
Accursed Heritage

[Thou shall perish like the Tarnished…] [I Have Made The Foolish Mistake Of Trusting A Tarnished…] [Oh, Foul Tarnished…] *** An orphan by the name of June found himself swept into the wretches of the Ark, a magical world that connected its existence to the world from which he came… the Mortal Realm. Realizing he was a dead man, he accepted his fate… only, his fate turned out to be drastically different than what he had expected. In fact, it offered him an opportunity to live, something he thought wasn’t possible. But with such an opportunity, came a cost, and his… well, was a dark one.

Voiidtwo · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs


June was led back into the room he had been tested in a while ago.

It was bleak, and there was nothing really eye-catching about it. 

On one side was a long desk with a keyboard and monitor affixed to the wall, displaying a list of files. 

There, a timid man with glasses was seated, clicking away as he scrolled through the list. 

He was the one who had tested June personally.

On the other side was a large reclining bed, with a soft white sheet draping over it and a footrest towards the end. The walls were plain white, with several overhead cabinets that likely held a supply of medicines.

Frankly, it was the equipment they had used earlier that seemed District Two-worthy.

Other than that, everything else was simple.

"Sit, June."

Winston standing in front of him said, gesturing toward a chair that was positioned at the very corner of the room.

June had sat for almost an hour, so instead of listening, he replied:


Hearing his reply, Winston turned to face him. 

"Okay." He said, his expression as stoic as ever.

He simply didn't mind — didn't care.

June liked that about him. Over the last few hours, Winston had earned a minor speck of respect from June, who despised people of his ranking.

Reason being, most whom June encountered with his ranking would've seemed disgusted by him, as if he had shit in their food and spit on their face in front of the entire world. 

Their out-of-this-world egos and supercilious dignity was the only thing that mattered to them; all else be damned.

Soon, Winston looked over to the doctor and nodded.

A second later, the doctor spoke.

"So, June, on the authority of Winston here, I've taken a look at your file."

June gave him a confused look, turning toward Winston.

"My file..?"

June asked, seemingly curious.

He wasn't aware he had one.

"Yes, your file. You've gone through a life-changing ordeal; you are now an awakened human. So, your value is held at a higher level than most."

June didn't like the sound of that.

But at the same time, he did. 


"You see, your file is connected to your biological parents' files. Now that you are an awakened human, we think that your parents would be delighted to take you in."

June clenched his jaw instinctively at the mention of such an idea. 

How could he say it with a smile on his face? 

As if it was normal… like June was some stock that had just now peaked.

"Of course, there's still a chance they might refuse, but they would really have no reason to. The debts that forced them to abandon you in the first place would be wiped with your new value as an awakened human. They're also living happily in District Three, so it wouldn't be a hassle."

The more the doctor spoke, the angrier June got.

"Their file provides me with little information, but enough. They own their own house in a respected spot within District Three. They are also two very respected individuals that have contributed fairly to society to end up where they are now. What's even better fo—"


Not being able to hear anymore, June finally drew a line, telling the man to shut his damn mouth.

June's gray eyes were glued to the ground, his hands balled into fists. Slowly, he brought his gaze up to meet the doctor, making sure to express his boiling anger.

This was why June would always despise those who reside within the treacherous Districts.

All of them were truly detached from reality, like emotionless dolls who only ever cared about status, wealth, and their own dignity above all.

"If there's nothing else for me to do by law, I'm out of here."

With that, June turned around and walked out.

'A debt that forced them to abandon me…'

Once more, he angrily balled his hands into fists, walking down the hall. Not only had they abandoned him, but they did so because of a debt they couldn't afford?

Was June that insignificant to them?! 


Was he that much of a burden that they'd be willing to just toss him aside and move on like he never existed… because of a debt alone?!

As if they hadn't named him, gave birth to him, raised him?

All those moments and memories were just nothing to them, then? 

He was just nothing to them?!

The thought of them living happily ever after in District Three angered June. 

Anger that he had never felt before. 

He wished he had never heard any of that. 

For so long, he lived by simply ignoring what they had done… burying them away like they were just two people of the past with no significant meaning to him.

However, they were. 

Despite their awful wrongdoings, they were his own flesh and blood. That was what made him so angry.

How could someone abandon their own child, leave him, and forget about him completely?

'Do they not feel any guilt..?'

June eventually found himself back on the bench, plopping down with his head hung low as he rested his forearms on his knees. 

He was beat. He had been through an interesting ordeal… so much has happened.

"Eleven years… ha, just take me now…"

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. 

Killing Dusk, taking on the Heritage, his binding to the Ark, all of it. He was still trying to juggle it all, and now this…

"Mister… did you lose someone today too?"

Suddenly, a little girl whispered to him, tapping his knee to get his attention.

Caught off guard, June was a bit startled. 

He brought his head up, noticing a pair of small blue eyes looking back at him.

She was the mothers daughter he had seen not too long ago.

"I lost big brother today… how about you?"

She was frowning, but there were no tears running down her small face. 

No, she was calm, yet understood the gravity of what she had lost. Unlike June, who was wallowing in his own emotions.

Clearing his throat, June replied, his voice soft:

"I lost my parents…"

He mustered up a very small smile and relaxed his face, trying not to scare the little girl away.

"Oh… I lost my papa too, but my mommy said my brother is with him now so it's okay."

June… didn't know how to respond to that.

'This little girl might just be more mature than me.'