
After Being Dumped by My Ex-Fiance, My Beast of a Husband Pampers Me Every Night

"I'll do anything as long as you give me money." Nobody would've guessed that the once-celebrated rich daughter of the Liang family could one day say something like this. The Liang family went bankrupt. Overnight, Liang Ran lost her identity as the rich daughter of the Liang family and became a debtor. Her father had only just died, and the hospital already urged her to repay the debt. At her most vulnerable moment, her fiance called off the wedding and immediately found someone new. The person he found happened to be her creditor. Only then did Liang Ran realize that her childhood best friend and fiance had long been plotting against her with an outsider. He took advantage of her precarious situation to overtake Liang Group. He was definitely involved in her father's death too. To rescue her family, Liang Ran found herself a sponsor. She gave up her ego and pride, and she begged him to take her with him. "I've never liked anyone who threw themselves at me." The man coldly rejected her. However, she still got what she wanted in the end. After the incident, Liang Ran began negotiating with that man. To her surprise, he actually started developing an interest in her. He even wanted to become her sugar daddy. For a single year, he'd give her three million yuan every three months. If she gave him a child, he'd give her an additional 100 million yuan. For the time being, Liang Ran felt that the best option for her was to accept his offer. After a long time, Liang Ran found out that this had always been the man's plot. However, he said to her, "Trying to get you was the biggest mistake I've ever made." It turned out he had never loved her. Liang Ran decided to leave him. She met in a car accident and died. However, after finding out about her death, the man went crazy!

Mountain Springs · Thành thị
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40 Chs

What to Do After Leaving

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ji Xuan looked at Leng Ran and suddenly said, "What bad ideas do you have this time?"

Liang Ran was a bit speechless. How did he jump to bad ideas again? She walked over to Ji Xuan and sat down next to him, poking his shoulder with her finger. "Am I this kind of unscrupulous woman in Mr. Ji's mind?"

Ji Xuan laughed and suddenly held her shoulders. He pressed her against the sofa and pressed his lips against hers.

After the kiss, Liang Ran panted slightly. Ji Xuan caressed her red and moist lips with his fingers and said in a low voice, "I like little foxes with sharp claws like you."

Liang Ran's breathing was unstable, and her heart was still pounding non-stop. She glared at him, annoyed by his words.

Ji Xuan was ignited by her gaze, lowered his head, and kissed her lips again, lingering inch by inch down her face.

A few minutes later, Liang Ran's clothes were already in a mess, but Ji Xuan was still dressed neatly. Liang Ran looked at him and thought of the term "beast in human clothing" for some reason. She muttered in her heart.

Ji Xuan's eyes were cold as he suddenly said, "What did you say?"

Liang Ran was stunned. Then, she realized that she had accidentally said it.

She looked at Ji Xuan with a pleasing expression, but he looked at her like a wolf. Before Liang Ran could react, he ripped open her shirt.

Liang Ran exclaimed softly, and as she saw Ji Xuan's obvious desire, she whispered, "It's still early."

"I have nothing to do anyway." Ji Xuan stared at her, but his hands did not stop moving.

A faint glow shone through the window, reflecting on both of them. Liang Ran's fair skin was filled with warmth. Ji Xuan's heart was beating faster than ever before.

Liang Ran trembled slightly and begged softly, "Can we go back to our room?"

Ji Xuan frowned slightly, feeling reluctant to refuse her soft request. But the scenery in front of him was too alluring. After hesitating for a moment, he made a decision.

He lowered his head and kissed the girl's delicate countenance. His voice was gentle and deep.

"Don't be afraid. There's no one else here. It's just you and me. Trust me and leave yourself to me, okay?"

Ji Xuan's voice was very pleasant to hear. At this moment, he was wholeheartedly looking at the person beneath him, giving off a particularly affectionate feeling.

Liang Ran seemed to be bewitched and replied with a soft "um."

Ji Xuan's heart was burning, and his movements became impatient.

The consequence of being easily bewitched was that she couldn't escape from it, from the living room on the first floor to the bed, and even when she was cleaning in the bathroom, and the next day she almost couldn't get out of bed.

Liang Ran regretted not having strong willpower. How could she be so weak?

Early the next morning, she rubbed her sore waist and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she went downstairs, Ji Xuan was already sitting at the table eating breakfast.

When he saw Liang Ran, he looked up. "Take the morning off. Don't go to the company."

Liang Ran sat down opposite him with some awkward movements and said indifferently, "No, I can't take a day off on the second day of work. How can I gain respect from my colleagues in the future?"

Ji Xuan raised an eyebrow and did not reply.

Liang Ran occasionally glanced at him while eating breakfast, and then she noticed the marks on Ji Xuan's neck. It was easy to tell what had happened with these marks.

She felt much better and said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, do you need something to cover your neck? I have a concealer that works really well."

Ji Xuan pulled his collar and covered the marks on his neck. He looked at Liang Ran and smiled, "You can keep it for yourself. You need it more than I do."

Liang Ran subconsciously covered her neck with her hands.

She had noticed it when she was washing up earlier. Her skin was fair and easily left marks. The culprit was still smiling, and she snorted, "I'll get a new one in a few days. The coverage effect of this one isn't as good as before after using it for a long time."

Ji Xuan found that Liang Ran looked like an angry kitten and was quite cute. He couldn't help but laugh.

She was clearly very shy last night, but she had been trying her best to cooperate with him. Only when she was really angry would she scratch him on purpose.

Ji Xuan was filled with desire, but he calmed down and his face became serious. He suddenly spoke, "Have you thought about what to do after leaving me?"

Liang Ran raised her head and looked at him in a daze. After a moment, she smiled and said, "Who wants to think about things that are so far away? It's already good enough to take care of the present."