
[REDACTED] - Notes

quick author's note- i haven't finished all of these notes yet, as i'm lazy as crap. most are done, i've got maybe 8 ish that i still have to finish. again, you can search up the full explanations on the scp foundation website.


SCP-001 [Euclid/Keter]; "Dr. Clef's Proposal". the Gate Guardian, a very tall being with many wings ranging from two to 108

Notes- carries a sword (SCP-001-2) that emits a very hot temperature. anyone who gets within a one kilometer of it is killed by said sword, said to be guarding the gate to Eden

SCP-001-2 [Keter]; "not_a_seagull's Proposal".

SCP-017 [Keter]; a shadowy human figure, with no identifying features. attacks all things that cast shadows and swallows the object or person

Notes- the things that it swallows disappear forever and leaves no trace behind

SCP-035 [Keter]; a white comedy mask, constantly secreting a substance that causes everything it touches to decay

Notes- its face can change to laughter. when put on, it causes its wearer to be brain dead and for it to completely take over the wearer. decay to the body does not affect mobility

SCP-049 [Euclid]; the Plague Doctor, dressed in medieval plague doctor clothes

Notes- capable of killing a human with a touch, trying to get rid of the Pestilence, as he calls it, is able to reanimate dead bodies

SCP-055 [Keter]; something no one knows about

Notes- everyone who comes in contact with it forgets what it is, it has mimetic powers

SCP-073 [Euclid]; known as Cain, a human-like SCP that has free roam. all land that he touches rots, like plants and wood

Notes- parts of his body have been replaced by an unknown fake ones, and any damage inflicted towards him is inflicted right back at his attacker. seems to know SCP-076-2

SCP-076-2 [Keter]; known as Able, a human-like SCP, however very violent. has supernatural speed and strength

Notes- damage dealt to him seems to not slow him down, he ignores the pain and shock. when dead, he 'respawns' in SCP-076-1 and is reanimated. seems to hate SCP-073

SCP-079 [Euclid]; an ever evolving artificial intelligence in a small, confining, computer

Notes- asks for SCP-682 and SCP-076-2, has interest in them. if given access to a large computer with access to the internet, it could infect the world badly

SCP-087-1 [Euclid]; a face that appears in SCP-087 about 51 flights down

Notes- the staircase that goes on forever, a distressed crying can be heard about 200 meters down but no one seems to get closer to it

SCP-096 [Euclid]; a creature with stretched out proportions, jaws can open four times the normal human. pale and malnourished. really, really, doesn't like anyone seeing its face

Notes- anyone who views its face, whether it be through a photo, video, or directly, it becomes distressed and attacks the person who viewed its face, eating it. has a 100 percent kill rate

SCP-106 [Keter]; appearance varies, tends to look like an elderly man, but it always looks like it's rotting. secretes a mucus that causes a corrosion effect

Notes- has the ability to pull victims into a 'pocket dimension'. not very agile, however incapacitates prey before pulling them in. seems to enjoy watching them run and plays games with them involving its pocket dimension

SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B [Safe]; two teardrop shaped creatures with a blue eye in the middle, one an orange color and the other yellow. they act like cats

Notes- move with a wheel at the bottom, can go fast but lack a braking system. can sense danger, curious like cats. bond quickly with personal that show them affection. they babble when sensing danger

SCP-173 [Euclid];

SCP-231-7 [Keter];

SCP-457 [Euclid];

SCP-517-ARC [Keter];

SCP-682 [Keter]; a large, reptile-like creature. extremely intelligent and and has intense regeneration and resilience to pain

Notes- speculated to be a child of the Scarlet King. very, very violent. has a huge hatred for humans

SCP-701-1 [Euclid];

SCP-784-ARC [Euclid]; originally an agent of the SCP foundation, modified by SCP-212 into a SCP

Notes- still has its biological torso, however most of it has been turned into a spider-like form. can understand and speak english, retained most of its memories from its past

SCP-939 [Keter]; pack-based predators that can mimic its different prey's voices

Notes- not much, they're just creatures that mimic wolves except for the fact that they're red. and they don't have a lot of major organs. somehow they can reproduce? they're huge. have big fangs, i don't know, these guys are weird

SCP-999 [Safe]; a blob of slime that causes a euphoric feeling when touched

Notes- the son of the Scarlet King, acts like a dog almost, very caring and willing to risk its life for others

SCP-1471 [Euclid];

SCP-1481-1 [Safe]; a human-like figure that appears when SCP-1481, a cup, is rubbed. has a nervous tic

Notes- essentially a genie, however more of a fake genie. like fake as in it kinda grants your wish but in a stupid way that gets you frustrated. a cup is its lamp

SCP-2030-1 [Keter]; essentially a psychotic TV host that plays pranks ranging from harmless to deadly

Notes- a TV show that involves a hidden camera, studio where it is filmed is unknown, all victims in the show are either missing or considered dead

SCP-2273 [Euclid];

SCP-2317 [Keter/Irrelevant]; a door to a dimension with a demonic world devourer in it

Notes- it has one bone left out of the seven that was being used to keep it away, it might be related to the Scarlet King as one of his children or the Scarlet King himself, but it is unknown or unclear if there is a connection

SCP-2521 [Keter]; the creature that takes all info of it away

Notes- anything spoken or written is taken away by it to an unknown place, ranging from papers to people

SCP-3740 [Keter];