
Chapter 14: Misty labyrinth

Black moon guild training Hall

Like every other morning the huge training Hall was noisy and in use.

Ayat was training Edward in the ways of a tank by constantly throwing objets at his air wall to strengthen it,

To the point Edward would have to place 2 walls together for it to be strong enough.

On the left corner was Susu and Valerie, the older woman was watching the girl hold her breath for about 10 minutes now and occasionally the young girl's body would vanish and reappear so strange.

And finally in the middle was the young demon knight was training with another member of the black moon guild.

He was a slender looking  wearing a blue overcoat and black pants, strange enough his whole body was covered in gray bandages giving him the appearance of a walking mummy.

"The Master sure is nice letting me spar with the new wrath demon" the man said sarcastically.

Remi could tell that the bandages he wore were due to an injury caused by the previous demon host, however the man didn't have to be an ass about it.

"Hey Shane! Remember to not go all out on him!" Ayat reminded the man in his husky voice.

"Yah yah I got it Ayat, {cloth control! Savage serpent!}" Shane's bandages hand bandages suddenly took the shape of 4 snakes and charged at Remi.

"Here I go! [Abara sword style! Heavy slam!]" Remi switched to the dark side of his sword and swung down breaking the ground, the heavy side forces a great gust of wind to destroy the cloth snakes.

"Not bad how about this {cloth control! needle spears}" Shane's cloth tore off and were shot out like bullets at Remi.

He switched to the silver part of his sword "[Abara sword style! Flutter shot]"  in less than 5 seconds Remi had used his weightless blade to stab each cloth bullet and destroy them

Shane looked somewhat impressed

"And here I thought I'd get to relieve my anger by beating the shit out of you" Shane said dryly.

"That shouldn't be your goal!" Ray yelled at him.

'slammm!' 'step step step step' the training doors slam open and from it a maiden in a yellow dress with a pink Vail around her hip, walks towards Remi, this girl is no other than the fourth member of the wrath party Genevieve Wiess!.

"Oi oi look at this request! It's near our swamp!" The girl says as she shows him a piece of paper.

"Mysterious labyrinth in the Misty meadow, 20 people have gone missing there, find the cause and stop it, rescue the missing if possible

Reward- 200G 500S 100B(gold, silver and bronze)"

Misty meadow was just south of Swampfort, meaning this was a danger to the village.

"Alright then, it bugs me how much you take charge sometimes" Remi Said with bent eyebrows.

"Heheheheh I didn't even have to use my womanly charms to convince you"

Genevieve giggled.

"Shut up!" Remi yelled at her making the guild even louder.

"Bloody teenagers" Shane said as he walked off somewhere.

Misty meadow

Neon blue shrubs of every kind were here, red fireflies danced around them making the environment quiet beautiful alongside a dewy mist, stepping on the meadow grass was strange, it like you were sink yet you could still feel solid ground.

The Wrath party stumbled upon a large hedge field made of thick green shrubs that reach to the sky and the top is covered by numerous dark clouds.

"So this is infamous labyrinth, they say silver rank knights couldn't cut it down due to it growing back immediately" Edward highlights.

"So I guess we'll just have to go in and find the cause of that" Remi said as he held a rope tied to his waist.

"Val? What's this about again?!" He asked somewhat pissed.

"It's a labyrinth, in case any of us get lost I tied this long stretchy rope to all 4 of us! Smart huh?!" Valerie gave a smug expression as he played with the rope that connected them.

"Before we start our escapade, mind if we see what's up with that shed" Genevieve points to a wooden house  west of the humongous shrub maze.

'knock knock knock' Remi knocks the door and out comes a fair looking young woman, her straight blonde hair reached her knees, her blue gown stuck to her voluptuous body perfectly, and she had a beauty mark under her left eye.

"Visitors...... my name is Audrey Shall I offer you some hot milk?"

Interpreting that wrong, Remi facepalmed and said

"Do you know about any strange occurrences in this area?"

"Well many people come here but I don't see them return. They must have gone through the back exit that's what I believe" the Audrey said.

"I see,(she's obviously lying) let's be goi... " Remi is stopped when Audrey locks eyes with Genevieve.

"An Amazon..... Hmemememe" Audrey let's out a humming laugh as she looks at the pink Vail around Genevieve's hip.

"?....." Genevieve is confused and wants to ask more but Remi pulls her away.


30 minutes pass as the team was being led by the Hobbit senses of Valerie who decided to pass time by singing

"Here in labyrinth! Which way do we gooooo!" the young girl would shout and then Edward would follow ups and say "Left or right!"

This continued for another 30 minutes the song was irritating the hell out of Remi who was about to yell, but someone beat him to it


Genevieve screamed horrifically.

Valerie's hobbit senses had led them to the heart of the labyrinth however, what was there were the decaying bodies of the lost people, tree roots implanted in their bodies sucked out all the nutrients and feed it to the shrubs most likely boosting it's regeneration ability.

And worst of all Genevieve noticed different colored Vails like hers hanging above the corpses.

"Hmemememememe!" The deranged laughter of Audrey came from the center bush where the bodies were.

A hole opened She emerged from it smiling.

"You people don't seem to be the normal bunch of adventures,.... A hobbit, demon, human and Amazon! So strange" Abigail's eyes turned yellow and her pupils split into two(like a frogs) as she observes them.

"Why.... Why do you have Amazon sigils here?!!!!" Genevieve yelled.

"Oh that's right these bodies are already unrecognizable, their Amazons! Hmemememem!" Audrey laughed again, making Geneva mad.

"You..." Genevieve started to glow with magical energy.

"Sir Remi, her neck..." Edward said.

Hung around Audrey's neck was the red chain and sigil of the ARIS cult.

"So you're part of that deranged group, want to tell us why before we get you like a fish!" Remi readied his blade, he had to get any information he could before something uncalled for happens.

"Hmememe, I suppose expressing my pain to my prey helps lighten the mood" she puts a hand to her chin


"I was once a happily married woman, living in the Caston kingdom, my husband and I were rich and enjoying our lives until....

An adventurer, and Amazon came to live with us for a few days as our bodyguard, she seduced my husband and he kicked me out on the streets...

On the brink of death, the ARIS church saved me, Lord Arisio bestowed upon me the holy elixir...

With my my new powers I got my revenge on my husband and that whore Amazon....

Now as the keeper of the labyrinth I lay in wait for adventures to nourish this creation for the church and kill a few more Amazons for my pleasure..."

End of flashback

She finished her rambling just in time to see an enraged Genevieve charge up energy.

"Your dead!!!" Genevieve screamed ready to jump.

"Wait we're still tied together!!!" Remi yelled trying to remove the rope connecting the four.

'Bassssssss!' "wahhhhhhh!", "Gaaaaaa", "kyaaaaa!" As Genevieve jumps at Audrey all the others are helplessly dragged along.

{Flash Ray!} Genevieve yells as a beam a light shoots from her hands at the deranged woman however

'booom' it's blocked by a root which erected from the labyrinth wall.

"This is my domain!" Audrey says with pride, "welcome to your final resting place adventurers!

{Beast evolution: Gekro!} She screams and her body changes.

Her clothes tear off revealing multiple orb like worts on her back, her hands legs grow longer and her toes become webbed, her face becomes like that of a toads and her tongue as well.

"Acid bubbles!" Audrey yells as she shoots numerous green bubbles at the Genevieve however.

"Look out!" Remi manages to block it and get hit the process. The group fall from top and get separated in the every changing labyrinth.

To be continued.

Hopefully later today