
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Kỳ huyễn
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Hunting the hero

Decrea's POV.

I really didn't want them to meet. Not yet.

I wanted them to fight in a final battle to see who would survive, elves or humans.

Like a play or a story.

With a final scene and an epic ending.

Each motivated by different things, each moving towards different goals. All clashing at the end.

But the hero, Hostis, is really useless.

I don't know how I made such a bad choice. Marcus progresses quickly and steadily while the hero uses the perfect body I gave him to sleep with every woman he sees and to do scenes where he stands up for "justice" while running around the capital, even though most of the time he gets into other people's business defending the wrong person. But he is under the illusion that someone will be grateful to him because he is a hero.

He is obviously training because Mikela is forcing him to.

I gave the boy a perfect mana attunement, but he is only at the second rank.

That's why I had to find Marcus. I must introduce him to his mortal enemy

The demonic elf.

That will motivate him. It will make his righteous blood boil.

I've already prepared a few things so that Marcus can't kill him now.

But I'm angry because this idiot is wasting my gift.

Even Marcus, when he called himself a hero, never neglected his training.

I hope that Hortis can use Marcus to grow with him. To grow up a little.

Because I don't have enough time to create a new hero. I had to create him too early because of Marcus' progress.

I could look into the future and know what's going to happen, but it doesn't make sense. It takes the excitement out of the game I put together. Besides, the future is uncertain even for me.

Marcus, I'm giving you a much more difficult task than killing him, you have to make him see the threat to his world.

I hope you succeed.


Marcus POV:

As soon as I knew where he was, I got up and looked for everyone on my team. I lied to them because I couldn't think of anything at the time. I told them that I heard there was a merchant wagon coming through.

I couldn't tell them that we were going to kill the human hero.

He's in the Black Forest, where I went on a guild mission some time ago. It's a dark and swampy area with many wild animals, and it's inhospitable for a human to live there.

That is why there is an elven base there. It is not very large and has only one blue core officer and about 200 unranked drysics.

Since the area is inhospitable to humans, there are only a few poor villages near it, so it doesn't need much manpower.

The members of my group quickly followed me, including Elijah.

Ingrid was the only one who looked at me as if she noticed something strange.

I told the group to go on. I stayed with Ingrid to clear up her doubts.

"Ingrid, you're looking at me like something's wrong, what is it?" I ask with false curiosity.

"Master, there is no caravan, is there? Can you tell me where you're going?" asks Ingrid, her look telling me I shouldn't lie to her.

"Ingrid, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. It's a private matter that I have to take care of. You're free not to come if you don't want to," I said, looking into her eyes.

I don't want her to go, she is reliable and powerful. But I can't force her to help me.

"I will go master. I have already told you that I am your weapon as long as you help me. And I know that you have been looking for information about the church with your money and the contacts of your father. If you need me somewhere, I will go," she said as she stared at me with a determined look.

My heart pounded for the first time in a long time.

I really don't know how I ended up with such a good partner. She is someone I can always count on. She always helps me, no matter what I ask.

"Thank you Ingrid, for everything," my words come from the bottom of my heart.

"You're welcome, Master, now let's go."

We moved on and soon caught up with the others. After we got together, we looked for a mission to use as an excuse to go to the Black Forest. We found one about 70 miles from the site.

It's the best there is.

We took the mission and quickly made our way to the portal. We had to wait the damn hour for it to form.

After waiting, we moved through the portal and arrived in the human world.

As soon as we arrived, I sat on the ground and used clairvoyance to find out where the hero was. Apparently he is about to enter the Black Forest. We are 70 miles away.

With 1 hour of walking we will get there.

With the order to leave, the 5 of us quickly entered the forest.

We had no problems on the way, thanks to the goddess.

We arrived at the entrance of the forest and heard an explosion. We ran into the forest and after about 12 miles we found the shattered elven base, full of corpses of the Drysicc warriors who were fighting.

I found the hero, he is standing in front of an officer.

He is a boy of about 17 years old with inky black hair and eyes, he is about 1.80m tall and has a handsome face.

He has a look of disgust on his face as he pierces the officer's chest with his sword. He seems to have quite a hatred for elves.

He is a rank 2, but he has a lot of raw power for a rank 2. But his sword technique is pathetic, to say the least. He swings it around as if it's a stick.

The sword can be used for slashing or blunt strikes, but when he uses the blade, he has to use it like a sword. You've been trained by Mikela and you don't know how to use a weapon?

Either Mikela has become useless or you have. Either way is better for me.

Now I notice 3 people closer to the hero. The woman from before with her face covered, I think she was a church assassin. She probably belongs to the Holy Sacraments Training Division.

Assassin leagues are the church's way of dealing with heretics who can't be burned. They bring the justice of the Goddess to them.

The assassin can be handled by Seth and Layla.

Next to the woman stood an Inquisitor.

Inquisitors are warriors who passed the test of the goddess. Soldiers who are above rank 2. This one is rank 3 I think. Elijah should be able to handle him.

Lastly there is a priestess, a low rank because of the unadorned robe she wears. rank 2, they specialize in healing magic. Ingrid can handle it.

The hero is mine to play with

"Hey you, idiot boy. Come play, I want to see how strong the devotees of this generation are."

Saying that I pulled out my sword.