
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

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43 Chs

New spell

Hello. How you doing?

The stats of the book shows that few people are reading this. Never expected someone to read this actually.

I'm happy about that but that is not why I'm writing this thoughts

My question is simple. I want to make a 2 sided POV of both Marcus and Hostis, following both of them in their respective worlds but I don't know if its a good idea.

The 1 or 2 fellas who read this, What do u think?

I wrote this in the previous chapter but it doesn't show up idk why

Now the chapter.


After observing my core, now in its perfect state, I test it to refine the essence again.

Its speed works excellently, and it creates a complete flow.

However, the pseudo-black holes I created in certain parts of my body are no longer useful because they try to absorb the energy of my core, which is now much larger.

I had to destroy them. To replace them, I created small nodes, like a circulatory system of my own, and attached them to my core.

Now my core is responsible for supplying energy to my body in a flow of energy that absorbs my muscles. And because it is so much easier to absorb and refine energy, the system never stops working.

Also, my core is now blue. Finally. Now I could tear those 2 mages apart with my eyes closed.

Back to this fight. My performance was not satisfactory and I noticed a lot of things that can be improved. I lose a lot of concentration in battle. If I had a calm mind, I would have won without Ingrid's help.

So now I take 30 minutes of sleep every day to calm my mind and go into meditation. It's something Victor used to do because he tended to get angry in fights, he said it worked. I hope it does.

And I also developed a new magic of my own, based on something I noticed in combat.

I drop my weapons like they are worthless in the middle of a fight, which burned holes in my pockets in my previous life. As a hero, I didn't have a holy weapon or anything, so weapons became disposable.

Taking weapons from enemies is always effective because the weapon is usually of better quality than the armor. So it's a given that you can pierce it if you use it properly.

But it takes time to take the enemy's weapons in battle. So, taking advantage of the fact that the essence can form objects, I studied the structure of weapons and the compounds that form them in depth. I understand the process of forming them with already made materials, but I don't understand how iron, for example, is made. But that's where my blessing from Decrea comes in. The materials are controlled by the essence itself, I just have to give it shape, weight, edge and other things. It is still difficult, but no longer impossible.

Right now I can only make swords and daggers, and it takes me about 2 seconds.

This is great for sneak attacks. Like making a dagger and throwing it, or suddenly switching to a double sword style.

I spent a lot of time with the blacksmiths in the mansion teaching me how to forge these 2 weapons.

When I came back from the mission, I went to the smiths to learn. Luckily, I am a fast learner and in 2 weeks I could make the most basic of the most basic weapons, but they existed.

When I forge them myself, they look terrible and work terribly. But they are first-class weapons when the essence helps me.

My calculation is that if I can reduce the summoning time to one second, I will be able to create a new fighting style that uses extreme weapon changes, from a mace to attacking with a claymore to attacking with a spear.

But that's still a long way off.

I also think of selling weaponry but when I stop using essence the weapons will disappear.

My routine remained the same for the next 3 weeks, training, reading, learning to forge and refining my core.

A few days ago we broke the routine to do another mission, it was a very short one. We had to raid a merchant caravan and kill their men. We teleported nearby, Ingrid and I killed everyone and left. It took us about 30 minutes, all because there weren't even any rank 1 mages around, plus I was able to control my anger better. In another 2 weeks I want to look for my last mandatory mission of this period. But I'm noticing a lot of shortcomings since it's just Ingrid and me. Being 2, we can't cover everything, so we need an archer with tracking ability and a pure ranged mage. I told my idea to Elijah and he complimented me like a child who could see where his skills were lacking.

Elijah and Ingrid went to another city in the empire to look for 2 guys that Elijah recommended.

I'm on my own now, so I'll look for an easy mission.

I also want to test my possession skill, which I haven't even been able to practice for fear of being discovered.

I decide to go to the guild now to test my new spell and possession. I also want to experiment. For example, I want to know if a possessed person can use essence, otherwise the possession won't do me any good.

I get into the carriage and drive to the center of town, enter the guild, and go to the reception.

I greet what I think is the same woman as always and ask her about the available quests I could do alone.

She offers me several options, but I choose the easiest one, which gives me more room to try things out.

Attack and destroy an iron mine.

According to the data the army has collected, it has only a few soldiers and a 1st level mage protecting it, which is manageable for me with a blue core.

Thinking about it, I take the mission and prepare my stuff, this mission will be short and then I can come back.

I tell the receptionist I'm ready and she brings me to the portal.

After checking my sword and potions I go through the portal.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

FA_AFMDcreators' thoughts