
Chapter 37

Sandra and I shot a glance at each other before we shot up to our feet. My bark armor was already half-formed as I turned to Zirani.

"Twin horn?"

She nodded. "Four of them, all first core arcanists."

"Just first core?" Sandra asked. "Doesn't seem so bad."

"It is," Zirani replied. "They're older and definitely have more experience, at least from what I can tell. The way they're moving makes me think of wolves, of hunters. You need to be careful, both of you, they're probably going to try pack tactics, try to wear you down then go in for a killing strike, don't let them. Be as lethal as possible even if you have to get reckless. If you let it go on then you will lose."

"You're not fighting with us?" Sandra asked, worry clear in her voice.