
After I Maxed All My Weapon Proficiencies

It was the year 2050. The world had released an online game, "Second World", that shocked the public beta. Gold from the game could be exchanged for real-life currency, attracting countless players. Every country in the world fought for game resources. The main character immediately entered the game after this wave. After entering the game as an adventurer (job before job change), he stepped into the first stage of his life. It was a stage that even a child could pass. He thought that it was a normal stage. However, he did not expect to be locked into the game and continuously repeat the stage! As time passed, the stage finally let him pass as per normal a thousand years later. He finally left the dungeon after clearing the stage. It was only now that he realized that this was only the second day of the game! He realized that this was not a dream after he saw his attribute panel. What followed was a variety of system notifications! "Reached MAX proficiency with the ax—Ax God!" "Reached MAX proficiency with the sword—Sword God!" "Reached MAX proficiency with the heavy shield—Shield God!" "Reached MAX proficiency with all weapons—Almighty Master!" "As your proficiency as an adventurer has overloaded and you have not changed your job in a long time, you can now undergo a unique job change as we have detected your proficiency with weapons—Battle God!" A deep crack appeared on the ground when he struck the level 1 wild monster with the small wooden sword in his hand!

Weapon Master · Huyền huyễn
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237 Chs

Golden Wingsuit Targeted!

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Chen could only blame himself for being careless. After all, bats in the main world also had sonar abilities.

That was why they were able to fly freely in the dark cave without injuring themselves.

It was not strange that the bat that had just flown away had such an ability, but how did Lu Chen get this careless?

With his feet on the ground, he suddenly leaped up to a height of 100 meters. Then, the Exoskeleton Wings on his back suddenly spread out to a length of more than four meters.

Everyone on the ground saw a figure that looked like a god rising from the ground as that figure soared into the sky. Then, he spread out his wings. He looked like an angel in western mythology, giving people a sense of inferiority.

Then, the wings on Lu Chen's back suddenly rose up, and with a fierce flap, his entire body rose up nearly a hundred meters into the air again!