
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · Kỳ huyễn
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104 Chs

066-A good day of adventures...

—Do you know how to use this information, Adam?—the bear asked, looking the boy in the eye.

Adam thought about the question, but he didn't understand that he was looking to achieve the bear, so he simply shook his head.

Also, the boy knew that the bear could be lying. Now Adam's plan was to get to safe territory and ask his godfather and the old man with no eyes. That way to see if it was true (or not) the information that this magical book would kill him.

—Now that you know there are insecure books, you could see if the rest of the books you got are safe or not—the bear answered calmly—do you have any idea how to achieve it?

—No. The old man without eyes doesn't tell me the content of the books—Adam replied, he didn't want to follow the same fate as his teacher.

—You have two copies of each book: one infinite from the cave and the other original—the bear answered his own question—don't think about it too much now. But when you grow up and decide to stop being a hero, the idea will arise on your own.

Adam didn't answer, he didn't understand what the bear meant, and before he could ask anything the bear interrupted him.

—Even though the old man without eyes won't tell you the contents of the book… —answered the bear while drinking alcohol for a long time—If he values you more than a toy maker, he will tell you that it is a cursed book and not a magical one. But he's not going to do it: he's going to try to kill you. That is the final use of any information: to remind you of your place in the world.

—You could also lie to me and that the effects are not those—Adam answered, reflecting on why the bear wanted to put him against the old man without eyes.

—You're right—answered the bear—you just have to ask your godfather, and you will know the truth.

—But my godfather is a liar—Adam answered with even more doubt.

Long ago the boy had realized that: his godfather was a horrible person, and today he only confirmed his suspicions. What kind of inhuman monster would send a 15-year-old boy to skin a person just for booklets. Most likely, the bomb was a lie too.

—I don't doubt it—answered the bear immediately—Then discover your own truth: find out about the toy makers.

—And how do I do that?—Adam asked if he couldn't trust the old man or his godfather.

—No idea—answered the bear with his hoarse voice—Discover a way to learn it. There is still a long way to go before you get the black robe, you couldn't even understand the cursed book.

Adam opened the book to look at the language and indeed it was in an unknown language, Adam couldn't understand anything. The language didn't resemble that of the black book, it was more similar to that of the middle floors, so Adam thought it's probably the language of these lower floors.

—Don't worry so much and go back to the cave. You already secured the booklets— Commented the bear watching the boy open the book— For the rest: Goodbye, Adam, we will probably never see each other again.

Saying that, the bear swam away on the ground. Adam guessed that the bear would look for the mushrooms when the sheep finished going through the contents of the suitcase.

The boy looked around and remembered that he was on a floor full of lunatics, running with what was left of his strength he went to the stairs, to then slowly ascend and reach the cave.