
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Character' sheet

Character Sheet.

Hi, I'm writing this to organize the information a little better.

Ezekiel/Marcus: While he was a hero, he was brave and only cared about saving the world. But he was still smart, he understood when he was being used and when he was being lied to. Most of the time, he didn't care and went on with his war against the elves.

When he turns into Marcus after being betrayed, he is a much more ruthless person with no inhibitions about going after what he wants. He wants to achieve his goal and get revenge for himself and his friend so he can die in peace. He also begins to understand basic human manipulation and develops a strong hatred for humans in general.

Decrea: Goddess, creator of everything. Manipulative, cruel and very bored of her own existence, she is always looking for something to entertain herself with. She sees humans and elves as toys to be played with. Sees Marcus as a means to an end for now.

Ingrid: She starts out as the Mc maid. She is quiet and stoic, but can become a very cruel creature when the situation demands it. She is intelligent and prefers to keep a low profile, remaining in the shadow of her master.

Elijah: Practically Marcus' adoptive father and sword instructor, though Marcus doesn't remember him. He is simple and half clumsy, but has a good heart. He wants Marcus to follow in his footsteps and become an excellent knight.

Mikela: Apostle of the Human Goddess and of life. Widow of Ezekiel/Marcus, the one who betrayed him. She lives by and for the Church and there is nothing she will not do for it. She is cruel and savage, but she feels a bond with the children. He believes they are the only ones who maintain purity in a polluted world.

The magic and the world are explained throughout the novel. They will continue to develop.