
After Being Dumped by My Ex-Fiance, My Beast of a Husband Pampers Me Every Night

"I'll do anything as long as you give me money." Nobody would've guessed that the once-celebrated rich daughter of the Liang family could one day say something like this. The Liang family went bankrupt. Overnight, Liang Ran lost her identity as the rich daughter of the Liang family and became a debtor. Her father had only just died, and the hospital already urged her to repay the debt. At her most vulnerable moment, her fiance called off the wedding and immediately found someone new. The person he found happened to be her creditor. Only then did Liang Ran realize that her childhood best friend and fiance had long been plotting against her with an outsider. He took advantage of her precarious situation to overtake Liang Group. He was definitely involved in her father's death too. To rescue her family, Liang Ran found herself a sponsor. She gave up her ego and pride, and she begged him to take her with him. "I've never liked anyone who threw themselves at me." The man coldly rejected her. However, she still got what she wanted in the end. After the incident, Liang Ran began negotiating with that man. To her surprise, he actually started developing an interest in her. He even wanted to become her sugar daddy. For a single year, he'd give her three million yuan every three months. If she gave him a child, he'd give her an additional 100 million yuan. For the time being, Liang Ran felt that the best option for her was to accept his offer. After a long time, Liang Ran found out that this had always been the man's plot. However, he said to her, "Trying to get you was the biggest mistake I've ever made." It turned out he had never loved her. Liang Ran decided to leave him. She met in a car accident and died. However, after finding out about her death, the man went crazy!

Mountain Springs · Thành thị
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40 Chs

Establish Authority

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Liang Ran hitched a ride with Ji Xuan to the company. When she stood at the entrance of the company, she was in a daze.

She felt like she hadn't been back for a long time, and now no one at the company would recognize her. Things had changed so quickly - the people her father had trained were probably demoted or fired.

When she walked into the company, the young lady at the front desk had changed. When she saw her, she greeted her politely.

"Miss, who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment?"

When Liang Ran heard this, she wanted to laugh. She needed an appointment to enter her own company. But she didn't want to make things difficult for people who had nothing to do with her. She said, "My name is Liang Ran. Go and call the supervisor of the human resources department."

When she said her name, she noticed the receptionist was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened in shock. Although she didn't know what she looked like, she had heard of her name.

The young lady worked in the Liang Corporation, so she had naturally learned the situation of this company. She had heard that Liang Ran had been marginalized, but she was still the heir of Liang Family. She didn't dare to neglect her, so she quickly brought her a glass of water and called the human resources department.

Liang Ran waited in the lobby for nearly half an hour before the supervisor finally arrived. The HR supervisor was probably promoted after she left. When he saw Liang Ran, his expression was indifferent. "Why did Miss Liang suddenly come to the company"

Liang Ran raised her eyebrows. "Come to work. I have 20% of the shares now. You can see for yourself what position I should have in the company."

Li Shu widened his eyes in shock. "Isn't it only 10%? How did it become 20%?"

Liang Ran sneered. "Why do you care so much? Hurry up and get the access card done. I want it later."

Li Shu still didn't believe it. He subconsciously wanted to call and ask what this lady who suddenly appeared wanted to do, but he held back because of Liang Ran's presence.

Liang Ran walked upstairs. When she passed Li Shu, she stopped and said coldly, "I just checked the time, Supervisor Li made me wait for 29 minutes. As the head of the human resources department, don't you have any sense of time?"

Cold sweat appeared on Li Shu's forehead. He defended himself, "Miss Liang came so suddenly and didn't make an appointment in advance. I have to finish the things at hand first."

Liang Ran said coldly, "If it were someone else, would you also make them wait this long and then give them the same excuse?"

Li Shu was speechless. Liang Ran snorted coldly, "I don't care what you think. You need to do your job properly. If you're not up for the task, then quit."

Li Shu didn't accept her words in the heart, but he dare not to say anything. Twenty percent of the shares could at least make her the company's Vice President. She could easily dismiss a department supervisor.

"Miss..." Li Shu said.

Liang Ran interrupted him. "Call me VP in the company."

Li Shu quickly nodded. He had a bad feeling about this. He had heard that Liang Ran had hooked up with Ji Xuan. If the rumors were true, he should carefully consider which side to take.

Liang Ran didn't want to waste time with Li Shu. There were many people around watching, and she needed to establish her authority. At least, she wanted the company's people to know of her existence. Although she had a 10 percent share, no one had ever notified her of the shareholders' meetings.

This time, Liang Ran targeted Li Shu. After achieving her goal, she went straight upstairs to her office.

Her office was empty, but it was still clean. The company did a good job of cleaning.

Everyone was secretly eyeing her as she walked into her office, and she could even hear their whispered conversations.

Liang Ran couldn't care less. She asked someone to compile the latest reports from each department, including orders that were about to be launched or were already in progress.

Many people did not approve of her, but Liang Ran had already thought through that. She needed to get a new order to prove her abilities to the staff and take the opportunity to see who was against her and who could be useful to her.

Looking at the pile of documents, Liang Ran felt a headache coming on. She pressed her temples and suddenly thought of someone. Just as she was about to get up and leave, the office phone suddenly rang.

She didn't even have an assistant, so she had to do a lot of things herself.

She got up and picked up the phone.

"VP's office. What's the matter?"