
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
180 Chs

Chapter 17

The house Qin Yao found for Zhong Youyou is very safe, even better than the security of the Zhong's villa. When the two of them drove in, the bodyguards at the entrance of the community and the unit were five and three thick. After obtaining the certificate, people were allowed in.

This really made Zhong Youyou relieved. The plot that happened to the original owner in the novel gave her a psychological shadow, and she would be too easy to be kidnapped. Living here, the safety is at least leveraged.

The cleaning in the apartment has been done, and the decoration is also Zhong Youyou's favorite style. When she came in, she was in a good mood. She put on the easy and simple camisole shorts, hummed, and squatted on the ground to open the suitcase.

Qin Yao followed in, saw her two white legs, breathing quickly, and turned his face away quickly.

After hesitating, he asked: "Does your summer clothes look like this?"

He turned his back to Zhong Youyou, his arm was holding a stack of heavy books, it was not right to put it down, it was not to go into the room either, and a tense line of shoulder blades stretched out.

"Why, it's not good-looking?" Zhong Youyou couldn't help but curl her lips when she saw the roots of his ears red.

Yes, it was deliberate.

Who made him sullen his face since they met, pretending to be a calm face that is empty, so she almost thought that Qin Yao according to the novel no longer liked her?

She was a little sad last night, Qin Yao is her favorite character in the novel.

She stood up, and pinched her waist with the camisole, her delicate collarbone resembling a fluttering butterfly, with a smile on her face, she deliberately turned to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao put aside his face forcibly and calmly.

Zhong Youyou became more and more proud, and it was fun to tease him: "May I squeeze a glass of juice for you?"

The tall man in a white shirt who is about 1.8 meters tall is as embarrassed as a pupil at this time: "Okay."

Zhong Youyou leaned to his right, his eyes moved to the left nervously, sweat leaking from the tip of his straight and handsome nose. Zhong Youyou passed by on his left, and his gaze quickly turned to the right, not daring to see Zhong Youyou's provocative gaze.

Zhong Youyou smiled and couldn't stop saying: "Brother Qin, what would you like to drink?"

The sound of "Brother Qin" made Qin Yao's voice hoarse.

"Choose at random."

Qin Yao didn't realize that Zhong Youyou was deliberate. Sometimes Zhong Youyou was so bad that he gritted his teeth, but it seemed that she was born to suppress him, telling him to pamper a bad woman rather than look down upon her.

Zhong Youyou saw that his shirt was wet with sweat and couldn't make fun anymore, smiled, and turned around.

Only then did Qin Yao hurriedly put a stack of heavy books on the bookshelf, and when there was no longer the breath of Zhong Youyou in the room, he exhaled deeply.

For some reason, Zhong Youyou's attitude towards him has changed a lot. Compared with the indifference and estrangement before, she is now quite familiar.

The weeds in his heart also grew crazily because of this, as if he had a glimpse of hope, a light ignited, and the whole grassland was overgrown regardless of everything. But in the end, the heart stopped beating rapidly and was pulled back by reason. He knew very well that Zhong Youyou didn't like him. She didn't like him before, and she doesn't like him now. In the future...

Qin Yao's heart was clenched tightly, and his dark eyes drooped, feeling sad for a moment.

When Zhong Youyou came in with tea and squeezed juice, this bit of loneliness was fleeting, and he was able to converge very well.

He smiled, as always: "You go take a bath and rest for a while, and I will ask someone to clean up the rest."

Zhong Youyou took a bath and sent Qin Yao downstairs before returning to the apartment.

She opened the floor-to-ceiling window glass to let the cool evening breeze in, stretched her waist, and she was refreshed!

The next step is to plan your life afterward.

She took out a few cards and passbooks and counted them. The current deposits add up to 90 million. It stands to reason that this amount of money is enough for her to live in this world steadily for a lifetime, but there are unpredictable circumstances, and this card is still Zhong's father's secondary card. What if Zhong's father is going to freeze it one day?

Judging from the current attitude of Zhong's family towards her, it will not be that way for the time being. But in any case, she still had to rely on a way to survive.

Thinking of this, Zhong Youyou's eyes lit up.

Knowledge contest! Her favorite thing to do in the last life! As a schoolmaster, what is the point of not challenging life?

As soon as this idea came up, Zhong Youyou's blood boiled over.

If she remembers correctly, Meng Shixuan and Shi Zhitang are both excellent at school. Especially Shi Zhitang, who once participated in a knowledge challenge program, won a big victory and was awarded the title of "Machine Terminator" in the second grade.

...When the clock reads the text leisurely, it is worthy of an ancient romance. It's really the second in the middle.

But to be honest, the show 'Secondary Two' returned to broadcast, but in dozens of colleges and universities, it also gained fame overnight and therefore helped the education industry sponsored by the Zhong family and Shi family. That year, a certain Zhong family's subsidiary 'The learning Machine' is directly listed. It can be seen that its impact is great.

( T/N: These two last paragraphs confused the s**t out of me so apologies for I couldn't understand how to make it sound understandable.)

At that time, the novel did not specifically describe what the challenge of the knowledge challenge program was. It just described the program as very difficult, more difficult than Deng Tian, ​​in order to highlight the actor Shi Zhitang's compelling character.

But Zhong Youyou, who reads the article, is full of curiosity about what the perverted problem is. Let me have a look. I want to solve it too! The degree of interest in perverted topics even surpasses that of the protagonist Shi Zhitang...

It just so happens that you can sign up now!

Zhong Youyou was in high spirits, turned on the laptop, and tapped her fingers quickly on the keyboard. This challenge show hasn't started yet, it's still warming up, but it's already very popular. She submitted her personal data and reported her name easily, though she hesitated when signing up.

The show did not ask for a real name. It is better for her to do more than less. It is better to use a pseudonym to enter the competition first. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Meng Shixuan and Zhong's family will come and make trouble when they see her in the quiz.

What pseudonyms can be used?

Zhong Youyou put her fingers on her cheeks, thought for a moment, the corners of her lips curled up suddenly, and typed "Qin Yao's little wife" on the screen.

After that, she laughed happily. She was so bad that she could almost see Qin Yao's face red and bewildered...

At the same time, in the school, the math teacher of Class 19 opened his sleepy eyes, and put on his glasses while chatting with the teacher next to him, and corrected the test papers. What the teachers hate the most is the weekly exam, forcing them to have to correct thousands of papers for the whole year on Sunday afternoon, it's exhausting.

Not only have to finish the correction, but also arrange the grades from front to back. After all, it is already in the third grade of high school, and the competition is very fierce. Except for a few students who are hanging out outside, most of the students are extremely nervous, and every second counts!

At this time, the teachers in each class only have to compare the results of the students in their class and show off, which is a bit interesting. It's like comparing your own children. After finishing the exam, my child (teacher's pupil) triumphantly took the test paper and walked around the office.

The mathematics teacher of Class 19 never participates in this kind of comparison. Why? It's not that he doesn't want to compare, it's not. The 19th class is just fine with the girls like Xu Xiaoyue.

But when I got one of the key classes with Meng Shixuan and Shi Zhitang, it was not enough to look at it, and he was ashamed to look like a small witch.

So, at this time of the week, when other teachers corrected the papers, he shrank at the corner of his desk like a tortoise and didn't let out even a single fart.

But today, he found out a very high score from a stack of papers, and in the end, it was so difficult that no more than a dozen people in the whole grade could answer it, but the student wrote down the answering steps in a smart manner, without missing one step, and also used a magical test paper with a high-level method...

He couldn't help but rub his eyes, then looked at it from beginning to end again to see if he had corrected his mistake.

There is no correction.

Is the paper from the competition class accidentally mixed into your class?

This group of key teachers, wouldn't it be that they deliberately stuffed the papers of their smart students into their own pile so that they can correct them so that they can successfully show off and make others angry?!

"Is this the paper in your class?" The math teacher screamed out of anger.

The teachers of the two classes next to him came over and took a look, and they were all startled: "One hundred and three? Teacher Li, can you actually get one hundred and three in your class?"

Usually, this result is not surprising. The key is that this test paper is really difficult, so difficult to be abnormal. It is a test paper specially dug up from other provinces by the teacher instructor to start school to eliminate the arrogant attitudes of the students. Classmate Meng Shixuan, who has always had a perfect score, only got one hundred and twenty points on the test!

There is a total of 1,000 or hundreds of people in the whole year, and those who exceed one hundred points are not more than one hundred!

It's amazing how a poor class like Class 19 can produce a person with more than 100 points. It may be that the papers of other classes were accidentally mixed in: "Teacher Li, that must not be from your class. You open the seal, see which class it is from, and return it to the teacher."

Teacher Li was almost dying of anger and had a heart attack. He didn't want to care about these two teachers, frowning to find tools to open the seal.

After unpacking, he pulled out the paper impatiently and glanced at the name in the upper left corner.


Just looking at it like this, his eyes went wide, and he was so surprised that he couldn't speak for a while.

After a while, a triumphant shout broke out in the office: "Mr. Wang, Ms. Zhao, what nonsense you all said just now! Come and see, it's from our class, that's from the 19th class, a student I teach!"


The author has something to say: a few days later:

On a knowledge competition program, "Qin Yao Little Wife" has long been the number one, crushing everyone. Everyone asked the young master of the Qin family, who was this little wife of Qin Yao?

Zhong Youyou: Hahahahahaha

Qin Yao:...