

My name is Adam. A multi-millionaire and assassin referred to as Blood Rain in the underground. Discover how I, who has purged all emotions, goes through alterations and falls in love for the first time.

Eric_Mantswe · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Blood Rain

ten years on

Cape Town, South Africa, 2000 hours

A happy family of three dined together. The father, mother, and Maria, the gorgeous little girl, made up the family. Maria, the kid, appeared to be about eight years old, with a father in his forties and a mother in her late twenties. Servants dressed in tight, expensive-looking attire gave them food that only the wealthy can afford. The table was piled high with delectable cosines. Sparkling grilled chicken and gobs of meat, golden pasta with a seductive aroma, and much more. It was obvious that only a portion of the food would be consumed, with the remainder going to waste. They didn't appear to mind at all. This family was undoubtedly wealthy, and this was just their family nom.

"Mom, today is the best day of my life!" Maria exclaims joyfully. Her smile and vitality convey her overjoyed expression.

"Naughty Maria, sit back in your chair!" "What made you so excited?" Maria's mother inquired.

"Lerato, let her have some fun; she rarely uses similes like this." "Look at her, isn't she an angel?" exclaimed Maria's father.

"Yes! Father is correct; allow me to have some fun today. "Do you know why I'm so happy?" Maria inquired.

"No, no, no. "Tell us what got my daughter so worked up today," Maria's mother, Lerato, said.

Maria's father nodded in agreement, "Yes, tell us."

"I was finally accepted into the school's premier chess team." Maria screamed at the top of her lungs, "Thy number one ranking team in the city and still growing stronger!" Her echo echoed throughout their vast home.

"That's great, Maria!" exclaimed both parents.

Maria's father grabbed up his daughter and hugged her like a teddy bear, saying, "My cute little doll come out here let daddy huge you tight."

"I know you're excited, but if you hug me that tightly, you won't have a daughter to hug." You are sucking the life out of me. "Let me go!" exclaimed Maria.

Meanwhile, a mysterious person crept into the manor, stabbing and hacking all the servants as he went. Only a blood trail was left behind. The killings were silent and swift as if a breeze of death had just passed by. As he sliced through his victims, he showed no mercy or hesitation. The neck, heart, eyes, and crouch are all affected. He was hitting the crucial parts of his targets accurately.

"By the way, mum and dad, why is it suddenly quiet?" The retainers are generally loud, but they are now quite quiet. "It's too quiet," Maria said.

"You know what, darling, you are correct. Alex! Alex! Alex! This is strange; let me investigate." Maria's father stated.

"Ok be quick darling we are waiting for you", Lerato stated.

Maria's father left to look for the servants. He went through numerous rooms but found no trace of them.

"This is strange; where could the servants be?" When I locate them, they're going to have to explain themselves." remarked Maria's father quietly.

Maria's father went to the servants' outhouse to see whether they were there. It was dark when he arrived. The entire block's lights had been turned off.

"What exactly is this?" "Are they sleeping on the job?" Maria's father wondered inwardly.

He strode carelessly inside the outhouse, opening the main door. He hunts for the light switch with his hands on the wall because it is dark. He stumbled and fell on his buttocks while searching.

"Ouch! What on earth was that supposed to be?! Did they splash water on the floor and then leave it alone? When did my servants become so careless? And… "This water is very sticky, I say," Maria's father said.

He found the light switch and turned it on. When he turned around, something completely out of his imagination occurred. His face had assumed the colour of a corpse. His grasp loosened. His eyes welled up with tears. The nose began to wet. His legs wobbled like squishy rubber. His trousers were stained with yellow pee. His servants' bodies lay cold on the floor. The lovely tiled floor was covered in a pool of blood.

A man covered in blood arrived from the corridor. His footsteps were like an echo in Maria's father's ears. His footsteps created blood trails on the snow-white tile as he walked. Maria's father attempted to scream to alarm his family, but before a sound could escape his mouth, his head began to spin on the floor.

Meanwhile, back at the table.

"Why is Dad taking so long, Mom? He should have arrived by now." Is Daddy all right? Last time he almost got...", Maria murmured worriedly, clutching her mother's waist.

"Don't worry, honey; your father will be here shortly." He had only gone to check on the servants. Nothing is going to happen to him. Besides that, this home is guarded by the finest guards in the country." Lerato said this while trying to console Maria. She was worried, even though she tried to hide it; after all, her husband had been gone for nearly an hour. Her husband was nearly assassinated just a month ago.

"OK, mum, if you say so." Maria murmured.

They were discussing when they heard the door behind them open.

"You see, honey, your father has returned." Where have you been all this time, honey? "Do you know how worried I was?" Maria's mother sighed.

Maria's mother landed heavily on her feet almost instantly and without warning. Her head dropped down to the intruding man's feet like a bowling ball. Where the head used to be, a fountain of blood poured.

Maria was frozen in place, unable to scream or move. She just stood there still. The unexpected jolt caused her to freeze in terror. Slowly, the man approached Maria. He fixed his gaze on Maria. The man's eyes were frosty. When compared to the spine-chilling glare this man gave off, even a dead man's eyes seemed more alive.

He swung his hand high and slashed Maria's head in two, severing the top part totally, without hesitation or remorse for the terrified little child.

The man took his phone from his right pocket. And called a private number.

"Blood Rain since I received your call, I take it that the mission was a success." Said the voice on the other end of the phone.

Blood Rain replied, "Yes."

"Excellent! That's exactly what I'd anticipate from a man with your reputation. The deadliest man alive, with a 100% success rate in the assassination of any tier!" exclaimed the man behind the call. "You know, Adam, you're made of gold. I am only this wealthy because of you. All you have to do now is keep murdering and letting the money flow. "Ha ha ha!" exclaimed the man on the other end of the phone.

"Now, if you're finished, do you mind if I end the call?" I'd like to depart. And I warned you not to call me Adam anymore. "I no longer use that name." Adam expressed his rage.

"Hello, big man. Okay, I'm sorry. Let me notify the authorities then..." stated the man before Adam disconnected the phone in the middle of their chat.

"This guy is seriously annoying!" Adam thought to himself.