

Shi Lang took Cara back to the Den, where Amelia started to perform all the checks on her. The girl was very cooperative during the procedure and Zysha finally got herself peace when the spacesuit was taken off to show her resentment, she clawed Shi Lang's butt, however, did not injure him. 

The young man took the data storage device given to him by Cara to the meeting room, Rosa, Quinn, and Jenkins was with him, along with Ameris. Besides them, one more person was present in the room. This person was Claut. 

The new director of the intelligence department. Jenkins asked, "Did you get the intel?" 

Shi Lang nodded and said, "It is all inside this drive." 

He tossed a coin-like device to Jenkins, the young man nodded and placed it on a device attached to the side of the table. Soon, the center of the table was illuminated and it displayed clear data regarding the military strength and some crucial details such as weapons of mass destruction.