to school, the gossip suddenly boiled over again.

Most of the students in the first grade of high school went to the competition, and only one-third of them were in the classroom. Before the class, they heard that Meng Shixuan had come to the school, and someone saw her coming through the school gate.

All of a sudden, the rest of the class looked at each other all having different thoughts.

In the past, Meng Shixuan was the pride of their class. They were jealous and envious of Meng Shixuan, but now... they suddenly felt that Meng Shixuan had nothing to envy. After being a princess for eighteen years, she was suddenly kicked out. Who could bear this gap? Without the Zhong family, Shi Zhitang, they will become inferior to them in the future. What else can they be jealous of?

After Meng Shixuan hurriedly walked into the classroom, the class was still talking.

"Meng Shixuan shouldn't know yet, this year's school flower is already in the 19th class!"

"In the past, our class teacher and dean were all too pleased with Meng Shixuan. It was disgusting. Meng Shixuan was seriously ill before and went to class today. The director changed her face so quickly that she didn't call the office to ask if she needed help. Huh? They asked Zhong Youyou to go there a few days ago. I see it's not too long. Meng Shixuan's vice chairman of the student union should also give way…"

The words stopped abruptly, and the class was silent for a second. Everyone looked behind him, and Meng Shixuan stood at the door with a pale face.

I have to say that Meng Shixuan's face is still pretty, and her eyes are so red, that the boy who immediately told her to be gloating immediately felt a little apologetic.

Meng Shixuan said nothing, lowered her head, walked quickly to her position in silence, and put down her schoolbag.

But the people in the class are embarrassed to talk in front of her, and they try to do their own things. For a while, the class is as quiet as a cemetery, and the air exudes an embarrassing atmosphere.

Yin Qiuqiu didn't know how to face Meng Shixuan and continued reading with a stiff face, but only glanced at her secretly. In the past, seeing Meng Shixuan's grievances at this time, Yin Qiuqiu would definitely take the initiative to defend her.

She has always admired Meng Shixuan very much. She admired Meng Shixuan's family background, appearance, figure, excellence, and popularity... But now she discovers Meng Shixuan's secret and knows that all of this is the result of the dove occupying the magpie's nest. She no longer envied her at all.

The current Meng Shixuan has fallen into the lowest valley, except that her face is still weak and pitiful, she has nothing at all.

Yin Qiuqiu was even a little angry. Because she has known Meng Shixuan for so long, Meng Shixuan has never revealed anything to her. She is like a small follower who gives Meng Shixuan so many gifts, but Meng Shixuan does not even remember her birthday. ...

Just as she was thinking about it, a delicate little box was suddenly pushed over the table.

Meng Shixuan actually took the initiative to speak to her with a soft voice: "Qiuqiu, this is for you. Let's have lunch together at noon?"

Yin Qiuqiu was taken aback for a moment, then dully took it over. Of course, she knew that Meng Shixuan was trying to please her, because now the whole school is probably watching Meng Shixuan as a joke, and Meng Shixuan has no other friends, so she came to catch her.

Otherwise, why has she never given her a gift before, the friendship between the two people has never been balanced before, and now Meng Shixuan has become a mouse crossing the street, so she has come to gain the other's favor?

Yin Qiuqiu suddenly felt a little pity for Meng Shixuan.

"Okay." She said lightly, still reading the book without raising her head.

In the eyes of Meng Shixuan, she was somewhat indifferent.

The smile on Meng Shixuan's face stiffened, she turned her head back, pinched her nails into her palms, and after taking a slow breath, she smiled flatteringly and hugged Yin Qiuqiu's arm: "Thank you."

After two classes, someone outside the classroom suddenly shouted: "Meng Shixuan, someone is looking for you, saying that he is waiting for you downstairs."