
Chapter 529 Come Here for a Hug

When Zayla saw Lincoln, she was startled for a moment, and her hand holding the scissors was instantly loosened.

Lincoln took away the scissors and extended his arm far away, afraid of accidentally injuring her.

Before Zayla could even ask why he came here, Lincoln's deep voice resonated, "Come here for a hug."

Almost without any hesitation, Zayla threw herself into his arms.

But before she could react, Zayla was picked up straight by him, and she hurriedly pressed against Lincoln's shoulder.

"Hey... Lincoln!"

Her voice was soft and delicate, with a hint of surprise from the half-asleep state she was in, and it made Lincoln's heart tingle.

But the next second, she quickly covered her mouth, afraid of being heard by the two guards outside. If she made a commotion, gigolo would be exposed.

Just when Zayla was thinking, a warm hand grasped her slender ankle.