

Shi Lang lay on the ground, his breathing was deep and steady. The others woke up slowly, and Jenkins was the first to wake up, and then he helped others regain consciousness. Amelia came to check on Shi Lang and Jenkins said, "He is awake, but seems to be in deep cultivation. We need to evacuate here and find a place to hide." 

Quinn said, "Jenkins is correct, let us move out. Thankfully we crashed in the mountains and have a decent cover. Darcx, you are a secret division operative. You will bring up the rear and ensure that you do not leave any traces. Everyone put your visors on thermal, Amelia will be our scout. I will bring up the flanks with Nexa, Jenks you carry Captain." 

Her aura was calm, and the people were all alert. Quinn was the second in command if Shi Lang was unable to command the team. Amelia heard the order and immediately she turned invisible and rushed forward into the mountains.