

Enter Deeper

When the whole team managed to get into the black organization's headquarters without many apples and delays each team moved quickly to its position and immediately the next operation in this case to paralyze the guards who were outside of the cave began.

The headquarters of the black organization, which is currently the target of the solar kingdom's operations, can be said to have quite complete facilities where several Barracks and also a training ground are available for the guards on duty, this is of course done to maintain the operations and security of the black organization headquarters.

Even though the main building or the main headquarters are inside the cave, it is clear that the construction outside the cave in this case such as the guard tower of the safety wall, various obstacles, and also the main gate which has a fairly strict guard was built according to the standards of the black organization.

On the other hand, several public facilities were of course also built to support the needs of the guards on duty outside of the cave, and of course apart from building the Kun facilities that appear on the surface, they also of course built several hiding places for the guards.

This is intended to be a hidden place in terms of attacking intruders who managed to get past their obstacles and also managed to break into the headquarters of the black organization of course it was all done again as an additional safety factor in this case.

To maintain and also provide sufficient time for the evacuation of the researchers and also the results of research carried out in Goa, however, even though the preparations were quite good and the surprises prepared were not caved in, again they had to endure the bitter pill because without them knowing it

All the good preparations they had made failed due to the advanced technology possessed by the special forces team from the sun kingdom, apart from the mosquito's ability to snoop and also track what was prepared and built by the black organization in their headquarters.

So that when the sun kingdom troop team carried out their operation they had succeeded in mapping out the strengths and weaknesses of the black organizational headquarters they were targeting, after the team had separated several goals were now in front of the special forces team tasked with cutting communications and also cutting electricity.

For the headquarters of the black organization, then there is a team tasked with crippling a special surprise prepared by the black organization as well, then there is also a team that is preparing to knock out the two heavy weapons that are in front of the door of the black organization's man cave, of course, all operations carried out by the team that be in the field

Not spared from the protection of the team that is in the watchtower where those who have a further and broader view are tasked with securing the position of their comrades and closing the gaps so that black organizations do not realize the cooperative they are doing.

After each team managed to master a strategic place outside of the black organization's headquarters, in this case, their outer headquarters, the team that had prepared to penetrate the entrance of the black organization's main cave had been in their respective places.

Of course, before they paralyze the two main guards they must secure the insurance that is, in this case, a team that is in charge of the first cockroach from the black organization headquarters which numbered 12 people and guarded the iron entrance with the existing password.

Because clearly when they disabled the 2 large barriers at the entrance of the black organization's headquarters the noise couldn't be denied in this case those in charge of guarding the entrance of the black organization would report the situation and make evacuation preparations.

So to avoid this a special way has been thought up by the special forces of the sun country, in this case again using a small mosquito drone to enter and infiltrate the guard carried out by the 12 main guards at the entrance of the black organization.

After the mosquito drone was successfully flown and Dan started to infiltrate the Cave on the other side "how is the communication team question mark" the captain asked about the progress

"Report the captain of the communication team succeeded in occupying and controlling," the report from the communication team which had succeeded in paralyzing communications from the headquarters outside the Islamic organization

How to pick the next how about the special surprise team? "Sam the captain believes again

"Report mission captain completed"the team tasked with disabling the hidden weapons of the troops located outside the black organization's headquarters reported the situation

"What about the entrance team are the 2 major barriers ready to be taken down?" The captain asked the team on duty there

"Report the captain, the team is currently carrying out an operation to disable the 12 main guards of that name from entering the inner area of ​​the black organization's headquarters" the report from the team

After hearing all the reports then the captain again reminded us about the operations they were running there were no problems in all the operations they carried out on the other side The captain also reminded the team that was tasked with protecting the team in front

In order not to relax their vigilance, in this case letting the rats escape the traps they set on the other hand at this time the mosquito drones that managed to enter the Cave, have now managed to get past the iron bars blocking the entrance of the black organization's main headquarters.

Then, Ron, the mosquito didn't delay anymore, flew right in the middle between the troops in charge of guarding the iron door, then issued a small smoke bomb with the function of paralyzing yes, the plan carried out by the special forces team of the sun kingdom was

Sending a mosquito drone into the cave and then releasing a poisonous gas that has the function of paralyzing the consciousness of humans at a fast rate, in this case, less than 3 seconds after inhaling the gas released by the mosquito they will immediately become unconscious and unconscious

And as explained the mosquito drone has now released very small smoke combined properly with the help of a magnifying devil they can'tseized by the mosquito drone, after releasing the smoke bomb within seconds the bomb exploded but the explosion only sounded very small, and it could be ignored like the sound of stepping on a pebble

And shortly after the smoke that was inside exploded from the smoke bomb carried by the mosquito, it immediately spread around the 12 guards present. And it didn't take long when the guards inhaled the gas that had been dropped by the mosquito, they immediately fell asleep and unconscious.
