
Aetheric Realms: War Of The Primordials

In the perilous world of Laxarria, where transcendent beings reign and danger lurks at every turn, a young boy named Athan is struggling to survive in a treacherous B-ranked Zone. He relies solely on his combat instincts but is unaware of his true origins. However, Athan's destiny takes a new turn when he meets Mark, an eccentric explorer with an enigmatic legacy. Their first encounter in the Zone is just the beginning of their journey. As they venture deeper into the unknown, Mark's death shatters Athan's world and sets him on a path of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. But Athan's journey is far from over. Along the way, he must face unexpected challenges, grapple with loss, and unlock the depths of his abilities to overcome the obstacles in his path.

Ecliptic_star43 · Võ hiệp
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14 Chs

Athan VS Creature

"Boom...Boom" the sound was heard continuously, as the gorilla-like creature kept hitting the ground with it's four fists.

Athan shielded himself from the creature's onslaught with his arms.

The creatures fist that were bigger than his body were crashing against his arms, his knees buckling due to the impact.

Athan focused inside his body and noticed a mysterious energy swirling in his body. The strikes from the creature kept on exciting the energy within him, the Aether in his cells were jubilant as the energy emerged from deep within him.

Athan was surprised, but he then threw those thoughts to the back of his head, as the energy started rampaging in his body causing his face to grimace in pain.

He focused his thoughts on the energy rampaging within his body, as he noticed he could control it.

His instincts told him to try directing his Aether to mix with the unknown energy, he decided to follow his instincts as he didn't have any other solutions, he directed the Aether flowing in his body to mix with with the unknown energy.

As the two energies came in contact, they effortlessly harmonized, which caused a chain reaction in his body, as the unknown energy rushed to his cells, mixing with the Aether within.

His irises shifted to a lilac color, as his pupils turned into weird symbols. {Skill created: Dynamic perception} time seemed to stop, as the fists that were pulverizing him appeared immobile in his vision.

As Athan kept on observing he then noticed that it wasn't that time had stopped but that the things around him were...

"Too slow" Athan thought, as he brought his arms down from their shielding position, before quickly directing this mysterious energy that was mixed with his Aether to his legs.

He exerted strength on his legs, a small crater was formed in the process as his legs sinked deeper into the ground, a sonic boom could be heard as his figure disappeared, before reappearing close to the face of the gorilla-like creature.

He reeled his arm backward, before throwing a punch right at the creature's cheek which sent the creature flying.

The creature's body smashed through the trees, as it's body plowed through the ground.

The creature raised it's head before gazing at the little vermin that punched it.

Athan landed on the ground, he then gazed at the creature, which was standing up from the ground, the smile on his face growing larger.

At the edge of his vision, a screen could be seen which wrote {Skill created: Dash}. He was puzzled, but the situation he was in didn't allow him to entertain his curiosity.

"I'll deal with that later, I used almost all my strength in that blow but it couldn't hurt it." Athan thought as he gazed at the creature that was already back on it's feet, it roared in his direction as the Aether pulsating off it was coating it's four arms.

The creature then approached him in a burst of speed, while the creature was still a distance away, it swung it's fist at Athan, nothing eventful happened, but Athan's instincts were screaming at him to move.

He exerted strength in his legs before jumping backwards, as he left, his previous spot where he was standing, a sudden force bombarded the place, a huge crater was formed instantly it crackled with remnant Aether similar to the creature's.

His face had a huge smile on it, as he maneuvered backwards, the creature started punching frantically at the air, which caused large craters to be appearing as Athan kept moving while thinking of a solution.

He couldn't stay in a spot for too long as the creature's attacks were merciless.

"Even if I striked the creature again, there's no way it would die as it tanked my fulled power attack without much damage."he contemplated while moving backwards to see a crater appearing in his former spot.

"The move I used against Mark will also be useless in this scenario, as I can't replicate it since Mark sealed my unique aether." He could sense his unique Aether within his body but he couldn't make use of it, his focus was averted to the strange energy flowing through his body which he discovered during his battle with the creature.

A smile crept on his face as his eyes were filled with excitement.

"I don't know much about you, but I bet you'll be my ticket to winning this." he thought while his focus was still on the strange energy.

He stopped his movements coming to a standstill, before he disappeared.

The creature had a smile on it's face before it abruptly stopped it's movements. It stood in waiting expecting Athan to appear in it's front.

But Athan disappointed it's expectations, as he appeared right next to the foot of the creature before throwing a punch at it's ankle, the creature was shocked as it stumbled, it roared in pain before scouring it's surroundings with it's gaze.

The creature was infuriated to see nothing in it's gaze, before another jolt of pain made it roar, as it fell on its knees.

The creature roared in frustration looking for the culprit.

But the culprit in question was in the sky above it's head, with it's palms tightly held together and raised above it's head.

Gravity was doing it's work as it rapidly pulled Athan down, as Athan was descending a strange flicker could be seen in the sky as Aether started gathering in huge amounts in his palm as he clenched it into a fist.

The strange energy in his body intertwining with the huge amounts of Aether around him, the Aether was compressed to a thin film as the mysterious energy in his body was mixed in it.

The creature sensed a huge amount of Aether gathering above it's head and rapidly descending, it gazed up to see a little dot that rapidly descended, as it got closer the creature could see that the little dot was that being it was fighting since, it roared in anger before throwing a punch covered in it's Aether to the sky.

As Athan was descending to the ground, he was hit by a force that obliterated his clothes, his body was pushed back by the force which disrupted his control over the Aether, he gritted his teeth while bearing the pain that came from all over his body.

His fist still bauled up, as the thin film of Aether on his fist was more concentrated.

The punch from the creature only pushed him up, his direction remained unchanged.

The creature raised its palms up in victory waiting for the creature to land in it's palm, Athan was close to the palm of the creature attempting to capture him, a smile appeared on his face before he threw his fist which was coated in Aether at the center of the palm.

The victorious look in the creature's eyes quickly turned into fear, as it felt a force running from it's arm to all it's body.

As the force passed through its body, its muscles and veins bulged as the force rampaged in it's body, before it exploded into blood mist.

From afar it looked like the creature's whole body expanded from it's arm, before exploding into a beautiful mist which colored the surrounding's crimson.

{Skill created: ???}.

At a place far away from the battle, Mark could be seen with a smile on his face while leaning on a amethyst mystifir's bark.

how was the battle between Athan and the creature ?

Ecliptic_star43creators' thoughts