
Active Skills not Required

Asan was a 18 year old boy that just graduated high-school and on the way home after his graduation ceremony he is crushed by a collapsing building.

lSpacel · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

"Building" a New Life

Asan woke up. It was a saturday as he stood up and went to the bathroom to get ready. He looked in the mirror and saw a well-chiseled tanned face as well as green eyes and messy black hair. He got a shower, brushed his teeth and felt an air of freedom from his situation.

Asan just graduated high-school and is heading towards his school for the final time for his graduation ceremony. He finally arrived after 5 minutes of driving and walked into the locker room to get changed into his cap and gown for graduation. He get changed and walked out into the hall for his graduation.

Asan sat down in his assigned seat for graduation and waited for the seats to fill.

After 15 Minutes of waiting everyone was there and the principal of the school walked out onto the stage. Thr principal then said, "We would like to congratualte the class of 2031 on graduating from Northdale High School" after that was said, applause erupted from the audience and there was a 3 minute window where the people did not stop clapping.

The principal then called everyone up to the stage and eventually it was Asan's turn to go up. the principal said, "Asan Salor, congratualtions on graduating from Northdale Highschool with a honirs diploma and 5 Class credits for college under your belt, we hope tou continue on the academic path."

Asan took his diploma and continued on with his day as he was finally free from the shackles of school life. Asan went outside and went to a Càfe to celrbrate his success as he had nobody to celebrate with him. Hus parents died when he was a bit younger and he barely had any actual "friends" in school. Asan ordered a Cappuccino with a slice of strawberry cheesecake which he always enjoyed as his phone went off. Asan picked up, "Hello what is up?" the person over the phone said, "you forgot your resume you printed out for college applications at the school!" Asan quicly responded, "Oh! Shit! I'll be right there!"

Asan paid the bill and ran out of the Càfe at top speed he ran in the directiin of the school, but all of a sudden there was a shadow looming over him as he looked around and saw nobody at all. Asan looked up and saw the building right next to him start to fall in his direction. Asan didn't have anytime to think before hundreds of tons crushed his body to a fine pulp.


Asan woke up. which he didn't expect from the events prior to this moment. He looked around and saw nothing as he screamed out loud, "AM I BLIND!" and he looked down and realised he couldn't feel his arms... or his legs... or anything at all...

Asan being a lone wolf all of highschool took to webnovels, anime, and manga, as well as video games to keep him occupied so he looked around in a daze as he realised where he might be but he doesn't want to jump to conclusions right away as he dosen't wa t to jinx himself.

Asan then felt an extreme tiredness wash over him like he never felt before in his life, but he felt like hr fell asleep this time he wouldn't wake up ever again as he fought with all of his willpower to resist this force. As soon as the wave came it receeded and he felt invigorated like never before as a bright beam of light shot through the dark landscape illuminating everything perfectly making the once dark space completely white.

As the entire void illuminated a man wearing a bright blue kimono with long grey hair walked out from nowhere. The old man said, "Hello, sorry for the inconvenience, I accidentally knocked down a building while protecting the world from a different god so i will grant you 4 wishes ir something like that.. Im new to this whole thing because, I always tried to minimize collateral damage."

Asan thought for a moment before saying, "Hey! Unfaur I just died like that! And did you say god!?!" The old man in response said, "Yeah im a God, to be specific im the god of Entertainment, Specifically online entertainment like, Video games, Anime, Webnovels, and Manga. Anyways state your wishes"

Asan thought for a second before clearing his throat and nervously saying, "Okay... Here goes nothing.. For my first wish i want a system that will eventually make me one of the strongest beings ever... Second I want the ability to travel the multiverse.... Third I want ti be reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen... and Finally I want to be abke to freely use any type of energy with zero repercussions!"

The Old man said, "Good Wishes... well i'll let ya keep yoir current body and give you a starter pack so don't go asking like a dumbass when you get there if you have one"


830 Words is pretty good for a Prologue anyways... I need sleep its like 2:30AM