
Killing Spree.

The trio ran away from the spot, and a few people decided to give chase. It turns out that a few races had advantage in terms of speed and were catching up. The Terran noticed this and took out his Dao Swords. 

He said, "Brother Tian, Sister Ming, step on to one of these blades. I will handle the pursuers." 

The two nodded, they got on the two swords and their speed increased a little. Shi Lang used the seven other Dao Swords to attack and defend the team from incoming attacks simultaneously. 

The pursuers were prepared and used their own defense, but Shi Lang quickly figured ways around to break the defense and kill them. He was so cruel that he basically chopped the corpses in multiple sections. 

He did not use his flame seed, because not every card was to be displayed until and unless it was necessary. Shi Lang knew this fact and abided by it also. As they travelled farther away from the city, the frequency of the attacks became lesser.