

A sub story to Lookism but with my OC

Selimhan_Goktekin · Võ hiệp
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The betrayal

Chapter 1: The Betrayal

*years go past*

We started to grow distant

He started to hang out with the bullies that we hated, while I stayed at home training with our master.

Min-jae started to steal money from us thinking we didn't know it, but it went too far when we once found gold and silver jewelry in his drawers and Gongseob confronted him asking.


"Min-jae, what are these and why do you have them?!"


"why were you 2 snooping around my stuff?"


"No no no, I ask the questions, how and where did you get them?"


"I found them on the ground and took them with me."

Gongseob signs "Just go to your room you're grounded"

Min-Jae got angry and stormed out of the house, cursing and yelling


"You piece of sh#t"

*a few days pass but he still hasn't returned*


"Sir it has been a few days but he hasn't returned please let me search for him"


Sigh " alright but if you don't find him today then leave him to himself"


"All alright master"

And so I leave in search of my "brother" (I call him brother cause we lived so long together it feels like it)

*after 2 hours* I find him in an alley with his friends smoking


"hey Min-Jae didn't master forbid you from smoking" as I walk closer


"if I were you I would look out for my problems"


"What do you mean by that"



As I get hit from behind with a bat and knocked out cold, they tie me up to bring me to their safe house, and on their way Min-Jae calls James Lee to tell him to move

*1 hour later*

They put my head in water To wake me up

I wake up and look around to see all the masked people beside 1 that is Min-Jae. (In total 6 people)

I ask Min-Jae why he's doing this and he answers


Cause that son of a b#tch doesn't deserve the title king if someone must be king it should be me


"The person that you call son a b#tch gave you a home and food to survive if anything you should be paying him (saying it all loud but now in all a bit silent) h-he's the father I never had so I won't let you disrespect him like that" and I spit on his face.

He just smiles


"then you will like the person next to me"

The person next to him pulls his mask off and it's.




My b-brother Jun-ji


"Well well well who do we have here, the 1 only "brother" of mine do you remember this" points to his eye which is blind and has a scar across it "You did this when we were kids, and I have been wanting to take revenge on it" as he comes closer with a pin to my eye,

I pushed him back.

But then they dunk my head back to back in the water until I'm on the verge of death,

but I see the pin on the ground from when I kicked him, I wiggle until I'm able to fall to the ground and pick it up without them noticing it, they kick me before putting me back up and dunking my head again back to back but meanwhile, that's happening I'm using the pin to cut the rope and it works I'm free

as I'm free I immediately go for a throat punch and an uppercut, another one tried to punch me but I dodged and made his trip where on I gave him a barrage of attacks knocking him out cold, the next 2 tried to tag team me but thanks to my speed I made easy work of them and then there I was left with my brother and "brother" they also tag teamed me but they were more coordinated but thanks to my hard training was I able to tank their attack and I did a combo against my brother knocking him out and I start Going blow for blow with Min-Jae but I won against him with the counter that I have learned while he was going out, making him unable to fight. I stand over him and watch him just smiling and laughing.

When I asked why he was laughing

He answered


"too. late. for. you. Gongseob must be already dead by now, hahaha"

And with the last stomp, I knocked him out and started sprinting in a way that I hoped would lead me back home, I got lost more and more, but eventually, I got back to the main road and I sprinted faster and faster to the temple, when I arrived all I saw was a bloodbath and Gongseob against the wall with his leg missing, I sprint towards him and fall on my knees before him with tears

Gongseob is grinning to hide his pain


"That red-haired fucker was just too strong"


"James Lee" I started hitting the ground and laughing while also tears fell "I'm going to kill you with my own 2 hands, my hands started bleeding but I continued, I laughed and cried more

*Congratulations you have achieved*

Heat mode…

*This is the end of chapter 1*