

A sub story to Lookism but with my OC

Selimhan_Goktekin · Võ hiệp
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Trauma, Wrath, and Revenge

Chapter 2: Trauma, Wrath, and Revenge:

*1 years ago*


While I was growing up I always had problems not only with my eye but also mentally, I got bullied and belittled by others, and I had PTSD about knives for a long time. I lost the best times of my life because of him. So I wished that he was dead but yeah, it didn't change anything until I met some dude named Min-Jae. He protected me from the bullies and I owned him my life. We started to hang out. We had so much fun we became really close and we also met another dude named °Caj. M. Aster° he was the coolest person I met he taught me how to defend myself so I wouldn't get bullied but I was getting so close to him that Min-Jae was getting a bit jealous and 1 day I suddenly hear that he got kicked out of school because he made weaklings fight amongst each others I was shocked the person I thought was a good friend was getting ready to use me in his little club and when I heard Min-Jae being the snitcher I asked why he did it and how he found it. He told me °Min-Jae° "because he was a f#cking @sshole and you're a dumb@ss for being friends with him" I was heartbroken and i got so low I started doing dr#gs, *3 months later* but 1 day when I was getting dr#gs it was Caj who was selling it he got buff because of the dr#gs and steroids and when I told him about Min-Jae being the snitch he got angry and wanted revenge so we made a plan to destroy him, we found him with °Jin-Ho° that moment I was getting PTSD so we delayed the progress and I also I wanted my revenge first so I made up the plan of becoming friends again with °Min-Jae° and using him to get my revenge on Jin-Ho

*end of chapter 2*