
Adapt, Evolve, Be Stronger

The Blacklight virus, a virus so versatile it can actually get its own consciousness. Ben gets to feel how it feels to become a virus so dangerous it can make him become the most dangerous living creature alive.

Blinking_Apollyon · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs


"Help!" Conner heard the cry for help before he even opened his eyes. Suddenly, screams of terror, moans of pain, blares of sirens and the sound of buildings breaking made him open his eyes before covering his ears with a painful grimace on his face. Quickly, he got his emotions in order before reigning in his senses, making him sigh in relief.

"Thank God I chose warrior genes in my Kryptonian package, I can master my senses fast enough," he sighed in relief as he got up from the ground. "Now, what's up with all the ruckus." He touched his chest thoughtfully as he looked at the direction all the noise was coming from. Immediately, he started seeing through the buildings and any obstacle in between till he saw the sight of two hulking beings fighting, each blow producing a shockwave that blew everything around them away from them.

"Good thing my second wish came in handy. A yellow sun radiation generator in my so called dantian to always provide me with my most needed energy to keep me going. Due to my adult cells, I am absorbing it at a much higher rate which is good news for me."

In fact, due to the generator producing the radiation in his body, it would be enough to say his rate of power growth was most frightening. He just went from a mere mortal to a building destroying threat in seconds. Due to his warrior genes and the 'training' this body had done before he got his consciousness, his control over his powers came to him much more easier than any Kryptonian before him, something he was glad he thought of.

"So I am in Marvel," he said as he continued watching the two hulking beings fight. He could easily recognize them, one been the fan favorite Hulk and the other being Abomination, a super soldier in a long list of having been fucked over by the military.


"Whoa!" Conner exclaimed as he saw a shockwave tear through the road, breaking all the windows of the surrounding buildings. The fight was becoming more intense and Conner noticed a disturbing fact. Hulk was becoming more angry and in doing so, becoming more stronger. This made him be more surprised for this Hulk and Abomination resembled their MCU counterparts to the T. He could remember that that Hulk did not have the ability to become stronger the more angry he became. Just then, Abomination hit Hulk away with a car, roared at his sprawling punching bag before throwing the car away and charging at him.

"The hell!" Conner exclaimed as he saw the car was flying towards a saloon car that had a man stuck inside, frantically trying to unbuckle his seatbelt. Conner could see the terror slowly wrapping on his face as he looked at the oncoming vehicle, his fingers clumsily trying to unbuckle his seatbelt but his fright simply made him a stumbling buffoon.

"Fuck it!" Conner sighed in resignation before speeding over to the man's car. He felt a tug on his lips, a smile trying to form on his face as he could see everything somehow stop into a crawl as he does by. Running at such speeds would tear a normal person's body apart but he felt like it was a normal Sunday jog. He arrived in front of the hurled car and got hold of it before it hit the car with the man inside, most definitely reducing him to a ne s article the following day. As time resumed to normal, the car crashed into his arms, the roof crushed and deformed against his admantium like arms.

"Was expecting it to be heavier," Conner said is slight amusement as he felt the light weight he was carried then put it aside, turning to the flabbergasted man who was just gawking at him. "Need a hand?" Conner opened the door before ripping the seatbelt off, freeing the man.

"You need to get away from here," Conner said as the man started nodding robotically then he started running away. Once Conner was sure he was gone, he took to the sky and looked at the wreck these two monsters had left in their wake.

"Jeez, now I feel kinda sorry for New York in 2012," he sympathized before he opened up his senses, trying to keep it secretly on Hell's Kitchen where the two brutes had decided their arena was going to be.

"Help, please, I can't breath!" an urgent voice made him look to the direction it came from. He saw someone had his left leg crushed under an eight wheeler and not far from him was a burning car with two occupants inside. Immediately, he flew over, using his freeze breath to freeze the burning car as he landed beside the stuck man.

"I lift, you push yourself out, okay?" Conner said to the wide eyed man, not waiting to hear him say anything for he got hold of the truck and lifted it. 'It's light too!' He observed for he felt he could have lifted it with one hand and he couldn't even heave. The man quickly pulled himself away from the truck before he started crying in both relief and pain.

"Medics will arrive soon," Conner said before going to the frozen car and ripping the car's door off. Immediately, thick smoke flowed out followed by the two occupants coughing up a storm.

"Thank you," one of them managed to say in amidst his coughing fit. That genuine thank you struck Conner deep in his heart, making him freeze. In his former life, he was a waste of space, doing nothing but waste away in his parent's basement. He never did anything that would garner such sincere gratitude, it brought him to shock. Then, a feeling of wanting to do this more was planted but before it could grow, he woke up to reality.

'Get a grip, Conner. The world isn't just black and white. You need to be careful and be hard hearted to everyone or else you will be hurt, again,' he reminded himself.

"Take a moment to calm down then get away from here. If you can carry that man with you if the ambulance will not have arrived," he said neutrally before taking to the sky and headed to another place with more victims.

For ten minutes, he flew all over the district, saving everyone that could be saved and in the case of really fire cases, he immediately flew them to a hospital as fast as he could, which meant the city was filled with sounds of breaking the sound barrier for a while. But, after ten minutes, he had done the best he could and most people were saved. As he looked at the district below him with a small smile on his face, the sound of something breaking made him look at the direction, only to see Hulk had tackled the Abomination through a four storeyed house. Apparently, the house decided to call it quits for it started tilting over and fall, making him sigh in exasperation.

"Fucking great!" he cursed before flying over to the building, over to the tilting side then started pushing against it. The building groaned into a stop as he pushed it back in place.

"You need to all get out, now!" he yelled at the occupants of the building, making them quickly get back to their senses and start scurrying out.

"Give me a fucking break!" Conner sighed as he saw an army helicopter zigzagging right towards the building. Using his X-ray vision, he saw it had armed missiles on it meaning the moment it hit the building it would explode and take out a couple of blocks too!

"Fuck!" he exclaimed as he saw soldiers inside, the pilots frantically trying to stabalize the heli to no avail. Conner's eyes turned red before two laser beams shot out of them and hit the heli right into its fuel tank, cutting through it as easily as breathing. He saw the look of horror the soldiers gave him before the heli exploded, a shockwave slammed into him and the biding he was carrying, almost making it tilt to the other side if he had not gotten a former grip onto it.

"Fucking hell!" Conner cursed as he looked at the falling ball of fire and the shrapnels caused by the explosion with a grim look.