
Infinite Purgatory

They were now seated across from one another, resting near the ghostly flame that spread its warmth throughout the small alcove.

Outside, the daylight had long faded, inviting the darkness. The only source of light now was the campfire barely piercing through the darkness of the night.

As they sat in silence, listening to the faint crackling of the fire, June was processing everything the girl named Gemm had explained to him.

Apparently, Infinite Purgatory was much worse than he had thought. In fact, when he first heard Gemm describe it, he refused to believe it.

Basically, Infinite Purgatory was a place where an incalculable number of Dimensions existed, imprisoning those who were stuck within it… like a vast maze of different spaces.

What's even more troubling was that each Dimension holds different things, surprising those who venture within it every single time.

For example, the Dimension Gemm and June were currently in inhabited things beyond their knowledge… from vile creatures to decrepit settings, as well as natural causes and so forth.

Now, imagine an endless amount of Dimensions inviting much more on top of that. June couldn't fathom it.

Which was why these Dimensions were unique in their own way. Each one held a certain element to it that would undoubtedly drive a mortal insane.

What's even more bizarre was Gemm had somehow lived within the Infinite Purgatory for a year now. She had survived, persevered, and experienced many things that couldn't be described simply with words. And unlike June, she had been tossed in without any knowledge in the first place.

Then there was the Shift… if the Dimensions weren't already mind boggling enough, this had definitely done it.

Gemm had already explained to June that the Shift was basically a wave of teleportation that's caused by so many Dimensions collapsing on one another. Anyone with an awakened soul who is "scanned" by this wave is teleported away, far into a new Dimension which completely jars their brain and destroys whatever path they were on.

Thankfully, it's avoidable. Although, that's what June's mind was trying to wrap itself around, struggling to comprehend it.

Within the vast cluttered Dimensions that seemed to stretch infinitely, there were what Gemm referred to as Communing Idols. They were basically small carved statues that exude a strong aura, made purely from an indestructible ebony stone, resembling a deity of sorts.

At least, that's how Gemm described them.

Throughout every Dimension, these Communing Idols were randomly placed in certain locations, granting those who Commune with it an immunity from the upcoming Shift. 

However, it was not that simple, unfortunately.

Although the Communing Idol provides a mortal with immunity to the Shift, it's only for a certain limit.

Which is where something called Tether comes in. June knew the term Tether as something that's used for keeping a Rift afloat, but that had no relation to the Tether Gemm spoke of.

She described it as a Tether that appears within your Runic Web after Communing with an Idol. 

Thus, it connects one's soul to the previous Idol they communed with, creating a binding of sorts. This Tether then becomes the immunity holder, visibly displaying the limit.

If one ventures too far from the Idol without refreshing the Tether by Communing with the same or new Idol, then it severs. If the mortal also experiences a Shift after communing, the Tether tears, forcing them to repair it by communing once again.

All in all, to avoid the Shift, one would have to treat the Tether as there lifeline. Communing with an Idol was the most important factor in avoiding the Shift.

Except, for Gemm that wasn't the case anymore. Because she had June.

June was immune to the Shift entirely.

He wasn't required to commune with any Idol, nor worry about Tethers.

He remained uncertain as to the exact reason why he was immune, of course, but he definitely felt it related to his Strict Binding.

Whatever else could it be anyway, his Element? That's the only other factor that could be the case.

Regardless, completing the Trial Goal was going to be difficult. Well, the way Gemm put it, it might even be impossible. However, June was immune, so that offered a glimmer of hope not just to the both of them, but to the rest of the people within Infinite Purgatory.

Apart from the imperative information she provided, she also explained that there indeed was a previous batch of Challengers, all who have been stuck within the Infinite Purgatory — within the Trial for quite some time.

Some from a few years back, others just a year ago like her. In any case, Gemm had a plan, which she soon brought up after June let out a sigh as if accepting everything she previously explained.

"For starters, I think it'd be wise for us to create a Personal Tether."

She extended her forearm out to display the mystical shard etched into her skin.

"Personal Tether, now what's that?"

June asked, rolling up his sleeves to display his shard as well.

"Well, it connects my Runic Web to yours basically. This then allows me to clearly see information regarding your whereabouts as well as your status. But, that's not exactly the reason why I want to connect a Personal Tether between me and you."

She brought her forearm back and looked at June.

June understood right away.

He was immune. So, she figured if they had a Personal Tether connecting them, she'd be as well.

After all, June had physically touched her and she hadn't been affected by the Shift, which meant if she were to be connected to his Runic Web that was a part of him, she'd undoubtedly be immune as well.

Yet despite that, June was hesitant.

'Will she see my personal information as well? Or what if she sees my Heritage?'

It was a risk he wasn't willing to take. But at the same time, she'd be doomed without it. In the perils of such a Trial, it wasn't possible for them to always stick close enough where he could physically prevent her from being whisked away by the Shift.

"Anyway, once that's done, we will venture back to where I came from. You see, not only am I lucky enough to have encountered you, but you are as well to have encountered me. I already told you about the previous batch, and, well, I can guide us to a sanctuary where several more mortals reside that's completely immune to not only the Shift but any dark entity."

June tilted his head, surprised.