

After a week, Shi Lang was sitting in the garden under the tree like always. Hou Bing asked him, "Lang, what do you think about these seven children?" 

Shi Lang replied after sipping on a cup of wine, "They are good." 

Hou Bing sighed and said, "Can you give me something more substantial?" 

Shi Lang looked at her and said, "They have good foundation. Unlike the rest of the geniuses in their clans, these seven have the least usage of elixirs, their skills are earned by themselves through hard work. Also, the most distinguishing trait they have is a battle sense." 

Hou Bing asked, "What do you mean? Doesn't every cultivator has a battle sense." 

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "The people who have spent too much time on the sidelines watching the others fight, they develop a sense of what their enemy can do, and they have an easy time understanding the other people which aids them in sharpened teamwork."