
Juan Xi.

Shi Lang finished searching the soul of the two people and then he vanished inside the woods. He did not bother hiding the corpses because if someone came here, they will definitely die, as he rigged them with phaser-nades. 

Shi Lang used his sensory ability to the max and began to hunt the group of Juan Family. He was as silent as a snake in the night. Lao Yuesha was also inside the illusion formation and she could see what he was doing and she was surprised. 

Just when she was marveling at the fact that Shi Lang was able to hold his own against the enemy a calm voice sounded next to her, "Rainbow worm, what are you doing here?" 

Lao Yuesha sighed and said, "Tabby, can you look at yourself before you call me names?" 

Beside her appeared a tabby cat with matted fur. She suddenly shook and her fur was cleaned. Her eyes looked drowsy and she perched herself on the tree branch lazily.