
Adapt to the BIZARRE

With a death that feels strange, why not go on to do even more BIZARRE things.

Datguypi · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

Are you sure about that?

You know something. Getting run over by the stereotypical Truck-chan is actually a lot less painful than I would have thought. Although I think I wasn't meant to die just yet, what with the Truck yelling "OH MY GOD" in typical Joseph Joestar fashion.

Anyway, now I'm in the also stereotypical void, awaiting the probable stereotypical GOD, with the stereotypical no body tripe. Oh, never mind. The gender neutral higher-tiered entity is now here.

"That gender neutral higher-tiered entity can also here your thoughts, I am male by the way."

Oh, cool.

"Now you were right in that you weren't supposed to die, however you are dead in that world so you can't exactly go back. You understand the typical reasons for balance right?"


"Coolio. You only get one wish before we send you to a random world with no you in it."

Wow. That kind of sucks, but it is better than nothing… Okay…

I wish to become the embodiment of the concept of adaptation!

"O… kay. Yeah that is just barely within the regulations. It has been found acceptable by the council as compensation and we will now send you to the random world. I do hope you stay healthy and live a long-time man, it'd suck otherwise."

Thanks. You know, you are a lot less arrogant than I thought a gender neutral higher-tiered entity would be.

"Yeah yeah, don't go spreading that around though. We're supposed to act in a befitting way of someone of our station. Honestly don't care enough to do that."

Alright. Well later.

"You too."

"Yeah. Sounded weird to me as soon as it left my mouth. Get the hell out of here."

Colours invert and blur together as I feel a pull from what I perceive as behind me. Before what feels like a couple seconds pass I come to a stop in front of a portal that looks… BIZARRE. It has a rainbow just spinning in it and a couple random people flitting by the surface in some BIZARRE poses. Before I get the chance to see anything else I feel myself thrown by my ankle.


I feel myself with a body again and almost immediately notice it is pre-pubescent. Leaving me with one thought.


Yes… Not my proudest moment but excuse me for thinking I might not have to go through school again. Though… The style of the room I am in is rather reminiscent of a Japanese Edo period style room. Only reason I even know that is because of an assignment from History class that got me into the whole Japanese stuff. Anime and Manga came a little after. Anyway, I need to see my new body and make sure I have the… ahem, the proper goods.



CALm down. Calm down. This just means I got some of the best luck in this life… Wait, what is with this little patch of skin near the back of my neck… OH GOD PLEASE DON'T BE THE JOESTAR BIRTHMARK.

Looking around and spotting a hand-held mirror, I reach over and set it up so that I can turn around to find out what the hell was on my neck. I look and see the very same cursed birthmark that is on each of the JoJo's neck.

Well… now is a great time to start panicking. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

"Son, are you awake now?" *CRACK*

The door was suddenly and loudly slid open as a rather buff looking man comes into view. With hair a seemingly impossible abyssal black and eyes of the same hue, he expresses concern and frustration.

"Are you okay, not hurt anywhere are you?"

The man starts fretting over me and examining my face then my body to see what was wrong.

Wait, SON?!

"W-who are you strange man, and where am I?"

There that should at the very least get me some information on where the hell I am.

"I… I'm your father, and we are at our house in the newly named Fukushima, Japan. You were caught in an ambush with your mother where you were the only one who barely survived, the rest being dead in some way."

At least I know that now, guess I should find out my name next. Subtly.

"Then who in the hell am I?"


"Y-your name is Jotaro Joestar, your mother's name was Seiko Joestar and my name is Kaito Joestar. I married into the Joestar name to protect my original family, the Kujo's, and that was that until your mother and I started hitting it off. We fell in love and had you."

Wow… That actually sounds somewhat plausible… In maybe another decade or ten. Then again, this is the Joestar family, they always were BIZARRE from what I remember, but there is also the alternate universe thing to consider.

"O-okay, then why were we ambushed then?"

"The Joestar name isn't all that respected in Japan, most want us gone completely so we are unwelcomed in most of society. There is also a group that want anything distinctly non-Japanese out and will do anything to get it done."

Wow… Racists.

"But enough about that, we need to get you dressed and packed. I'm sending you off to the English branch of the Joestar family where my cousin-in-law George Joestar and his son Jonathon are hosting and adopting another young boy into their house. I'm sorry I can't help you too much with your memory problems, but you need to get out of the country before you die. Everyone else thinks you died, better to keep it that way. Goodbye my son, Jotaro Joestar, I'm so sorry I couldn't save your mother or you from suffering. I love you."

As soon as he finishes he starts moving around the room and sets clothes on the bed before shooing me off to get changed.

Average, that's all that comes to mind with these clothes.

Coming back to the room after changing, I find a bag presumably stuffed with clothes and some books and two envelopes, one addressed to me, another to George, presumably Joestar. I open mine and find in it a ticket to what seems to be a boat heading to England.

Well then, I'll need to get a move on. Thank you for this, my new father… I care about you at the very least.

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

I've finally arrived. Just in time to see a small amount of yellow lightning sort of aura fade in and out of existence around my arm. Wonderful.

Making his way onto the land Jotaro finds himself walking behind a man with a very strange hat, a sort of checkered pattern on it. Removing the sheer BIZARRE-ness of the mans fashion sense out of his mind. He finds himself in a very strange town, but before he can properly comprehend the town he hears a very strange sight for him. A blonde-haired boy pointing at himself with a thumb and a girl on the ground before him washing her lips in what seems to be muddy water.

"Hello there."

Speaking those words drags everyone's attention to my area where they can see the ordinary clothes and not so ordinary bag.

"I was just wondering if you could point towards the Joestar estate, I have some business to conduct there."

"Yeah actually, just follow Dio over here, he was just recently adopted by them."

"O… kay. Thank you for the directions mentally impaired boy. My name is Jotaro Joestar and I was sent here by my father to be taken in by George Joestar until further notice."

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"Damn. Well then, you are welcome here young Jotaro, you will be joining my son Jonathon and my adopted son Dio with their lessons. I must go and make some preparations for those lost, so go ahead and find either of my sons."

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"He's a genius, all these new ideas and workarounds for these formulas, and the groundbreaking ideas he has. I think you would be better off sending him to more advanced courses."

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"Well now Jotaro, it is a pity, out of the two of my brother's you were the one I tolerated the most. Now all you will do is serve to show me what this STONE MASK does…"

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"Oh my God. Jotaro!!!"

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"He's somehow able to walk in the Sun even as a Vampire and even able to channel some Hamon. Something is completely wrong about him!"

"No, I don't care that he is a Vampire capable of withstanding the Sun's power. None of us will kill him or take him somewhere else. He will remain here until he is ready to come out by himself, he's is the only family I have left here!"

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"We are sad to say that your brother, Jonathon, has died at sea. His boat burned into oblivion and his body unable to be found. There is good news though, Erina has survived and has brought with her a new child into the Joestar family."

*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"Please Jotaro, go with Straizo and help him raise her and train her. Please."


*Undisclosed amount of time later*

"What are these strange carvings?"