
Adventure of an Agares [DxD]

Imagine what would happen if a human from our world were to replace Seekvaira Agares in the Underworld? Read the story of Novachrono Agares who replaces Seekvaira Agares as the Heir of the Archduke House of Agares. MC is a male in a male's body. No SYSTEM shit, it sucks. No Seekvaira Agares in this world. The name sucks, I know... but deal with it, not going to change it because I like the name as it suits a pure-blood Devil. Yuri Elements between MC's Harem Members. Since MC is a noble pure-blood 'Devil', morality wouldn't be taken into account, and there will be some elements that are sensitive for modern society, for example, child-sex (mostly b/w same age), some shota elements, manipulation, brainwashing, mind control, et cetera AU elements that drastically deviate from the Canon Source Material Polls were taken just because I felt like it, doesn't mean I will follow them. ............ Disclaimer: All rights are reserved to their respective creators.

Novachrono_Agares · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

Side Story – 5 Dates and Dreams

Nova's Personal Chamber, Agares Castle

The room was adorned with opulent furnishings, reflecting the grandeur of Agares Castle. Nova, with his green hair neatly combed and his heterochromatic eyes shining, stood at the center of the room. He exuded an air of confidence, yet there was an undeniable flutter in his heart as he prepared for his first day.

Lavinia assisted him with meticulous care. She adjusted his collar, ensuring it lay perfectly against his well-toned physique. As she fastened the buttons of his casual yet elegant attire, Nova's mind wandered to thoughts of the upcoming day.

Today is a special day, today is his first date with Sona. While he often spent time with the girls from his peerage, even going as far as having sex with them quite often; going on a date with Sona is a little different. It is an official date between two high-class devils, and considering the fact that Sona is his fiancé, he is filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Though he did manage to maintain a composed demeanor, not revealing the whirlwind of emotions brewing within.

By the time Nova got ready with Lavinia's assistance, Tosca suddenly burst into the room, her voice filled with urgency. "Lord Nova, Lady Sitri, and her peerage have arrived. Artoria is showing them around my Lady's garden!"

Nova acknowledged the information with a nod, then turned to Lavinia, his trusted [Bishop], and issued an instruction. "it is time to depart."

With those parting words, he and his companions vanished in a flash of light, using a Magic Circle to transport themselves to their destination.

Libra's Garden, Agares Castle

Artoria had taken on the role of tour guide, leading Sona and her peerage through the captivating beauty of Libra's garden. The garden was a haven for unique and extinct plants, making it a fascinating sight for Sona and her companions. They marveled at the variety of flora that flourished in this part of the Underworld, finding joy in observing the thriving vegetation.

Amidst their exploration, Nova, Lavinia, and Tosca materialized in the garden through a magical portal, catching the attention of Artoria and Sona's group. Artoria greeted them with a warm smile, acknowledging their presence.

Nova approached Sona, his eyes filled with affection, and presented her with a crimson rose, a classic symbol of love and admiration. Despite its cliché nature, the gesture elicited a genuine smile from Sona, her face lighting up with delight.

Feeling a hint of remorse for making Sona wait, Nova apologized with sincerity. "I apologize for keeping you waiting, Sona." As he kissed the back of her hand, his lips lingering for a moment, he continued, "You look truly beautiful today, Sona. Not that you aren't always beautiful, but there's something uniquely captivating about you today."

Sona blushed at his words, her cheeks tinted with a rosy hue. She twirled slightly, feeling the soft fabric of her dress flow around her. "Thank you, Nova. I thought I would try something different today, and I'm glad you like it."

Indeed, Sona had put a bit more effort into her appearance than usual. She wore a light blue one-piece dress that accentuated her figure, complemented by a perfectly matched silver necklace. Her comfortable boots allowed for easy movement, and the absence of her usual spectacles gave her a slightly different aura.

Sona couldn't resist reciprocating Nova's compliments, her voice filled with genuine admiration. She gazed into his eyes and spoke sincerely, "And you, Nova, look incredibly charming today. Your casual attire suits you perfectly, emphasizing your natural confidence and charisma."

Nova's face lit up with a warm smile, appreciating Sona's heartfelt words. He gently squeezed her hand, feeling a surge of affection. "Thank you, Sona. Your compliments mean the world to me. The joy of being with you brings out the best in me."

As the time for their date drew near, Nova and Sona prepared to embark on their adventure. Just before leaving, Nova turned to three members of his peerage, giving them a final instruction. "Please take good care of Tsubaki and Lars while we're away."

Assured by the trust placed in them, Lavinia, Artoria, and Tosca nodded in understanding, their commitment to their duties unwavering. "You can rely on us, Lord Nova. Tsubaki and Lars will be well taken care of," they confirmed.

Sona also instructed her [Queen] and [Bishop], "I too expect the two of you to be on your best behavior… Tsubaki, Lars."

Tsubaki and Lars bowed, "Rest assured my Lady."

As Nova and Sona departed for their date, unaware of the watchful eyes observing them, Libra and Selene stood on one of the castle balconies. They watched the young couple with a mix of amusement and concern.

Standing beside the two smiling ladies, there was a grumpy Serafall, she was not pleased as she watched Nova and Sona go on their date. In her mind, she couldn't help but think, 'If anyone should be going on a date with my dear little Sona, it should be me, not him!'

She decided to give an excuse to her mother, Selene, "Mother, I suddenly remembered that there is something very important that I must attend to... urgent Devil King work. I must take my leave."

Selene was taken aback by Serafall's sudden departure. "Now? Right at this moment?"

Serafall nodded, her expression feigning urgency. "You know how it is, being a Devil King. Work can suddenly arise and demand immediate attention."

Selene sighed, understanding her daughter's obligations. "Very well, go. But be careful not to overexert yourself."

"Thank you for understanding, Mother," Serafall nodded happily, then turned to Libra and bowed respectfully. "I will catch up with you later, Lady Agares."

Libra nodded in acknowledgment. "We will await your return, Lady Serafall."

As Serafall made her exit, she couldn't help but smirk, thinking, 'Heh, this excuse always works.' The truth was that there was no urgent Devil King work awaiting her. She intended to secretly follow Nova and her dear little sister, Sona, ensuring that the Agares brat didn't do anything to hurt Sona's heart. If he did, Serafall would be there to take care of him.

Watching Serafall depart, Selene let out a weary sigh. "What am I going to do with her?" She was fully aware of her eldest daughter's protective nature when it came to Sona.

Libra giggled softly, finding amusement in the situation. "Well, at least this shows that they both care deeply for each other. Serafall may have an unconventional way of showing it, but her love for Sona is undeniable."

"True, I just hope she won't go overboard," Selene replied wearily, her concern evident in her voice.

Libra offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Selene, Serafall is a wise girl, she won't do anything stupid,"

Selene nodded, "Hmm."

Agareth, Agares Domain

Nova and Sona walked leisurely through the streets of the capital city of Agares Domain, immersed in the architectural marvels surrounding them. Nova took the opportunity to enlighten Sona about the history and lore behind the diverse architectural designs they encountered. Sona, captivated by the beauty, couldn't help but express her admiration.

"The architecture of Agareth is truly breathtaking," Sona remarked, her eyes scanning the magnificent structures. "Every building seems to be a masterpiece, seamlessly blending history and artistry."

Nova smiled appreciatively at the compliment. "Although not as exquisite as Fluviala, the Capital City of Sitri Domain, which has been universally recognized as the most beautiful city in the Underworld, I would agree that Agareth is indeed a sight to behold." After a brief pause, he added, "Agareth's architecture draws inspiration from various styles, including Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque, Art Nouveau, Cubist, Modernist, and Contemporary Architecture."

Lost in thought, Sona muttered, "Agareth reminds me of Prague."

Nova nodded, acknowledging her observation. "I've heard some devils, particularly the reincarnated ones, mention that Agareth is based on the architecture of Prague. However, considering that the first settlement in Prague was established as late as the ninth century, while Agareth has existed for thousands of years, it should be the other way around. It's possible that both cities were developed simultaneously since my ancestors had significant involvement in the Kingdom of Bohemia during the days of the Holy Roman Empire. Even now, we hold considerable influence in the Czech Republic."

"That makes sense," Sona replied thoughtfully. "Even in the case of Fluviala, I've heard people compare its architecture to that of Venice. It's likely due to the historical involvement of our ancestors in the human world during those times that such similarities have emerged."

Nova nodded, affirming her statement. "Yes, the intermingling of our devilish heritage with human architecture has certainly left its mark. But enough of the history lessons for now. Would you like to take a break and have some coffee?"

Having spent a considerable time exploring the Agares Castle, Nova felt it was the perfect moment to relax. He pointed towards a cubical building in the distance, adorned with the sign 'Ambergrain Café,' and added, "That place serves exceptional coffee, and they also have delicious snacks that I'm sure you'll love."

"Sure," Sona agreed, nodding her head.

With their decision made, Nova and Sona entered the Ambergrain Café, the bell chiming as they crossed the threshold. Several tables were unoccupied, and they settled down in a cozy corner beside a window. After placing their orders, they engaged in conversation, sharing stories and experiences from the past few months.

Nova recounted his adventurous journey in Italy, regaling Sona with tales of his discoveries and encounters, including his encounter with Tosca. Sona, in turn, shared details about her recent experiences and informed Nova about Lars, explaining how her elder sister had found him and how he ended up joining her peerage.

As Nova attentively listened to Sona's stories, he suddenly felt an unwavering gaze upon them. Catching a glimpse from the corner of his eye, he turned his head discreetly to investigate. He noticed a man wearing a large coat and a bowler hat sitting at a distance, seemingly engrossed in reading a newspaper. However, Nova could discern the person's eyes fixated on them through two small holes in the newspaper. He couldn't help but recognize the identity of their discreet observer because of the magic staff she was carrying. 'Lady Serafall Leviathan?' he wondered to himself.

While Nova contemplated whether to reveal their 'stalker' to Sona, she had already followed his gaze and identified the mysterious figure. Outraged, she prepared to confront her elder sister for secretly following them. Just as she was about to stand up, Nova grabbed her hand firmly and shook his head, urging her to stay put.

Initially perplexed by Nova's reaction, Sona furrowed her brow in confusion. However, as she caught sight of the mischievous smile playing on Nova's lips, comprehension dawned on her. Reluctantly, she nodded, grasping his intentions. The young devils swiftly hatched a plan to make their escape from the café without alerting their stalker. Leaving their share of the bill on the table, they also etched a discreet magic circle on the surface, designed to notify the staff and other customers of the presence of Devil King Serafall Leviathan in the establishment.

As Nova and Sona slipped out of the café, they were met with an unexpected uproar inside. The patrons and staff had congregated around Serafall, buzzing with excitement. Encountering a Devil King in person was a rare and thrilling occurrence for the common folk. Moreover, Serafall's popularity surpassed that of her fellow Devil Kings due to her involvement in movies. As soon as the café's occupants learned that the person hidden beneath the large coat, bowler hat, and glasses was none other than Serafall Leviathan, they swarmed towards her, eagerly seeking autographs and photographs.

Before Serafall could comprehend what had transpired, she had lost sight of Nova and Sona, who had deftly slipped away from the café. Their sudden disappearance left her taken aback and frustrated, their clever diversion successfully throwing her off their trail.

The two young devils had been running for a while until they finally reached the old square. As they stood there, taking a moment to catch their breath (although physical exertion meant little to them), laughter bubbled up from within them.

"Hahaha... That... that was fun," Sona managed to say between her fits of laughter, clutching her stomach.

Nova nodded, a wide smile adorning his face. After their laughter subsided, they became aware that they were still holding each other's hands. Sona blushed slightly but made no move to release her hand from Nova's gentle grip. Observing her reaction, Nova's smile widened, and from that point onward, their date took on a more comfortable and intimate tone.

As evening approached, the two found themselves in a public park. They sat together in contented silence, their attention drawn to a group of young children playing devil's versions of various street games in the distance.

While Sona watched the children, a pensive expression crossed her face, prompting her to speak. "Agareth is a wonderful city... The people here lead good lives and seem genuinely happy and content."

Nova shrugged nonchalantly. "All the credit goes to my father and mother. They have managed Agares Domain for centuries, working tirelessly to ensure that our domain's citizens can live carefree lives without the burden of livelihood and other concerns."

Sona nodded, her gaze shifting to the setting sun in the distance. She then turned to Nova, curiosity in her eyes. "Nova, do you have a dream? Something you wish to achieve in your life?"

"Mmm, a dream," Nova mused, his expression thoughtful. He pondered for a moment before responding, "I want to become strong, challenge formidable opponents, forge meaningful friendships, and find loyal and loving servants. I want to protect the people I care about. But I wouldn't say it's my ultimate dream... I guess, I haven't considered my dream until now."

Nova then turned his attention to Sona and posed the same question to her. She watched the children playing in the distance, wearing a bittersweet smile. "My dream is to establish a schooling system in the Underworld where young children, regardless of their social status or inherent strengths, can study together for their future. I want to create a nurturing environment where those who work hard can achieve their desires in life, irrespective of their background."

"That sounds challenging, especially considering the prevailing class-based dogma," Nova remarked. "Have you shared this dream with your family?"

Aware of Sona's aspiration to create such a schooling system and the hurdles she had faced, Nova anticipated her response. Sona nodded, her expression tinged with sadness. "Yes, my mother, father, and sister are supportive of the idea. However, the rest of the House, particularly the elders, are less enthusiastic. They believe it is an unattainable goal and a waste of resources."

"In that case, you must prove them wrong," Nova asserted, looking at her intently. "With your accomplishments, show them that it is possible and not a waste of resources."

Surprised by Nova's unwavering belief in her dream, Sona questioned, "Do you truly think such a schooling system is possible?"

Nova responded with an encouraging smile, reaching for her hand. "My dear, we live in the Supernatural World, where nothing is impossible for us. It's only a matter of difficulty and the effort required. With your own abilities and accomplishments, show them that they were wrong to doubt your dreams."

Sona nodded, a newfound determination igniting within her. She resolved to work harder than ever to make her dream a reality. Her mood lightened, and she looked into Nova's eyes gratefully. "Thank you, Nova, for accepting and encouraging my dream."

"Anything for you," Nova replied, his smile warm as he returned her gaze.

Without the need for words, both understood their desires at that moment. They leaned in for a kiss.


Their lips met, coinciding with the ignition of a firecracker that illuminated the sky with dazzling colors. The night sky soon filled with a spectacular display of vibrant fireworks.

As they separated, Sona gazed at the sky in astonishment, then turned to Nova. He smiled knowingly. "I thought you would appreciate it, so I had Lavinia and the others make preparations. Tsubaki and Lars helped too."

Understanding his thoughtful gesture, Sona nodded, her eyes fixed on the captivating fireworks. She murmured, "Yes, I love them," before leaning her head on Nova's shoulder. His arm wrapped around her, and together they sat in serene silence, captivated by the beautiful spectacle above.

Unbeknownst to the young devils, a certain Devil King watched them from atop a nearby tree. However, having overheard their earlier conversation, her grumpiness had dissipated, and she regarded the pair with a fond smile. "I suppose he isn't so bad for my Sona."

Unconsciously, Nova had earned Serafall's approval.




Author's Note: Okay this was the last of Side Story/Interlude or whatever is the best term to call it FOR NOW(heavy emphasis). From the next chapter, the focus will shift to the main plot (by main plot, I don't mean Canon).

Alright then, enjoy and have fun reading.

See you guys in the next chapter.