
Adventure beyond Mortality

Everything changed on this faithful day. It was the last day of school right before the summer break started. Who would expect something bad on this day? Not our Mc he had a positive mind and had plans to make it his best summer in life. But that all changed. Follow our Mc in his Adventure and his misery Editors:PlagueSquid and Fr4n

Huolong · Huyền huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 4:The Forgotten one

Yes, this kid that wasn't tested yet is our Nie. After saying so to the elders, he bows down and moves to the formation //F*** I was so scared, I thought he would kill me, luckily the other elders were there// Nie steps into the formation and it begins to shine, right after he finds himself in a strange space filled with all kinds of objects.

"Okay, this is the formation core and these objects represents all the talents that someone can have, then let's find out what my talents are" he sits down and begins to meditate and as he does that some symbols begin to move outside and fill Elder Li's book.

"Nie: Age 6, Gender: Male, Talented in: Unknown, Compatibility: Unknown"

Nie opens his eyes and sees in front of him all the things that he was good in his previous life and begins to laugh "I ask myself why this formation wants to display that" suddenly a crystal appears and it shines in a strange color mix between black and white then turning into gray "Wait, �� NOOO please no grey talent.... why are heavens so cruel" he stands up and touches the crystal "I … I … I don't accept that, change... CHANGE!!!" he cries out and starts crying. The gray color begins to stabilize "No.. NOOO" Nie starts punching the crystal, making his hands bleed "I order you to change!" he begins to punch it even harder, while his blood is flowing down on the crystal "I was already trash in my former life, I don't want to be trash in this life too" he yells out from the bottom of his heart and soul.

"Cultivation: None.... talent.... Gray ….. Trash level" says Láng with a strange face //Brother Jiang, it seems that the one you wanted to rescue to pay for your sins will be thrown out// he looks down at his book ready to close it but mysteriously the symbols begin to change "What?!?"

"AAAAAAAAAHHH" Nie cries out and strangely the crystal develops its light again while a strange energy flies out of Nie's body //This.. What is this? It feels familiar... it's the energy of the old man... and the same energy that filled my body when I woke up too. What's happening here?// Nie looks at the crystal and remembers what feel like what the old man probably said before parting "Something else? What is it"

Nie touches the crystal and instantly some words appear in his head "Primordial grade talent.... the talent of primordial beings that existed since the birth of a plane... a talent grade born from the world itself.... it grows with its owner …. HAHAHAHAHA you see that heaven, you see that Xerxes, even the plane that was born from the parts of my home plane that you destroyed is helping me growing".

He looks at the crystal and the colors change every few seconds until it forms a Yin-Yang symbol made of black and white and in the core of it there's a small triangle

"This is the form of the primordial grade talent and the triangle represents the grade it is in right now" looking at it he smiles "High mortal grade, good and now my talent in physical and mental work are changing but my compatibility with the techniques is still unknown"

Nie slowly wakes up from the trance and hear Láng Li saying his results

"... The results changed ….. these are his true results

Nie: Age 6, Gender: Male Talented in: Planning and Will, Cultivation: None and Orange with a shade of yellow excellent seed …."

All the elders looked at Nie with shocked expressions and three of them already began to move but suddenly Nie's ripped clothes changed into a green kimono that tightened itself around Nie "What?" Immediately Tamer Láng appears next to him "You won't snatch him from me right? I mean, he's perfect for the wild ring, we need people that are talented in will and all of you guys already have 3 kids on your side while I just have one and the only other profession that needs a talented will is Brother Sheng, but I don't think he would want to join yours right?"

After saying that Nie looks at him //He looks carefree... I think that is the right place for me // Nie immediately kneels "Please accept me as one of the members of the wild ring, Elder Tamer Láng" the elder looks at him with a happy face while the others continued to be shocked since they couldn't event react before Nie kneeled down.

"*Sighs* It's fine, you're saying the truth brother Láng" then he looks at all the kids and collects himself "Now the examination ended, the kids that got chosen are now officially members of our Clan while for the rest that didn't got selected you can now choose between leaving or working as a servant for us" after that he waves his hand and the elders begin to leave together with the kids that got chosen by them.

While Nie is following Tamer Láng he looks at the other kid that got chosen as a member of this group. It's a boy and his name is Bai Wei, he's 12 years old and has a cultivation of the middle strength period, he's quite tall for his age, 1.58 meters with a few muscles, his kimono is green but is looser with some lines on it that are made of a darker green tone.

As they continue walk Bai Wei notices the gazes of Nie "what are you looking at Fatty? Do you wish you too had a body like mine? Haha dream on, it would be even a miracle that you wouldn't gain any more weight" he says while laughing.

Nie looks at him while clenching his fists "How really? I just wanted to say the same about your intelligence. But I think that wouldn't change a thing, even with my reminder you would stay the same and be a person that bullies other because of their looks" after saying that he smirks and then walks right past him thinking //Stupid bully, just because he has some muscles he thinks I will be intimidated by his words and get angered. I was bullied my whole life so// he turns around to look at Bai Wei "You need to train 100 more years if you want to anger me with these words"

"How dare you talk to me like that?!?" He yells and jumps straight at Nie while forming a fist and throwing a punch towards Nie's stomach. Bai Wei is too fast because he already reached some level of cultivation, while Nie has none.

The punch struck and had so much force that Nie flew towards a tree, making it shake while landing on it. He spits out a bit of blood and he can barely breath because of the pain.

"I think I need to teach you a lesson Fatty" As Bai slowly walks toward Nie with a cold glance, he begins to form again a fist preparing to strike again.

//F***, I think I made a mistake there, but it was worth it// Nie pushed his back against the tree to support himself while standing up. "Then come... idiot" He changes his body posture and prepares himself to receive Bai's attack. "and this time... you will be the one flying" as these words enters Bai's ears something explodes in his head, as if a safety measure that was holding him back was lifted. "AAAAAAH" he again jumps straight at Nie, but now with even more power and aiming at his face instead of his stomach.

"AAAAAA" a yell filled with pain came out of Bai's mouth as he hit a staff that appeared out of nowhere, protecting Nie. "Now end this little battle of yours, you both are now members of my group and I don't allow fights between people that have cultivation and those that don't" says a cold voice.

The owner of the voice is none other than Tamer Láng and from his carefree and happy expression nothing is left, his face is now ice cold and his eyes are like an Abyss. He looks at Nie and Bai, waiting for them to change their fighting posture to a normal one, and right after they did that his expression returns to his previous easy-going air. "Good, now that we talked about this just follow me, we still have to walk for a bit until we're at our goal".

As they continue to walk towards the wild ring, Bai Wei continued to call Nie "Fatty Nie" to provoke him, but he just completely ignores him because he thinks about other things and he doesn't want to provoke Tamer Láng //So this is the power that someone has in the strength period. I want this power as fast as possible, but I can't forget that the moment I acquire that power Elder Láng won't continue to protect me, so I need to acquire greater power than Bai Wei in a short amount of time.... Is that even possible?//.

As Nie continues on his train of thoughts the surroundings around him change, from the barracks and training fields to an area with some houses and even some wild life. You could even see some pens of the demon beasts that live in the Láng Clan.

A while later they leave the area and arrive at a square with 5 different paths and in the middle of the plaza a statue made of marble of a gigantic wolf. Tamer Láng stops for a moment and then begins to walk down the path on the left side.

As they pass through the forest they start to glimpse a building in the far distance. The closer they go the more they realize how big is the that building and the area around it. Looking around there are only a few buildings and then it's just nature like the path used to come, when they finally reached the entrance they finally notice how really big it is, saying gigantic would be more appropriate, on top of the ingress there's a sign that reads "Wolf Howl Dormitory".

"Now Bai Wei and Nie, this is the Wolf Howl Dormitory, the sleeping quarter of the Tamers and Controllers of our Láng Clan, everyone that lives here has a strong will and went through a lot of tests, because of that they won't consider you part of them until you have accomplished three things" "And what are those three things Elder Láng?" asks Nie "Oh, those three things are … for now a secret, instead I shall explain you a bit about our dormitory and the buildings that you see" He looks at Bai and Nie then waits for a moment

"Good, so you should know that our Wolf Howl Dormitory is one of the 5 dormitories of the young members of our clan that learn in the five element institution and the one with the least members too but don't get scared because of that, it doesn't mean that we're weak but as I said before is that everyone that wants to truly join us needs to go through a strict test and that's why we only have a few members every year. Counted with you and the other two recruitment test and with the trial of Fire that the clan descendants went through we have 12 new members in the wolf Dormitory, 4 from the test and 8 from the trials".

When Nie and Bai heard this they were shocked that the ring only had 12 new members and only 2 of these went through the same test as them.

"I know that is shocking but there's something that will astonish you, one of the 8 descendants that join our dormitory is the 4th Son of the clan patriarch, that makes him the 4th young lord, do you understand what I mean with that?" Both of them continue to show shocked expressions, not reacting to his question.

"*sigh* That means a lot, but to who I'm saying this, to two little kids". He shakes his head "Now please focus again okay? I will now tell you what the buildings close to our dormitory are" Bai and Nie awaken from their shock and look at the direction where Tamer Láng is pointing, at the end there's a big pavilion with two wolf statues at the front, both of them made of a black material that makes other feel pressured when looked at, together with some strange symbols on it. "This is the Martial Pavilion, here there are some cultivation techniques and weapon manuals that will teach you how to cultivate or use a weapon the right way".

He moves his hand and this time points at an another building, a black pagoda with some golden materials on it to make it look like more majestic "This is the weapon hall, there you can get a prepared weapon or if you bring enough money you can even order them to forge one for you"

After he points at two other buildings, one being the infirmary, a small building that is only made of white stone, while the last one is more of a guardhouse next to a wall and behind it there's a path that leads directly to the third ring.

"That's all, for now both of you should go into the dormitory to get your room, oh and remember that tomorrow at 8 a.m. you will need to be here, do you understand?" Both Nie and Bai nods and then go into the dormitory but the elder stops Nie "You wait here, I want to ask you something" He looks at him nervously but then just nods and waits for Bai to leave.

"What do you want Elder? Is it about the earlier fight between Bai and me?" Tamer Láng shakes his head "No Nie, I already said everything that I needed to say about the fight, this question is about something else, it's about what you saw while you were inside the formation space"

While looking at him Nie begins to sweat a bit "What do you mean with that Elder Láng? I think everything was normal"

"I mean the reaction that you caused by the formation. You should know something like that would never happen before, but now in a short amount of time it happened twice and the other person that caused this was the 4th young lord"

As Nie hears this he gets shocked //Wait what? The 4th young lord caused the same event as me ?!? How is that possible? It happened to me because I have a primordial grade talent. Calm down Nie, maybe it's just a coincidence and it means nothing bad// "Oh really? Maybe it only happened because of some... some energy that the 4th young lord left in the formation and I somehow triggered it"

Nie tries to play it down and Elder Láng continues to look at him, this time with a suspicious look but then begins to smile "Yes, that's probably the reason of how you caused that reaction, but who cares about it. Now you should go to the infirmary and get your wound treated and then get your room.

This is the 4th Chapter XD

Now here is my update schedule

Monday(Sometimes), Wednesday, Saturday

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