
Ace of Diamond: Sign In for World-Class Fastball at the Start

Lin Tian travels to the world of Diamond Ace. Start the activation system and sign in to "World-Class Fastball". Due to his outstanding ability, in the red and white competition for new players to join the team, they were qualified to be promoted to the first army with only one goal. From now on! Lin Tian embarked on a journey to dominate the country! ... Kataoka: The first time I saw Lin Tian, ​​I thought he was Qing Dao's ace! Miyuki: Lin Tian is the best pitcher I've ever seen, no one! Falling Valley: I thought I had the fastest ball speed. Lin Tian made me realize that there is someone out there! Sawamura: Lin Tian is my idol all my life, I learned all my skills from him! Cheng Gongming: In front of Lin Tian, ​​I can always only be ranked second! -----------MTL----------- (Novel Translation) Author: 采提莫的小学生

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30 Chs

Chapter 3 Check-In The Next Day, World-Class Sprinting

"I hope tomorrow's sign-in reward will be world-class ball control, in that case, you can shoot anywhere you want!"

"No, physical strength is also very important! It's better to get world-class physical strength first!"

Lin Tian felt his own physical strength and found that it was abnormally large.

Maybe 10 more shots and exhaustion.

To know.

There are 9 innings in baseball.

And 1 inning will face 3 batters.

To eliminate a batter, it takes 3 strikes.


In 1 inning, 9 strikes are needed.

But Lin Tian's ball control is not very good, and there is a high probability of hitting the bad ball area.

So 1 game down.

The number of balls Lin Tian threw is definitely more than a dozen.

Such an analysis.

Lin Tian's strength is strong.

But his physical strength could not support even 1 game.

"If it's the next sign-in."

"You can't get physical strength and ball control."

"The subject before the summer competition."

"It's just physical training and ball-handling training."

Finished thinking.

Lin Tian came back to his senses.

Then I saw the assistant coach calling me.

"I'm sorry, I just lost my mind, what's the matter?"

Lin Tian stepped forward and asked.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to ask you, how many times can you shoot this kind of ball in a row without taking a break?"

The assistant coach repeated the question just now.


"Also, I have poor ball control."

"So what I need most right now is my stamina and ball control."

Lin Tian expressed his point of view succinctly.


The assistant coach nodded and said, "But in order to better understand your physical limit, I hope you will be able to pitch the ball with all your strength until exhaustion."

Lin Tian nodded: "Yes."

The words fall.

He's back on the mound.

The full-throwing mode is turned on again.

And Jiang Guxiao, who just lost to Lin Tian in ball speed, was very unconvinced.


When he deliberately pitched the ball, he threw the ball with Lin Tian.

But unfortunately!

No matter how hard he tries!

No matter how unhappy he is!

The ball thrown together with Lin Tian is always Lin Tian's ball first to the catcher's position!

10 in a row.

No one surpasses Lin Tian.


Although the ball speed lost.

But in terms of physical strength, Xiao Gu Xiao won.

at this time.

Lin Tian was sweating like rain, and his arms were as heavy as lead.

Want to pitch again.

He couldn't lift his right hand.

Jiang Guxiao was much better. Although there was a lot of sweat, there was still a lot of power in his body.

But Lin Tian was not discouraged either.

After all, Xiaogu Xiao has played baseball since he was a child.

So many years of training, of course, is not for nothing.

And the body that Lin Tian crossed over.

I haven't been trained since I was a child, and it's normal to have poor physical fitness.


Physical victory.

It didn't make Xiaogu Xiao happy.

Because what he values most is the speed of the ball!

But in this respect, it was completely defeated by Lin Tian!

Therefore, Xiao Gu Xiao has secretly made a decision, the next pitching training must be doubled, he will definitely surpass Lin Tian!


After the aptitude test.

The assistant coach began to arrange pitching practice.

Since each pitcher has different strengths and weaknesses, so does the training content.

Schedule training.

The assistant coach went to the A court with the test data of the freshmen.


The ability of Lin Tian and Xiaogu Xiao.

Report truthfully to head coach Tetsushin Kataoka.

"In the aptitude test, two pitchers performed extremely well."

"One is Xiao Gu Xiao."

"His fastest ball speed is 150km/h, but he has poor ball control."

"The other is Lin Tian."

"His ball speed is faster than Akatsuki Fukugu, reaching 158km/h, but his ball control is also very poor, and his physical strength is quite weak. He has no strength to shoot 11 consecutive balls."

After listening to the report.

Kataoka Teshin's spirit was shaken.

The ace pitcher he had always wanted to find finally appeared!

Although in the assistant coach's debriefing.

The two pitchers weren't strong enough on the ball, and one of them was weak.

But the ball control and physical strength can be practiced!

Only ball speed!

This thing is pure talent! !

"Their training content is arranged by you first."

"When you can't make progress, come and find me again."

"By the way, the amount of training should be gradual, don't pull the seedlings to encourage growth."

Kataoka Teshin warned earnestly.

"Well, I know that."

The assistant coach smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll go over to supervise their training first."

"Well, let's go."


Day 2.

Under the arrangement of the assistant coach.

Lin Tian started hard physical training and ball control training.

3rd day.

The same is true.

Day 4.

It's still a training of physical strength and ball control.

And in the passage of day.

Every day's sign-in has allowed Lin Tian to obtain many precious rewards.

[Ding...Sign in on the 2nd day, reward [world-class sprint]! ]

[Ding...Sign in on the 3rd day, reward [world-class bunts]! ]

[Ding...Sign in on the 4th day, reward [national power]! ]

[Ding...Sign in on the 5th day, reward [national-level ball control]! ]

[Ding...Sign in on the 6th day, reward [world-class response]! ]

[Ding...Sign in on the 7th day, reward [national-level physical strength]! ]

Every day goes by.

Lin Tian's strength will be improved.

He liked the feeling of getting stronger while lying down.


Lin Tian still plays the role of a freshman.

Low-key on the seventh day of physical training and ball control training.

after all.

Day 6 was still poor ball control and stamina.

It suddenly became very strong on the 7th day, which was too weird.


In order to allow others to accept his changes.

Lin Tian despite getting national-level ball control and stamina.

But on the seventh day of training, it also showed some improvement.


[Ding! ]

[You have completed the 8th day sign-in! ]

[Reward [world-class guts]! ]

When the sound of the system falls.

Although Lin Tian did not notice any changes in himself.

But the previous rewards are all real.

So he believed.

The system definitely didn't frame him.

as predicted.

During the strike training in the morning exercise.

Lin Tian found out.

Serve facing the ball machine.

I dared to lean closer.

It's obviously [world-class guts] at work.

"Bunts, sprints, guts, reflexes."

"After these four abilities are world-class, in high school-level games, the success rate of hitting and stealing bases should exceed 90%, right?"

Think of this.

Lin Tian is looking forward to the game more and more.