


So After knowing that the antidote has been found, then without much delay immediately the existing mosquito drones, following the researchers

Not too far from where the drug trials were being carried out, in a room that was tightly locked with bulletproof glass, there were researchers from this black organization.

In the middle of entering the data from their research, fortunately, because of its small size and also because the black color does not make the researchers realize that eyes are watching them

Again, this is where the role of advanced technology plays a very important role in the success of a mission being carried out, of course apart from the technology itself, which must be more advanced and developed.

The human resources who man or use them must also be trained and chosen carefully because, without adequate human resources, it's good stuff

In this case, even though technological weapons can be used properly, they will not achieve perfect results, or in other words, they are at a level where it self is

So that the training and training that is carried out, to create quality human resources is an absolute requirement for the success of a technology to be made and used

Because without superior quality human resources, all of that will only be an obstacle in the further development of technology applied to a field

In addition to good recording and infiltration functions, mosquito drones are also equipped with adequate hacking capabilities in terms of data transfer

And now what the mosquito drone will do is transfer data that comes from the black organization researchers' computers to be transferred

Into the internal storage of the mosquito drone, however, there are also other advantages that this mosquito drone has

Which has a self-destruct function with the power of a hand grenade bomb, which makes it a kamikaze drone or a suicide drone

Of course, with an explosion equivalent to a hand grenade, it won't have much impact, but if the target is right or the object that is used as an explosion is vulnerable.

This tack, This track imaginee if this drone was detonated in the laboratory in the internal data section

So at least if the data isn't destroyed it will do quite a bit of damage, then what if it's placed in the black organization headquarters' electrical center?

Wouldn't it make the flow of electricity supply and the existing system down for a moment to allow an operation to run more smoothly?

or what if it was detonated in the ammunition storage, wouldn't it be enough to make a spark that destroyed the ammunition depot

Or even what if placed on the ventilation flow to create a blockage or even destruction of circulation which could make

The room inside the black organization's headquarters becomes not well-ventilated or even causes gas poisoning due to the oxygen supply being cut off

And all of these are things that mosquito drones can do, of course, all of these things require careful planning and good and smooth execution.

Otherwise, it's not a success but a clear failure, and it's also not a good thing if the failure is successfully investigated by the black organization.

Because the mosquito drone itself is a secret product of the solar kingdom developed by a special technology division that is directly under the kingdom

Those who have the role and purpose of creating secret weapons for defense, in this case,e, involve all aspects of existing job defense

And the special forces are one part of that where the operations they carry out will always be equipped with certain weapons of choice or high-tech weapons

Produced by this division to streamline their mission and also to make the mission run successfully, so that mosquito drones can't be caught

or even fall into the hands of black organizations because of the level of technology contained in it, not only representing advanced technology

However, it is clear that various aspects are very useful to be applied in various fields of life and also in warfare as it is today, so the drone that looks small

More functions and benefits than most people can think of, of course, the more they understand those who use mosquito drones

Then there are an infinite number of options that they can always use, so this is where again the different ideas will always appear

When someone who is trained with those who are not trained makes a decision or makes a course of action, it is clear where both the decision and the action are going.

Right now is not a suitable time for these special forces to act, data hijacking they are going to do because it's obvious

Many of these researchers are still busy working and also busy analyzing the data they get, it takes quiet time or in other words, a conducive atmosphere to be able to act as a restingactter at their current place and planned to stay overnight to ensure the smooth operation they are currently carrying out

Of course, they make a report in advance to their superiors and briefly convey the progress of the survey they are doing

Along with that they also reported about the decision they made, in this case, to wait at their current location, until later in the end

They will get data from the biological weapons plan of the black organization and also the antidote from what they made also in the laboratory inside the headquarters.

Lucky again with the ability of the durability of mosquito drones that can reach live conditions for 24 hours, allowing them to continuously monitor what is in the laboratory.

Until finally the time kept turning and without realizing it night had started to come, slowly but surely many staff and researchers began to leave the area

But in the laboratory it is clear, this is not the case, because from what they can see that the researchers don't seem to be resting fast enough

So that they inevitably have to wait for these researchers to rest and leave the laboratory where they work

And here is the difference between the special troops and the regular troops, where their mind is more tested than the general or regular troops

There was no sign of impatience displayed by the expressions on the faces of these special soldiers, they remained disciplined and monitored well without loosening their discipline.