
Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

In the bustling city of Eldoria, nestled between ancient forests and towering mountains, lies the renowned Celestial Arcane Academy—a hub of magical learning and the central setting of the revered fantasy novel, "Aetheric Chronicles." Unbeknownst to the residents of Eldoria, a young Earthling named Alex awakens in the academy, a place he recognizes all too well from the pages of his favorite novel. Gifted with an OP ability yet unable to use it properly, Alex quickly realizes that he is not merely a student but a living embodiment of a character from "Aetheric Chronicles", an extra or a side character to be more precise. As he navigates the grand halls of the academy, he's met with a surprising twist—characters deviating from the expected plotline, unforeseen events altering the carefully crafted narrative. Eager to maintain the balance between the known world of "Aetheric Chronicles" and the unpredictable reality he finds himself in. However, the unpredictable nature of his presence in the novel's universe sparks whispers of prophecy and conspiracy among the world's inhabitants. Guided by his knowledge of the novel's lore, Alex faces dilemmas that challenge the very essence of his character. Will he follow the prescribed destiny laid out in the novel, or will he forge a new path and risk unraveling the delicate threads of the fantasy world? Will he find answers to the questions he seeks for? Will he reach the ending of the story? If there is one...

Peace_in_Chaos · Kỳ huyễn
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372 Chs

Adrian's Team Vs Second Year Elites [1]

As Adrian and his team ascended to the stage, all the eyes landed on the second year's side, wondering who would come up to fight.

Merel looked at the scene with a small and calm smile, while feeling excited inwardly. She knew what to do now, in order to avoid 'embarrassing' the granddaughter of the principal and securing the total victory.

She looked at one of the mid-ranking teams which didn't have either one of the seven elites.

"You guys will fight. Just don't lose badly." She ordered them.

The team nodded their head and ascended to the stage. They had two tanks, 1 assassin, and 2 mages.

Seeing the team's second years sent, the crowd was clearly dissatisfied. 

"Why are they sending this team?"

"Yeah, they should have sent either Rowan's or Ciel's team."

"Right! I wanted to see a match between the two princesses, Princess Aria versus Princess Ciel!"