
Accursed Heritage

[Thou shall perish like the Tarnished…] [I Have Made The Foolish Mistake Of Trusting A Tarnished…] [Oh, Foul Tarnished…] *** An orphan by the name of June found himself swept into the wretches of the Ark, a magical world that connected its existence to the world from which he came… the Mortal Realm. Realizing he was a dead man, he accepted his fate… only, his fate turned out to be drastically different than what he had expected. In fact, it offered him an opportunity to live, something he thought wasn’t possible. But with such an opportunity, came a cost, and his… well, was a dark one.

Voiidtwo · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Life Is A Fragile Thing

The girl wrapped her finger around her pigtails, curling them as she swayed slightly in place. 

She wore a small jacket with a feathered hoodie and some pajamas to go with it, tucked into a pair of yellow boots that were bigger than her face.

"That's my mommy right there…"

She turned and pointed to the bench across from them where her mother sat, burying her face in her hands as her shoulders trembled from her sobbing.

"She's a little sad right now, but she said she will be okay."

The little girl was very understanding of the situation.

She had left her mother alone to allow her the opportunity of grieving her son that had passed.

June was at a loss for words. He didn't really know how to talk to children, especially one so advanced at that. She seemed much different than he was at her age.

"What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?"

June politely asked.

The little girl turned back toward him and said:

"My name is Tess."

Without asking, she then walked over to the side and tried to climb onto the bench. In the process of trying, she let out small groans of effort, struggling to fully get up.

A bit hesitant, June eventually helped her up himself, seating her just beside him.

A few seconds later, she let out a sigh of relief as if she had just finished an intense workout, swinging her feet that failed to touch the ground.

"How about you mister… what's your name?"

She asked as she continued swinging her feet back and forth.

He couldn't help but find her actions a bit amusing. She was very clumsy in nature yet quite mature.

"... My name is June."

He finally replied, sticking out the palm of his hand to shake hers.

She obligingly responded, placing her small hand on his and shaking it.

"Are we friends now, Mister June?"

June chuckled a bit from hearing her call him mister.

Grinning, he said:

"Sure, why not?"

With that, he let go of her hand as if finalizing their sudden deal of friendship.

After that, they spent some time in each other's company, sitting in complete silence. 

Usually, June would find it annoying to be in the company of another person, but this wasn't so bad. She wasn't annoying or rude in any way, despite being the daughter of a District citizen.

Rather, her presence alone was enough to somehow quell the anger that he had felt.

Kids his age who grew up in one of the three Districts always came off as spoiled and egotistical, as if the world revolved around them.

It was why June preferred staying outside the Districts, where he didn't have to worry about the Ark, Ascenders, or any spoiled brats.

But Tess — despite her young age, was clearly different. Unlike the others, she knew what loss was, and that the cost of it could never be paid back. Ever.

Although it was a very sad thing to go through, it was a lesson only genuine souls understood.

"T-Tess… what're you doing, get over here, now."

Suddenly, her mother spoke, sniffling as she did.

She was truly a mess, and rightfully so.

"But mommy, I'm hanging out with Mister June…"

For the first time since June met Tess, she showed she was actually her age. 

"Tess, honey, don't make me tell you again."

The mother didn't pay June any attention.

She kept her gaze on Tess, keeping her tone calm.

Instead of listening to her mother, though, Tess puffed up her cheeks, pouting once more.

"But mommy…"

It was definitely easy for June to see her for her age now. Perhaps she wasn't as mature as he had thought.

"Go on Tess, it was nice hanging out with you."

June reached his hand out once again, his palm facing flat.

"Go back to your mom."

He waited for her to take his hand… which she did, but not without puffing out her cheeks some more.

June helped her down the bench, making sure she didn't fall, before watching her skip to her mother and dive into her arms.

Tess's mother gave a small nod to June and even whispered a silent thank you for keeping Tess company as she hugged her child.

He nodded in return, but he felt sad.

For some reason, her small gesture made his heart feel heavy.

'Damn it June…'

He knew why too.

"June, a moment, if you will."

Out of the blue, Winston spoke, standing just beside him as if he had appeared magically through thin air.

Acting like he hadn't been caught off guard, June replied with a displeased tone:


Winston nodded before saying:

"I've chosen to hide the information about your… peculiar awakening from the world so you don't receive any media attention. And as for your future… well…"

Winston suddenly sighed and sat down next to June.

June hadn't known Winston for long, but this was quite out of character despite that.

"I'm sure you despise your parents, and I don't blame you. But, it wouldn't hurt to at least see them, would it?"

Winston asked, wondering if there was even a chance for him to reconsider.

'Meeting my parents again…'

He didn't want to. At least, mostly. 

However, he'd be lying if he said there wasn't a part of him that did want to see them, because a small — very small part did. 

The short encounter with Tess only made that feeling more apparent.

She had lost a brother, and a father… if she were in his shoes, she'd love for an opportunity to see her parents together one last time.

Besides, June had eleven years to live.

It wouldn't hurt to see his own parents one last time.

"Well, I'm sure… it wouldn't hurt to see them."

Although a bit reluctant at first, June eventually agreed. 

Seeing them wouldn't change how he felt, but it was like Winston said… it wouldn't hurt.

No matter what, he wasn't planning on staying with them, never again. He'd rather stay inside the belly of that damned Great Serpent than stay with his parents.

But, he was willing to meet with them.

"Alright, let's be off then."

Winston stood back up and walked off, looking back to see if June was following.

Which he would, at his own pace.

June stood up, stretched a bit, and looked over to Tess.

"See ya Mister June."

She was already waving goodbye to him.

With a small smile, June returned her goodbye with a wave of his own.