
Adventuring as a way to become God.

The story is of a guy that's was dropped into the world of Overlord (pre-new-world) by some higher entity and is forced to become one of their entertainment. The story starts out in the world of Overlord and then will branch out to other franchises.

Gunkun · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Starting the play

So you are the recruit Welcome.-Touch me

A guy with a cheerful attitude calls up to Lemon when he reaches the meeting place of the guild with Momonga-san, The guy was Touch-me san a highly skilled player that has even won the tournament to be a "World Champion", no doubt one of the strongest players in the game, he equips a white full body armour called "compliance with law" wielding a sword and a shield in each hand respectively he gives out the atmosphere of someone with a hero disposition accompanied by an overbearing personality and as someone that does not usually interact with this kind of people he was at a lost on how to respond and before he pulled out my voice another person spoke in.

Hmm a healer, quite a rare job choice... Well least try to not hold us back in the upcoming fight-Ulberd Alain Odle.

Well, we can see how good he is in this boss fight.-Yamaiko

Hmm, looked upon the two new speakers, the first is Ulberd Alain Odle a half-Goat half-Man person with an evil aura surrounding him and according to momonga-san he is the most powerful mage in the guild when it comes to Burst damage, he is dressed in a suit with a cape and a hat he even wears a half plague doctor mask that really emphasizing his Devil look, on the other hand, Yamaiko-san does not stand out with her whole yellow outfit but as expected of some from the Monk class she wielding a giant gauntlet, she seems to the strick but a caring type of person.

Yes, I will try my best to help with all healing-related activities.-Lemon

Ah, Lemon-kun when you say healing does that also include curing any negative effects as well.-Nishikeinrai

Oh man, that voice came out of nowhere and my heart almost jumped out. The man was a ninja, that's the best way to describe him, wearing light armour that grants next to no defence, with a dagger, it seems he specialises in doing as much damage in one hit. A very high-risk high-reward playstyle, maybe he is someone that like that kind of gambling.

Yes, I can also do that as well as Some Party buffs and Debuffs.- Lemon

Hm Hm that's very helpful since today's party doesn't have anybody that is dedicated to that, Momonga did you bring him along because you predicted this will happen?- Touch me

NoNo it's just a coincidence, I just brought him because today is a big battle and I wanted to introduce him to everybody.-Momonga

Hmm well whatever the case I am glad he is here since so many from the regular party could not show up.-Touch me

At least we agree on that, why do everybody and their mother suddenly have to be busy, Unbelievable.- Ulberd Alain Odle

Ok Ok came down we can't do anything about that, so we have to try the best we can also we cannot show any disgraceful side to our junior.- Yamaiko

As Lemon's senior guild members were talking to themselves he looked around the room where the boss monster is supposed to spawn, it was quite a big cave with a big free space in the middle, the cave was lighted with soft luminescent light from some kind of plant and was quite beautiful. As he was looking around his eyes met with momonga-san burning red eyes that were flickering inside his skull face, as I looked at momonga-san he broke our eye contact and returned to his conversation with the others, momonga-san also someone that stands out from the others, as someone playing a character focus playstyle he plays the Skeleton Overlord perfectly wearing a black and gold Robe he gives off an aura of death and authority, there was also a red orb inside his ribcage that he was somewhat curious about.

Alright, that's enough chit-chat the boss is about to spawn, do final preparation everybody.- Momonga

Momonga-san's voice cut through that thoughts as he was thinking, it seems the boss is about to appear so he concentrates on that first, as the newest member he cannot be dragging them down.


As the time of the spawning approached Lemon got a little nervous as he thought to look at the others to confirm if they are feeling the same however before he got the chance a bright light followed by the sound of a roar from a beast came from inside the cave, strongly hold his spectre tightly he shifted to a battle mindset.

The boss is a dragon type with a light/fire/wind attribute affinity, Touch me-san and Yamaiko-san will be the vanguard and tank, Nishikeinrai-san will do his usual attacking methods, Ulberd-san will do long-range attacks, try not to get hit, Lemon-san will focus on healing and cleansing the vanguards and I will focus in summoning and buffing,- Momonga

Touch me and Yamaiko rushed in to attack the Dragon but was halted when 2 dozen or so dragon warriors spawn up from the ground, as they try to pierce through them, a fireball larger than most struck the group of warriors right in the middle blasting them away from their path. The vanguards resumed their assault and started their attack on the Dragon, the Dragon in its anger at the death of his subordinates swipe its forearms, Touch me dodge it by a hair but Yamaiko was forced to take the hit, she struggled to find her footing at the massive force coming down at her, the dragon seeing this chance fired a breath attack to both the vanguards, at that time a skeleton king with a scythe came from behind the dragon injuring it, as the dragon roared due to the pain Touch me and Yamaiko took some distance, At that time a light followed by the feeling of their HP going up and the cleansing of the burning effect.

Phew that was close, THANKS LEMON, MOMONGA you save us there.-Touch me 

Yes, that was very dangerous but…(looking around) it seems Momonga-san is fighting with most of the enemy subordinates.- Yamaiko

A sudden roar was heard and they could see the dragon trying to attack the skeleton king with its large tail Nishikeinrai appeared below the dragon and sliced at the chest dealing a critical hit followed immediately by a large explosion that almost dragged him in it.

He appeared beside Touch me and Yamaiko at the next moment without even a burn to suggest he was in the middle of that explosion then Nishikeinrai shouted.

Oi Evillord wannabe try to give a heads up next time you cast a spell like that.- Nishikeinrai

Kukuku I am sorry I could not predict a Ninja daredevil would pop up there.- Ulberd Alain Odle

Well at least the first stage of the fight is over, I will help out Momonga before the boss enters the next stage.- Touch me

Wow man and they are saying this is the bare minimum they can do, they must be joking they are wiping the bose like it's nothing, way to make a guy make lose their confidence as a healer. I need to do more buffing instead for the next phase.-Lemon


Inside an Immense and Elaborately Decorated Room, three beings were sitting around a beautiful table. A black slime that seems to have lost its splendid lustre, if it had a face it would be plastered with fatigue, a skeleton of an unknown humanoid creature draped with a majestic black robe embroidered by gold lining, inside his open chest a crimson orb can be seen, the final being is a young man with brown eyes and hair, he is wearing a white warrior priest outfit, marked with red symbols. One can see the loneliness in the atmosphere as most of the seats were empty however the three beings as if to chase away their lonely feelings talked in loud voices, reminiscing about their glories past.

Ya, those were the fun times, just remembering those memories bring a smile to my face.- Momonga

Ah hahaha, I was a nube back then with an inflated ego of being one of the best healer in the game so I would like you to forget those times Momonga.-Lemon

Those were the days. How long has it been since you joined us Lemon-san 3-4 years?.-HeroHero

Yes about 4 years, anyway how are you these days HeroHero-san you have not login in so long?-Lemon

I am doing a lot of overtime as always so in a sense everything is normal but saying that makes me depressed, however, what can I do need to bring food to the table somehow?- HeroHero

Didn't you get a promotion HeroHero-san, so your workload must have been reduced somewhat right?- Momonga

Hahaha ya, I thought so too but those guys up top just push their work to me so now I am working way overtime.- HeroHero

Is your health still ok hero hero-san?- Momonga

With an astonishing feeling about how momonga just breezed past the statement hero hero san just said, you said to momonga.

No no that's not the problem here momonga. Herohero-san didn't you bring up this to your superiors those are a clear abuse of power you know?- Lemon

Ya, I have done it a few times and was obviously ignored though I did file a complaint just yesterday and I think it will go through this time due to the events that happened last week.- HeroHero

Oh ya the mass suicide of company employees and the huge protests that followed, even the government is getting involved this time right? I just hope those shitty executives are rung dry this time.- Momonga

It seems the whole thing started with some employees confronting their bosses about their workplace behaviour and some of the employees got raped in front of everyone, when they tried to report it to the police they were shut up by threatening their families' jobs leading to that. HeroHero

Dame that's dark, I hope those people get to be born in a better place next time instead of this fucked up place. Lemon

Well, thanks to their bravery and sacrifices this whole movement started, so I guess their death was not in vain in the end. Momonga

A weird lonely atmosphere settled again like standing at a cemetery as people stand still, no word from anyone, as this feeling of emptyness goes on the tired voice of Hero Hero spoke out.

Well, it was nice talking to you guys but I need to go I need to get some shuteye, sorry for not being able to stay till the end.- HeroHero

Oh damn seriously even though today's the last day.-Lemon

Now Lemon don't be like that. Thank you HeroHero-san for showing up today.- Momonga

Sorry guys I was really planning to stick it out but I seriously need to sleep or else it will affect tomorrow and I don't want to risk that right now. So Lemon-san, Momonga-san I hope to meet you both in the next game.-HeroHero


The silence resumes in the Hall again as the now two figure sits down again.

Oh man and he is gone haaaaa, but really to think nobody aside from herohero-san came that sucks right momonga.-Lemon

Yes it is a bit disappointing but they must have their reasons.-Momonga

The last two remaining Supreme beings of the Great Tomb of Nazarick look around the empty room where all their friends once talk about their hobbies, build and current events now as quiet as a cemetery. As the atmosphere came to a standstill one stood up.

Well momanga there is about 15 min till the server goes down I would like to go around one last time, how about you?-Lemon

Hmm no, I will go to the throne room please meet me there. Momonga

Lemon walks near the elaborate door and looks inside for the last time and saw momonga gazing at a golden staff, The staff is entwined by seven serpents and in each of the coiling serpents' mouths, they hold a jewel of a different colour. Its grip has a transparent quality like crystal and emits a bluish-white light. It is the symbol of this guild and can only be wielded by the Guild master, he remembers all the hardships everybody went through to create the object, and he thought of speaking to momonga but reconsidered after the way momonga was acting.

Ok, I will see you later.- Lemon

Lemon walks down the hall that looks like it belongs in a royal palace, he passed some maid NPC doing their programmed actions, reminiscing as he moved past the rooms of his past guildmates.

But man no matter how many times I see it always leaves me in awe, the guy that build this floor must have some serious creative fluid pumping in their veins. Oh even though I know what's going to happen after this I am still nervous, I just hope the things that the fairy told me are not some bullshit, well whichever way it falls today is the last day for me in this world either way and I also had a lot of fun the last 4 years so can't complain.

Oh here's my door.-Lemon

Inside his room, there are two women. One is a tanned skin woman that has a body crafted for battles but she does not discard any of her feminine assets to reach this form, she has red marks drawn over her body that emphasize her proportion even more and she is dawned with the Golden armour gifted by Poseidon, she wields the Sea God's Trident in one hand and on the other the shield of Aegis, her name was once infamous all over Greece Caenis. The woman standing near her was also a beauty with long black hair that goes to her knees tied in a ponytail, she gives off a motherly succubus air wearing a shrine maiden outfit her name is Akeno.

HmHm(nodding) the NPC I created are quite nice if I say so myself, just the thought they are coming to life makes all the hours I put into them worth it. Bring a tear to my eye. Anyway, I better get going it's almost time. Akeno follow me, Caenis stay on stan by.-Lemon

*(In the Throne Room)*

This place is grand as always, hmm it seems momonga is working with something about Albedo.

Momonga what are you working on at the last minute.-Lemon

Oh Lemon you arrived, no I was just looking into some of her flavour text and realize she was written as a...slut.-Momonga

Wait, Hah? seriously, if I remember correctly Albedo was created by Tabula-san right, why would he add something like that?-Lemon

Well most likely because Tabula-san loves having Contrasting traits in characters and since he created Albedo as a pure figure that fights as the last defence...…., ya that's the reason.-Mononga

Haha, quite a unique thing he is into, so anyway what are the things you modifying then.-Lemon

Nothing much, just removing the part about her being a slut.-Momonga

Oh you won't add anything else I mean I am sure Tabula-san won't mine being the end and all.-Lemon

Haha sure if I was alone but with you here it will be too embarrassing. Ok and done only one minute left.-Momonga

Looking at the Awe-inspiring room before them, draped with the flages engraved with the codes of his guildmates, the ones that quit, the ones that came to visit from time to time and the ones that are no longer with them, momonga and lemon both felt a sudden feeling of catharsis as they waited for the end, silent and stillness engulfing them, like the ending of a once glorious dream.

Lemon thank you for always coming to hang out all the time, even when you were busy or had better things to do. Momonga

Man I am getting emotional hearing that, ya if this is really the end of the line for me then I should properly say my goodbye to momonga 

Not at all I had so much fun in this game with you and the others that I will not forget this time for a long time. Lemon

I am happy to hear that, truly, that means all the time that we put into this game was not for nothing, in the end, I hope we meet again friend whether, in the next YGGDRASIL or another game, I will probably still use the same username so if you find me add me. Momonga

Hahaha man, stop that I am getting teary eyes over here, I mean I know we will meet again so... no you are right if we meet again then let's be friends again, I will also not change my Username so send me a message if you see me. Lemon

After saying their peace there were only 10 secs left so they fall silent in this magnificent throne room surrounded by the symbols of their friends and the NPCs they made together, he thought.

 I am ok if this is the end I mean I got to enjoy my last 4 years so I am not going to be sad ...… no I lied I I want this to continue, so please make the miracle happen


This chapter was allover the play structurally speaking, not my best foot to start of with, but I am too lazy to rewrite it so ya.

Gunkuncreators' thoughts