
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · Kỳ huyễn
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Adam happily nodded and prepared to speak to his godfather. With pencil in hand, he explained the situation. Luckily for the boy with 40 pages read, he could already have a normal conversation with his godfather.

'I'm not a bookshelf, I don't know any' His godfather answered, 'But don't trust the old man without eyes. The bookshelves love those booklets more than the librarians. Little books don't die of old age, we can't stand more than a blink of an eye for the shelves'

Adam read carefully, after so much time he knew that his godfather distrusted even the shadows, so his attitude did not seem strange to him. He took the pencil in his hand and asked, 'But is there no way to see one?'

'Yes, there is' His godfather replied, 'Go and wait on the stairs until you see him calling you. Don't get impatient, the war will last much longer than your life. They will participate only in the initial stage, and this is the best stage. Remember: our target is the bookshelves that have waited 50,000 years for this moment on that floor. They are patient and will notice that you are more helpful than any other librarian'

Adam took a long time to read the long paragraph, and his sponsor wrote several paragraphs with similar words to try to communicate the message as clearly as possible. After a while, Adam understood most of it and asked:

'Why am I more useful?'

'For the Baron' His godfather replied 'The Baron, he broke his rules by hurting a child, and you are that child, which is why you are now untouchable by the librarians, that helps more than you think. Follow the plans, and we'll come out with books that will change your destiny, Adam'

Adam tried to understand the words, but unfortunately he could only understand a part of the message, enough to know that he would be safe or that he understood. Unfortunately, it seemed that his godfather didn't want to talk about the booklets anymore and every time he asked something, only the same message appeared: 'Wait on the stairs. Ask me on the stairs. Study the stairs.'

Adam got tired of asking his godfather and decided to start studying, it was getting more and more complicated and this time according to Professor Aquiles he should reach 60 pages to notice the change in the book, while his classmates would achieve it in 50 pages.

For which Adam had to study 20 more pages and his classmates 10. But according to the teacher, the difficulty was the same.

While Adam was studying. The eyeless old man thought carefully about Adam's godfather's words, but he didn't seem to be bothered by his mistrust. They were both looking for the same thing: magical books. And while that was happening he didn't have to bother him, his plan wasn't that bad from his perspective.

Although he might not get anything if no bookshelf dared to trust Adam. But wars were long for librarians and the boy would probably die before he saw the end of it, so opportunities would not be lacking.