
Titan Envoys (2)

Lan Xiang did not expect the War Maiden Sect to show him such aggression. He knew their sects were almost equally matched, but the War Maiden Sect was known for its calm attitude. He clenched his fist at Amelia's declaration. 

He asked, "What gives you the courage to say that to me?" 

Amelia smiled and replied, "The fact that I can invoke the sect defense array and then the Immortal Sovereigns and Emperors here can kill you in the name of self-defense because you barged in our land. The fact that Martial Alliance will stand beside us in the hearing gives me the courage to call you out, Sect Master Lan. If you finish your act, please leave and do not make any other shady move in the territory of War Maiden Sect. As you know, we carry War in our name."