
After Being Dumped by My Ex-Fiance, My Beast of a Husband Pampers Me Every Night

"I'll do anything as long as you give me money." Nobody would've guessed that the once-celebrated rich daughter of the Liang family could one day say something like this. The Liang family went bankrupt. Overnight, Liang Ran lost her identity as the rich daughter of the Liang family and became a debtor. Her father had only just died, and the hospital already urged her to repay the debt. At her most vulnerable moment, her fiance called off the wedding and immediately found someone new. The person he found happened to be her creditor. Only then did Liang Ran realize that her childhood best friend and fiance had long been plotting against her with an outsider. He took advantage of her precarious situation to overtake Liang Group. He was definitely involved in her father's death too. To rescue her family, Liang Ran found herself a sponsor. She gave up her ego and pride, and she begged him to take her with him. "I've never liked anyone who threw themselves at me." The man coldly rejected her. However, she still got what she wanted in the end. After the incident, Liang Ran began negotiating with that man. To her surprise, he actually started developing an interest in her. He even wanted to become her sugar daddy. For a single year, he'd give her three million yuan every three months. If she gave him a child, he'd give her an additional 100 million yuan. For the time being, Liang Ran felt that the best option for her was to accept his offer. After a long time, Liang Ran found out that this had always been the man's plot. However, he said to her, "Trying to get you was the biggest mistake I've ever made." It turned out he had never loved her. Liang Ran decided to leave him. She met in a car accident and died. However, after finding out about her death, the man went crazy!

Mountain Springs · Thành thị
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40 Chs

How Boring Is This

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The car drove straight into the courtyard, and Liang Ran followed Ji Xuan out of the car.

Seeing the two of them, the people waiting at the gate changed their faces.

A few days ago, Fan Jin had just been humiliated by Liang Ran, so when he saw Liang Ran and Ji Xuan coming together, his face turned black.

Zeng Lu looked even paler. When Ji Xuan sent the gift to her, she happened to be at home and thought it was a surprise from Fan Jin. As a result, when she opened it, she found a severed hand and many unbearable photos, and even a USB drive with several videos of Tang Li with those men.

She was so agitated that she couldn't eat for two days and vomited until her face turned pale.

"What are you doing here?" Zeng Lu's voice trembled slightly, but she was at home, so she wasn't so scared.

Ji Xuan didn't say anything, but an old man walked out.

"Lu, you can't be so rude to your uncle." Zeng Hui reprimanded Zeng Lu.

Many people present were shocked. Zeng Lu subconsciously looked at He Yuan, who had just married her grandfather.

Liang Ran was also surprised. She had thought that Ji Xuan was Zeng Lu's half-brother, but she didn't expect him to be such a senior.

"Xuan, come in first. This is?" He Yuan smiled and went to pull Ji Xuan. When she saw Liang Ran standing beside Ji Xuan, her smile froze on her face.

"She's Liang Ran," Ji Xuan said lightly.

He Yuan's expression darkened completely. "Why did you bring her here?"

Ji Xuan was expressionless. He pulled Liang Ran's hand and said, "Actually, I don't want to come either. Then we'll leave first."

"Wait a minute." He Yuan quickly stopped him. "I didn't mean that. Forget it. Since you're already here, let's come in together."

Except for Zeng Lu and Fan Jin who continued to greet guests outside, everyone else went inside.

Liang Ran was dying of curiosity. She kept peeking at Ji Xuan and had already imagined a bunch of grudges between rich and powerful families. For example, Ji Xuan was Zeng Hui's illegitimate son and took his mother's surname.

Or perhaps Zeng Hui was Ji Xuan's stepfather, so the woman who just called Ji Xuan should be his mother?

Ji Xuan realized that Liang Ran had been looking at him. He squeezed her palm and whispered into her ear, "Why are you looking at me?"

Liang Ran pursed her lips and leaned closer to him as well. She asked softly, "Mr. Ji, who was the lady who spoke to you just now?"

There was nothing to hide. Ji Xuan said, "That's my adoptive mother, my father's ex-mistress. Zeng Hui is her current husband."

Liang Ran's mouth was slightly agape. So these two people were not related to Ji Xuan by blood. But what about Ji Xuan's biological parents?

Ji Xuan seemed to have seen through her thoughts at a glance. He said calmly, "My parents passed away more than ten years ago."

Liang Ran was a little apologetic. "Sorry, I was just a little curious."

Ji Xuan shook his head and did not say anything. They walked to the living room, where a large display screen stood.

Liang Ran was a little puzzled. "Isn't it a family banquet? Why are you doing this?"

Ji Xuan looked up and quickly understood, "Today is Zeng Hui's birthday banquet. He and my stepmother got married not long ago, and he probably wants to take this opportunity to introduce her to other members of the Zeng family."

"Oh!" Liang Ran understood. It was probably a photo or video of the two of them. Many people would do this when they got married. It was like a reminiscence. She didn't expect Zeng Hui to be so ceremonial at such an old age.


Liang Ran smiled slightly, her eyes showing a hint of mischief.

Ji Xuan was already familiar with some of her expressions. He knew that she was up to something when he saw her like this. He asked, "What do you want to do?"

Liang Ran laughed. "Ah, how boring is this? I'm just going to give them a surprise. Let's keep it a secret for now."

Ji Xuan didn't ask any further but still felt a bit uneasy. He reminded her, "This is Zeng family's place."

Liang Ran looked up and smiled at him. "Are you worried about me, Mr. Ji?"

Ji Xuan's rare kindness disappeared completely. He sneered and said, "Why would I be worried about you? But if you're exposed, who will help me anger the Zeng family?"

"Alright, I was overthinking it." Liang Ran nodded.

Ji Xuan pursed her lips, feeling a little depressed.

When He Yuan saw that the two of them had been whispering to each other as if no one was around, the dissatisfaction on her face became more and more obvious. She walked up to Ji Xuan and said to him, "Xuan, come with me to the second floor. I have something to talk to you about."

Ji Xuan looked her up for a moment, then took Liang Ran's hand and headed upstairs.