

"your highness." I hear my butler calling me as I cover myself with my thick blanket. I hear his footsteps and slams the door as he enter my room.

"Your highness,you must attend the king's wedding at noon." My butler informs me as he opens the curtains and windows. I crawled off to my bed and slowly undressed myself, my butler turns to me and See's me naked but turns back to the window, he clears his throat and his ears turning red. I chuckled "mr. Gavin, are you alright?" I asked as I came closer to him. Mr. Gavin has been our butler for almost 3 months, but there's something that I really like about him, he's very sweet and kind, he's even just 25 years old, and I'm 20 , just 5 years of gap, but that's fine. I actually have a crush on him,but he doesn't know about it and I'm not planning to help him. "Your highness, you're probably going too far on your actions." He whispered, still facing the window and not moving. I got mad and turned my back and wore my robe and marched into the bathroom,

I hate him sometimes, he's very rude!

I hear his footsteps thinking he might follow me inside , to my dismay, he left and slammed the door and hear him cursing. I sigh and took the bell near the table of the tub and rang it. My maids hurriedly runs inside and filled up the tub with warm water and fresh milk. This has been my routine since I was a baby, it never changed.

I lay in the tub as they start to scrub my back and started bathing me.

I am princess Amari, of United kingdom, yes, the royal blood indeed my whole life been a princess maybe I was lucky I was born as a princess but I don't seem to enjoy sometimes.

King Henry the 'V|||' will be marrying the UK's new queen. My mother died 3 months ago because of forest fire, she was inside when the fire started I saw her hurriedly went out but the tree hit her and crushed her body , I was with her that time but I went out earlier than her, I saw her rose up, I wanted to help her but I was too late, she was burning to death.

After minutes of bath, I went out and they started to fix my hair and my gown. I wince as they tighten up the belt around my waist to look slimmer. The maids looked at each other. "My apologies, my lady."she said bowing. "It's okay, carry on." I said looking away. I'm not like my sister Amara that slaps the maids I front of the others because on how clumsy she was, we're both different. Although she's older than me.

After how many hours they finished fixing me up, they went out and left me inside. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror on how magnificent and beautiful my gown was, then my eyes went to the windows where I saw Mr. Gavin, ordering the gardeners to pile up some roses for the evening banquet later, I saw how charming he was, smiling and looking everywhere then wiping his sweats, very handsome.

No wait! I don't like him! I just admire him!that's it! I said to myself then hurriedly downstairs, people were busy designing and placing flowers and bigger chandeliers everywhere..

What's so amazing about this wedding? I look down I saw my father coming closer to me, "you look so lovely dear." The king said while patting my head. I bowed , "thank you father." Then suddenly he held both my hands and said. "I know you love your mother so much, I love her too, but this is for the kingdom, they will need a queen." I looked into his eyes and he was so scary, " of course, decisions are yours my king," I said bowing and left him. "Mother would be so happy for you both." I said turning my head towards him, and I saw him look down. Father hasn't been so hasty before...

I went outside the castle and went into the garden, there I saw Mr.Gavin,

I ran towards him , "Mr.-" I stopped when I saw a woman appeared to his side, I hid silently to the bushes and peeked, what are they talking about? Who is she?what is she to him? I asked myself looking at them seriously.then I hear them leave, I stood and searched for them. "Eavesdropping is bad , my lady." I shooked as I hear him behind me. "When were you there?" I asked him shyly. He looked at his clock. "About 5 seconds my lady." He ran? How come he was so fast? I looked at him seriously. "Who was she?" He smiled at me . "None of your business, my lady." I looked away and thought of wome excuses. "Your my butler so it's fine asking you who she was." He bowed at me and I looked at him. "Perhaps she is special to me, and I hope I am to her, please excuse me." After that he left. I looked down, is he marrying her after that? I asked myself.

After I arrived in the hall the everyone greeted me as i slowly walk towards the entrance. "A lovely afternoon your highness." I bowed to show respect. I searched for the girls and there i saw them looking at me seriously. I went to them, "Reese, how is your brother?" I asked her. I can recall her brother was a caught off guard kissing and raping the maid at the mountain. She looked at me. "She's doing as fine as he is, I hear he is planning to court you my Amari." She said looking at the other girls, prince Nathan was so handsome, although because of his actions I find him very ugly. Poor little girl, she had nothing to do but look for carrots and apples into the forest ended being trashed by the prince, I thought to myself facing Reese, how I'd love to slap that to her face.as I avert my eyes to the crowd I see my sister Amara, wearing such a revealing gown showing her cleavage to the people and very open-wided back. "What a scandalous." I hear paytoon whispering to Rosie, they looked at me and looked away.

What's new to my sister?

Aah, she also likes Mr. Gavin, and she's proud of it. Seducing him Everytime she's with him.

And she's trying to make him hers...secretly.