

Jena sat against the wall in her hospital bed, a smile gracing her lips as she toyed with the apple her mother had sliced for her. Her mother's worried voice resonated in the spacious room, filled with various patients and their families.

"Sweetheart, are you sure you're okay? It must hurt a lot. I've already spoken to your classroom teacher; he said he'll investigate," her mother's concern echoed. "Are you sure you don't remember what happened?"

Jena met her mother's concerned gaze with a smile. "Mom, I'm okay. I'm sure I'll be out of here soon and back in my warm bed. Don't worry; if I remember anything, I'll tell you for sure."

Her mother sighed, a fleeting sense of relief crossing her face, even if temporary. Their attention turned to the door as her father and younger brother entered the room, carrying a basket of food.

Excitement lit up Jena's face at the sight of the food, a welcomed break from the hospital fare she had endured for days. Her father's smile mirrored her excitement. Her mother chuckled at her antics while her younger brother, Jamie, eagerly sifted through the basket, naming each item he found and offering it to her.

Jena beamed at her younger brother, her heart warmed by her family's presence. They lived in a cozy and welcoming home, an average household but filled with contentment. Despite not indulging in fancy vacations or the latest gadgets, her parents showered both their children with sincere love.

After spending hours with her family, they bid their goodbyes, leaving Jena surrounded by solitude once more. She swallowed the bitter taste that replaced her smile and wrapped herself in her blanket, gazing at the large window beside her bed.

She occupied the bed furthest from everyone else, positioned at the end of the room near the window. The snores of the three or four older patients she shared the room with filled the air.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on her mind, her heart aching with a burden she couldn't share with her family. She couldn't bring herself to tell them what had happened, as she didn't fully understand it herself. The thought of breaking her family's hearts, especially her pregnant mother's, was unbearable. She cherished her family deeply and couldn't bear to add to their stress.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath as flashes of the day's events replayed in her mind. She recalled emerging from the bathroom and heading to class, only to encounter her three bullies at the stairs. She braced herself, silently pleading for them to ignore her. However, Olivia's taunting words shattered her hopes.

The encounter left her shaken. Unlike typical bullying, Jena's tormentors disguised their cruelty behind a facade of normalcy. While outwardly leading a seemingly ordinary school life, Jena faced a hidden torment orchestrated by Olivia, Ella, and Grace. Their subtle attacks on her self-esteem gradually escalated, culminating in physical abuse when Olivia publicly humiliated her in the cafeteria.

This incident marked a turning point in Jena's life. It unleashed a torrent of physical and emotional abuse from other students who admired Olivia. Jena's once-normal life spiraled into a nightmare of humiliation and isolation, leaving her questioning her tormentors' motives and her own resilience.

Yet, she never anticipated they would go as far as pushing her down the stairs. Despite the torment, like many victims, she convinced herself it was best to keep it to herself and carry on with life. Only a year left, she reassured herself. It would all be over soon. With that comforting thought in mind, she drifted into sleep.

As she drifted in and out of consciousness, a strange sensation washed over her, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. She blinked, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion, and found herself standing in a vast, empty space.

Confusion clouded her thoughts as she scanned her surroundings, searching for any semblance of familiarity. There was nothing but darkness stretching out into infinity, swallowing her whole.

In the depths of the darkness, a silhouette of what appeared to be a chair caught Jena's attention, sparking confusion. Despite her uncertainty, she continued walking toward it, gradually making out the figure comfortably seated upon it. As she approached, the entire space suddenly flooded with blinding white light, revealing another person—a young man, perhaps a year or more older than her, with an otherworldly allure. His disheveled black hair framed a devilish smile that captivated Jena's gaze.

The figure remained silent, yet his piercing eyes seemed to delve into the depths of her soul, unraveling her innermost thoughts with an unsettling intensity.

Though fear and confusion gripped her, Jena stood her ground, refusing to succumb to the overwhelming unknown. With determination, she squared her shoulders, preparing herself for what lay ahead.

Without warning, the figure spoke in a low, rumbling whisper that reverberated through the void. "You seek retribution," he declared, his words sending shivers down Jena's spine. "You crave justice for the pain inflicted upon you."

Jena nodded, her voice barely a whisper as she acknowledged her longing for justice. "Yes," she affirmed, her emotions tightly constricted in her throat. "But I don't know how to make it stop. I don't know how to make them see."

The figure regarded her with a penetrating gaze, his offer dripping with promise. "I can help you," he murmured, his voice a siren's call beckoning her into the unknown depths.

"How?" Jena inquired, her heart racing with anticipation.

A cold smirk played upon the figure's lips as he offered her a tantalizing proposition. "I can give you power," he declared, his words laden with allure. "Power beyond your wildest dreams."

Despite her inner reservations, Jena felt a compelling urge to explore this newfound possibility. Though she sensed something amiss, the boy's charming demeanor seemed to cloak his intentions in a veil of innocence.

As if sensing her hesitation, the boy rose from his chair, discarding it effortlessly as it dissolved into nothingness. He circled around Jena, his gaze fixed upon her, before posing a tantalizing question.

"Have you ever wondered what it's like not to be weak?" he mused, his words laced with intrigue. "To be the predator instead of the prey?"

Jena considered his words, envisioning a life of power and popularity that seemed just out of reach. The boy's proposal sparked a flicker of excitement within her.

"But what if you could not only be like them but inhabit their very existence?" he proposed, a mischievous gleam dancing in his eyes.

Jena's imagination ran wild with the possibilities, the allure of experiencing life through another's eyes overwhelming her senses. Yet, a lingering sense of caution tugged at her, prompting her to question the boy's motives.

"Why would you help me?" she inquired, her voice tinged with apprehension as she took a tentative step backward.

The boy feigned contemplation, a playful smirk gracing his features as he offered a simple yet cryptic response. "I'm a bit bored, you see," he confessed, his enigmatic demeanor adding an air of mystery to his intentions.