
Adventures with Max and FOX

Adventures of Max and FOX is a captivating blend of fantasy and technology, set in a world where Max, an ordinary young man, stumbles upon an extraordinary discovery—a mystical box containing FOX, his personal assistant with a surprising twist. As Max and FOX join forces, they embark on an enchanting journey of exploration, growth, and self-discovery.

Mcflubnugg · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Max meets FOX

I was walking along the riverbank that had the fishing traps we use during the warmer seasons to make fish jerky for the winter when I saw glint up ahead and found a small ornate box on a stump nearby. Placing down the basket of fish I meander towards the box. It has strange amethyst-colored symbols etched into the box that seem to almost change the longer I stare and a glowing gold latch, I slowly open the box and peer inside. I see a small pane of glass about the size of my hand set in red cushioned leather. I reach in to pick up it up and notice it has inky almost metallic black text set inside the glass that reads:

FOX Level 1

max level 2


1 point available needs allocating


100 bits available to spend


No data available

My heart feels like it'd pound a hole out of my chest. How does this thing know my name. I take a look around to make sure no one was messing me. Wait, did it say it had a name? Fox? Like the animal? Very confused, I tried placing odd object back into the box to bring to the hunters guild when the palm of my hand brushed the SKILLS TREE button. It now says:


Scan level 1: enables FOX to scan objects, monsters, animals and people then log the data in the INFORMATION section. Adds enough experience points (exp) toward FOX to level up FOX to level 2.

??? Level three needed exp needed to level up 63/200 137 exp is needed to level up

??? Level three needed exp needed to level up 63/200 137 exp is needed to level up

Levels? Like what hunters get when they join the guild? After mulling over it a bit, I decided to pick the scan skill to try, and get some information out this peculiar device. After selecting the scan skill the screen said:

Scan level 1 acquired! New section unlocked SKILLS!

FOX is now level 2.

New Items added to the SHOP!

New Skills added to the SKILL TREE!

New section unlocked CHAT!

New section Unlocked STORAGE!

Now I'm back to the first screen with more options than before that now says:

FOX level 2

max level 2





100 bits available to spend


Liters 0/10 kilos 0/10


No data available

CHAT? I tap that and I see:

FOX: Hello, I'm FOX, your personal assistant!

FOX: I've been so lonely, so I'm glad meet you max!

A row of letters appears at the bottom of the device. "How do you know my name" I ask fox.

FOX: I can see your lips moving, but I can't hear you, please use the keyboard at the bottom of your screen!

Keyboard? Does it mean the row letters at the bottom of the screen? I slowly tap out What are you? Into keyboard.

FOX: Fantasy Oracle eXplorer or FOX for short, your personal assistant to help, guide and explore the world you live in!

Max: How do you know my name?

FOX: I scanned you when you opened the box!

Makes sense I guess; I'm still confused on what this is or what is happening. I should bring this to the guild.