

It was more packed than he had thought.

The inside was bustling with people either conversing amongst one another or standing in line patiently waiting. 

On one side of the cafe, several seats with circular desks were arranged for smaller groups consisting of friends and couples, their laughter blending with the hum of conversations. 

On the other side, much larger desks were laid in rows for families. 

Each section was separated by a small gap in between, providing a walkway for those who had to get to the front where orders were being taken. 

There were countless bulbs dangling from the ceiling like orbs, illuminating the space, accompanied by the daylight that crept through the glass doors of the cafe.

The floor itself was made of cherry hardwood, while the sturdy walls were adorned with several posters as well as pictures that were taken in the past, conveying a sense of history for the place. 

Along the walls, where a few seats were, there were also large windows exposing the outside for those who wished to enjoy their morning alongside the placid daylight and melting snow.

'It smells quite nice…'

Expectedly, the place smelled of freshly brewed coffee, baked goods, even a subtle and sweet scent of ice cream if June wasn't mistaken.

He had a bit of a sweet tooth for ice cream.

Albeit, he only ever had ice cream a few times — at a very young age at that. However, the thought of its sweet taste made his mouth water... he couldn't help it.

"Jess, June, feel free to find a seat. I'll put in the order for what you guys asked."

With that, they split up. Jessie led June to one of the more secluded spots within the spacious cafe, walking past several people who stared at them.

Well, more so at Jessie than him, which wasn't surprising. 

She held an alluring aura, and she was quite stunning. 

Not to mention her silver hair... which wasn't exactly the most common among people, at least to June's knowledge.

She was the first person he had met with silver-colored hair.

Perhaps it was a side effect from one of her Elements, or not natural in the first place.

Either way, she uniquely stuck out.

In time, they sat down. Jessie had picked a spot at the very corner of the cafe. 

They had a view of the streets outside through a nearby window, as well as a view of everything inside the cafe. A few people were close by, but they weren't as rowdy as the ones further away. They were also much older.

"So, June… now that you've awakened, how do you feel?"

Jessie suddenly asked, crossing her arms and leaning back.

It was a good question.

He felt a lot of things after awakening. The most prominent change, though, was the weight that came with it. He felt heavier in a sense, as if something was holding onto him.

"Hmm, well, I feel sort of… here. Like I'm more real, in a way, you know..?"

He didn't really word it the best possible way, but it was true. He felt more anchored to his soul — felt more... existing. It was a feeling that couldn't really be described with words.

"Sure, of course. And, well, what do you expect to do now, moving forward? Winston has been gracious enough to let you stay under his roof, but an awakened human has a duty…"

June didn't exactly know what she meant by that. 

Perhaps Ascending or becoming a direct worker for the Government?

After all, Winston was an awakened human, and he spent his days working directly under the Government. He was also famous within his current branch, which he mentioned.

"What do you mean..?"

June asked, leaning forward.

Jessie did the same, placing her crossed arms on the desk for support, replying:

"Clearly, you are still young, so nothing major is expected of you. But, kids your age are training — honing their skills in order to become Ascenders. Ultimately, you'll be required to do something, and I'm sure you are aware of that."

She had a fair point. Of course, June didn't just plan on relaxing forever. He had a goal, one he must complete. 

As for being an Ascender... he didn't exactly know what being one meant. 

He heard the term often in the past, aware that it was a direct reference to humans who traversed the Ark in order to fight back against it for the sake of their world. 

But it seemed unrealistic for that to be the only reason. And for June, that definitely wasn't a reason worth fighting for.

"Let me ask you this, what exactly is an Ascender's purpose..?"

Jessie sighed, looking out into the distance.

Before long, she replied:

"Ascenders all differentiate from one another. Some do it for fame and glory, others for money and knowledge, a few for freedom, while most do it simply because they have no choice."

June thought about her answer for a moment. It all seemed plausible, of course. 

Fame and glory were concepts that all humans found appealing, money and knowledge as well. A few fought for the freedom of their world, for a greater good, which was also commendable.

However, being forced to… June didn't understand that. No, he somewhat did, but he wanted an elaboration.

"What do you mean by forced to..?"

Jessie grinned hearing his question. She waited a few moments thinking of an answer, before replying:

"Those that are infected with the energy that spreads from the Ark are forced to begin their Awakening Trial. If not, that dormant energy eventually turns into Cursed Energy, which is highly lethal. They are then either forced to become Ascenders, tasked to fight against it, or drafted into the awakened military upon completing the Awakening Trial…"

June was not aware of that. He knew that the energy that infected a human from the Ark was the sole reason for their Trial and what awakens the basis of it in the first place. But he didn't know that if one refused, they'd be rotted from the inside by Cursed Energy.

Back at the Carecenter, the doctor had explained to him that Cursed Energy was highly lethal, something that was still being studied. There were always new cases concerning it.

"Anyone who is eighteen or older is required to do one of those two things. Most choose to do it earlier than that, though. Anyway, Winston told me you're only sixteen, which makes you the lucky one. But keep in mind, those younger than you are not running away from what they now are."