
Aerial Chronicles: I'm the fucking villain!

What would you do if you became the bad guy in your favorite video game? That's what happens to our protagonist, a skilled and ruthless gamer who calls himself "Spectre". His passion is the virtual reality game Aerial Chronicles, where he dominates his rivals with his skill and cunning. But one day, everything changes. For some unknown reason, our protagonist wakes up in the body of Kylo Stormcrest, a secondary character in the game who is a noble and weak villain. Kylo has no special abilities, only his title of duke. How will he survive in this hostile and dangerous world? Will he be able to change his destiny and become a hero? Or will he remain the same old Spectre?

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Kỳ huyễn
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An expressionless girl and a cheerful girl

Pov Kylo Stromcrest:

As those small, but expressionless blue eyes looked at me, I must admit I felt a little nervous, no, very nervous.

Luna Lestia, the most unique named character you can meet.

Her nickname, "the one blessed by the gods", is not an exaggeration.

She is perfect in everything from her looks to her overwhelming talent; so talented is she, that if you are paired with her in any special tournament, it is automatically your undoing.

There were some, including me, who tried to seduce her. Besides being a beauty that increases as the story goes on, her talents and especially her incredible affinity with the Light element make her a perfect heroine archetype, but....

It's impossible.

For some reason, she doesn't fall no matter what methods you use, and she also doesn't have an event to increase her favorability, so, we, as the protagonist, will only get her attention for a few moments before she simply loses interest and stops talking to us.

Didn't they give up too quickly, don't you know the saying that someday she will fall too, isn't it your destiny to have all the beauties, how is she?

They were many questions that plagued the minds of all the players, but even if you insisted, you only achieved the opposite effect.

She will get annoyed with you, and in extreme cases, she will attack you.

(From my recollection, this is the first time I've seen her, so I must act like it.)

Adjusting my mood, I decided to talk to her.

(Kylo is not very special anyway, so I'll just greet her and she will leave when she gets bored).

"Hello, my name is Kylo Stromcrest, what's your name?"


She just stared at me with her expressionless face, as if she hadn't heard my greeting.



(This is embarrassing... Are you looking at me, or is there something behind me?)

It was a rational thought, since a child doesn't ignore another person unless something strongly caught his attention.

Just as I was about to look behind me, she responded.

"Luna Lestia," she said in her characteristic monotone voice.

"Oh, that's a beautiful name, how old are you?", I asked with a friendly attitude.



"10 years old" she said in the same voice as before.

(I had never felt so uncomfortable before).

Luna is an important character for the plot of the story mode, as her actions throughout the story indirectly affect your journey.

That's why you shouldn't be on her blacklist for any reason, or it might increase the difficulty of the events where she acts.

(Like Kylo it's twice as dangerous to be on her blacklist, so I should be as accommodating as possible).

"Can I sit there?", this time, it was she who continued the conversation, asking and pointing to a seat next to me.

(... I guess she's just a little curious and I know she'll go after a while).

That was my reasoning, since in story mode these two characters had no interaction, in fact, with the two being so opposite (Kylo being a useless and her being a genius), no one related them in any way.

"Yeah, no problem" I said and nodded a bit "cheerfully".

Sitting down already next to me, I discreetly examined her for a few minutes....

Her short white hair fell over her forehead, framing her sky blue eyes. Her skin was pale and smooth, without a single imperfection.

Her mouth was small and pink, but never curved into a smile. Her face was completely expressionless, as if she felt nothing. It showed no joy, sadness, fear or anger. Just an empty, cold stare that made others uncomfortable.

Still, she could not hide her beauty.


As I was going through one of the most awkward moments of my life, I heard a little commotion.

"It's the second princess."

"Yes, she's accompanied by the queen, look, they look very much alike."

"Well, that's normal, isn't it? It's her mother."

"Yes, but don't forget the appearance of the first princess."

"Oh, the warrior princess... I understand how you feel."

There, by the entrance of the hall, I could see the second princess Elara Celestia, along with her mother and the current queen, Luminia Celestia.

Her golden hair cascaded over her shoulders, reflecting the sunlight. Her blue eyes were like two sapphires, radiating kindness and wisdom.

Her white dress, embroidered with silver threads, gave her an elegant and majestic appearance. Her crown, made of gold and diamonds, was the symbol of her power and dignity. The queen walked with grace and serenity, greeting the nobles with a smile.

But don't let her gentle appearance fool you, she is one of the most cunning characters you could meet; in fact, if you underestimate her, she will send you to solve many errands that in theory are "useless" for the continuation of the story.

(There is a route where you can sleep with her, but first you must make the king impotent...).

Right next to him was Princess Elara.

The princess was a peerless beauty, with her golden hair combed in ringlets that fell over her shoulders like cascades of gold. Her blue eyes shone with a light of their own, reflecting the kindness and joy in her soul.

Her yellow dress highlighted her graceful figure, and she moved gracefully to the beat of her steps. She was an enchanting sight that captivated all who saw her.

(She looks like a typical Japanese anime Ojou-sama).

She is difficult to conquer, in fact, many think it is very inefficient to try anything with her before Frederick dies in the attack during the academy; before that, it will just be a waste of time.

The queen and princess dutifully greeted all the nobles who were at the party, then the princess approached the tables where we noble children were.

She first approached Frederick's group and greeted politely, then looked around before seeing me, or rather, seeing the person next to me.

She came closer with very quick steps, and when she arrived, her first words were....

"Hi Luna, how are you, I'm glad you came!" said Elara very cheerfully to the expressionless Luna.

(How awkward...)

She was quiet for a moment looking at her, looking at her very hard in fact, even squinting her eyes for a moment before answering.

"Hello," that's all she replied.

Elara didn't bother, I think she knows her personality perfectly well, so before saying any more words, our eyes met.

"Who is this gentleman accompanying my cousin?" she said in her usual dignified voice, different from before when she greeted Luna.

As noble courtesy dictates, I stood up to salute, but not before directing a glance towards a certain person who was observing the situation with suspicion.

It was Frederick.

I nodded slightly, as if asking for his approval, to which he responded in kind, giving me permission.

Believe it or not, when you interact with a woman who has a fiancé, before you initiate any contact, you must inform her fiancé in some way so that there is no misunderstanding later.

It's noble etiquette, a very high ranking one at that.

"My name is Kylo Stromcrest, my princess," I said and as when I greeted Liria Evergreen, I kissed her hand gently.

(She didn't blush...as expected of a princess).

She just smiled, nodded, and stared into my eyes, before she was interrupted by Luna.

"Sit down, we're about to get dessert," she said, as in the distance the butlers could be seen bringing dessert.

"Oh, sure, I'll sit here," she said and sat....

On the other side of me, specifically on my left side.

From afar, I could already see how the other boys were giving me some jealous looks, and the girls were giving me looks of amazement, even Frederick's friends were chatting with him as they furtively glanced in my direction.

(Haaaa, I must get rid of them by the time the main character and Valeria arrive.)

Was my thought, before diving into the delicious pastries the butlers brought.

Time passed, and about 15 minutes later, I could notice a woman and two children, a girl about 12 years old and a boy of the same age, discreetly entered.

(Well, it's a lack of courtesy to be late for these kinds of events after all).

They were the Steele's, specifically, the Countess, Valeria and the male lead.

(So this is Adam's world...).