
adventure of a reborn

Elijah Bensley, orphaned at the age of 9 then on his 18th birthday was drafted into the army where he made many achievements and gained many titles, 63 year old and he decided to resign and picked up hobbies such as reading fantasy stories and video games, many years had past then at the age of 95, he too past. grammar is a thing I do not know well, and as such do not have high expectations for this and or me or anymore books i create thank you or if you don't like this then shove it up yours i do not wish to get copyrighted so i will say {I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE BOOKS MOVEIS, ETC THAT THE MC WILL BE GOING TO TRAVEL TO OR THROUGH}

mazzakaneXscarlema · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

chapter two


~1 August 1980~

~Godric Hollow, West Country England~

'I have no idea what's happening right now, one second I was in complete Darkness where I could do nothing but think and now i'm able to open my eyes!! albeit with a bit of difficulty of course, but it's a big improvement! I wonder where I am right now?'

as I think that, I take in my surroundings and wow this place is massive or am I just small? moving my head to the right I see a baby with a bit of black hair and bright green eyes staring right at me with what might be caution and curiosity? I'm not quite sure I've never had to read a baby before, I mentally shrug my shoulders

a few minutes of our staring competition a man with messy brown hair, round glasses, Ocean Blue Eyes and a smile that screamed pride and happiness picks me up and out of what I can now identify as a baby crib

'I- what the hell is this?!! I was reborn again? if so then why do I still have my memories? ho-' as i question my entire existence the man got the green-eyed infant out and carries us towards an open space that I can only presume as the living room, then set us down on a soft comfortable carpet

????"hello prongslet's I'm you're amazing dad j-" before he could finish that sentence a frustrated voice could be heard coming towards the living room

"JAMES FLAMBOYANT POTTER!" 'wait potter!?! as in the father of harry potter!? no NO! this must be a coincidence' whiles contemplate about my current placement a woman with thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and almond-shaped, bright green eyes that looked mesmerising and unforgettable, came into the living room with a bit of anger in her steps and eyes

{the host has gained the skill *OBSERVE*!}

'what the hell is happening right now?!'

{>>OBSERVE<< is the ability to measure something or someones level, worth, grade and opinion of the host, the higher the gape between the host and the being or item the less information the host will receive, if host is three levels or higher above being or item then the host will received a large amount of information and if the hosts luck stat is high enough the host may receive information about their creator, due to past experience >>OBSERVE'S<< level is currently twenty-three (23)}

'i- you know what i was kind of expecting this, still it's very cliche' as i took a steady breath in ' system, status' right in front of my face was a transparent Blue Sheet with words and numbers. it read as follows

Name: Elijah potter

Age: Two days old

Gender: Male

Race: Human? (wizard)



Class: None

Sub Class: None

titles: None

Level: 1

HP: 500/500

MP: 100/100

EXP: 0/100

ATK: 10/10

DEX: 10/10

VIT: 100/100

AGI: 10/10

INT: 50/50

WIS: 50/50

CHA: 50/50

LUK: 34/34

ATTP: 50

SP: 50

Elijah- 'well these are some good stats, i think? it as been awhile and i do have a lot of memories to sort through, now lets see there are fifty (50) stat points and fifty (50) attribute points, i'll be keeping these for a rainy day and since i'm still an infant there are a lot of things i'm going to relearn not to mention a lot of free time, ok i can't walk can't talk i can't even control my bladder I wonder if there's more to the system' as the thought came to my mind the the system had answered

- { the system has features that the host must unlock such as *map* *music system* even the *mini world's* and includes many more, the host can gain features through levelling up and quest rewards}

Elijah- 'mini world's?'

- { >>mini worlds<< is a subspace that starts off as a wild forest which the host is able to transform and shape it to hosts own Desire, the host can also change the biome }

Elijah- 'all the things that i could do in these mini world's, such as agriculture in one and a relaxing at home in another, how many mini world's can i have?'

- { the host is only allowed three *mini world* }

Elijah- 'do i have any unlocked features currently? and what level do i have to be to unlock more features?'

- { host does have the features *Quests* *music system* and one *mini world*,the host will gain features every ten (10) levels and one *mini world* every fifty (50) level }