

"During a fierce battle during the Second Ninja War, a young man with red eyes fought bravely against a group of Sand Village ninjas on his own. Exhaustion had taken its toll, and as enemy attacks closed in from all sides, he seemed on the brink of losing consciousness. Suddenly, just as he was about to fall, his eyes glowed with an unusual light, though he didn't notice it. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a strange world, now in the body of a small child. He quickly discovered that he had been transported to the world of 'Doulu,' a place filled with secrets and challenges that required him to adapt to his new situation. In the meantime, he's also trying to figure out why he's moved to another world.

Starless00 · Tranh châm biếm
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48 Chs

Awakening the Wuhun

I awoke to the sound of roosters in the village. I quickly finished my breakfast and headed toward the large building. I couldn't hide my nervousness and excitement. Today would determine my fate—either I'd remain at the bottom of society, or I'd become a Soul Master, gaining respect and power. As a proud Uchiha, it was impossible for me to be just another ordinary person.

When I arrived, the villagers and children had already gathered. There were only seven of us. Today, our Wuhun would awaken.

I saw Tang San standing a bit away. He was dark-skinned and frail, the kind of person you'd glance at once and then forget. I tried to be friendly, so I said, "Hello, Tang San." But he ignored me, his cold and aloof face hiding a disdain for everyone around him, though he managed to conceal it well from the elderly villagers.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching and saw Grandfather Jack, who smiled at me and said, "Enlil, this is the first time I've seen you not be late!"

I replied with a slight smile, "Today is important, so I came early."

Grandfather Jack responded warmly, "Good luck. If things don't go as you hope, you'll always have a place here."

I knew he meant well and wanted to help, but he didn't understand that I couldn't stay in the village. Even if my Wuhun was weak, I knew how to cultivate my martial soul. Yes, as you can imagine, I would go to the Poison Douluo's medicinal garden. Despite the difficulty, I couldn't believe I wouldn't succeed. This thought filled me with a kind of self-assurance.

I entered the Hall of Spirits with the other children. Inside stood a man with bright yellow hair and sharp eyebrows, his eyes shining like stars. He was strikingly handsome.

Grandfather Jack greeted him respectfully, "Welcome, Honored Spirit Master. We apologize for any inconvenience." The elderly man bowed slightly in return, and Su Yuntao replied indifferently, "It's fine, but let's hurry. I have many villages to visit today."

Grandfather Jack nodded and then said to us, "Children, this is the Spirit Master from Nuoding City. He will awaken your martial souls. Cooperate with him, and I wish you success."

After Grandfather Jack left, the Spirit Master ordered us to line up. I stood behind Tang San. Then, I watched as the Spirit Master took out six black stones and a glowing blue crystal ball, placing them on a nearby table.

One by one, the children stepped into the circle of black stones. Most of them awakened useless martial souls, like sickles and farming tools. There was even someone who awakened the Blue Silver Grass. Then it was Tang San's turn.

Su Yuntao felt a powerful spiritual force surge through the air when Tang San stood among the stones. He was stunned. This power meant that a strong martial soul was about to awaken. He thought to himself that he might receive a great reward if he could bring Tang San into the Spirit Hall.

But his disappointment was evident when he saw the blue light emanate, revealing the Blue Silver Grass. He muttered sarcastically, "What did I expect from a remote village like this?"

Afterward, just as in the story, Tang San insisted on testing his spirit power, and his innate spirit power was awakened. He asked curiously, "Sir, what does innate spirit power mean?" Su Yuntao replied, shocked and disappointed, "It means your spirit power is 10. You're truly rare, even among the major clans. All the powers will race to recruit you, but unfortunately, your martial soul is useless." Tang San responded, "Thank you, sir." and left the hall.

**Enlil Uchiha's POV:**

I observed their conversation and noticed Tang San's left hand glowing. I briefly considered telling Su Yuntao, but the thought quickly faded. Who knows, perhaps the madman Tang Hao would kill everyone in the village to keep the secret from reaching the Spirit Hall. Although I don't care about them—well, except for Grandfather Jack—I am part of this village. Then it was my turn to step into the circle after Tang San left.

Suddenly, I felt a spiritual energy enter my body, but it wasn't overwhelming; it was warm and made me feel sleepy. Then I felt a familiar change in my eyes, and my vision became clearer. I realized then that I had likely awakened the Uchiha bloodline, the Sharingan. I also felt another spirit, but I decided to keep it hidden, as I had a suspicion about what it was.

When I turned around, I saw the Spirit Master looking at me with excitement.

He said, "This is the first time I've seen such a martial soul in a body. Let's test your innate spirit power." I remained silent, placed my hand on the crystal ball, and watched as the light filled the hall. Without needing him to tell me, I knew that my innate spirit power was also 10.

Seeing this, Su Yuntao's excitement grew, and he said, "Boy, how about joining the Spirit Hall? Although your martial soul seems useless, it is still a unique one. Perhaps one of the powerful masters may help you become stronger, driven by their curiosity. What do you think?" When I heard his words, I suddenly grew angry, and if I were stronger, I would've started hitting him. How dare he say the Sharingan seems useless? I refused him in annoyance, thinking that when I grow stronger, I'll show him what a "useless" martial soul really means.

A short while later, I left and saw Grandfather Jack talking to the Spirit Master. When he saw me, he ran toward me and said, "Bless the Holy Spirit Village! Congratulations, boy. If you want, there's a ticket to attend Nuoding Academy as a working student." I declined the offer. I had my own plans. There's also Tang San and his father. I don't know if they would come after me if I took the ticket, and right now, I'm no match for them. But with the Sharingan, I can't believe I won't be able to defeat them.

After saying goodbye to him, I quickly headed home. On the way, I saw Tang San greet me. I looked at him with disdain and ignored him. Now that my martial soul, the Sharingan, has awakened, I won't need to deal with him.

**Tang San's POV:**

My martial soul seems useless, but that kid who was trying to befriend me and get me to play with him seems to have an extraordinary martial soul. Despite the Spirit Master's claim that it seems useless, I don't believe that. I have a skill related to eyes, and I know how amazing it is. This kid also has a martial soul related to eyes, so it's impossible for it to be useless. Maybe I should try to befriend him; it wouldn't hurt to be friends with someone who seems to have a promising future.

"Hey Enlil, how about we play tomorrow?" I asked with a smile.

But to my surprise, he didn't respond with enthusiasm as I expected; instead, he looked at me coldly and ignored me. I don't know why, but I felt a sense of familiarity with the situation. I ignored this feeling and started to feel angry when I remembered how he looked at me like I was something worthless. I don't know what there is to be so proud of—it's just a martial soul that no one knows about. Damn him.